Chapter 267
In an instant, a group of quasi-emperors of various clans all murmured secretly in their hearts.

He had a dark face just now, but now he is fine, and he changed his mind immediately when he heard someone praised him.

One is not good, but to send another one, it is really a shameless and contemptuous idea.

But why Mao Laozi didn't give birth to a pair of twins?
Taking a deep breath, Zhundi Zhun of the clans smiled, and the Heavenly Star King said again: "Qin Zhenshou, this matter should be carefully considered."

"How about you think about the Starlight Saintess of our clan?"

"Get out, my family's Great Yan Tiannv."

"There is also Princess Yaoyue, Princess Yaoyue of our clan is a descendant of transcendence."

"Who is not the same?"

In the blink of an eye, a group of quasi-emperors who promoted their favorite sons or daughters from their families became angry.

If there is a disagreement, it is time to come to the end to see which family's charming girl is better, and whose family's charming son is better cultivated.

In the noisy Chunyang Terran Martial Arts School, the noisy words spread.
In the martial arts halls of various clans, the big clans such as gods, demons and spirits, some middle and high-level clansmen sighed slightly
The human race, the major branches of the tens of thousands of years, seems to have the possibility to gather together again. If this happens, the human race will really want to spread its reputation among all races.
Even surpassing the strength of the various races in one fell swoop, reaching a real peak.

"The human race wants to unify?" Namoro asked lightly.

"Indeed, thirty or so of the top [-] tribes of the human race are all in the martial arts hall of the Chunyang human race, discussing marriage matters," a quasi-emperor of the demon race, who is also the person in charge of the Tianjiao trial, said respectfully.

Namo Luo looked up at the sky, and seemed to be able to see the Heavenly City of the Yanhuang Human Race standing in the void.

After a long time, he said slowly: "Is it possible to unify the human race?"

"However, it has nothing to do with my family whether I can do it or not. You can ask Dean Yuchi, I have a little girl who was born just now, if I would like to get married?"

"Master Namora" the quasi-emperor of the Demon Race instantly turned pale with shock.

"That's you, the Great Emperor, the only bloodline descendant, and one of the demon queens?"

"It doesn't matter, Yu Chiwu is also a martial arts emperor, even a martial arts emperor whose strength is still higher than mine, so why not get married?" Na Moluo smiled lightly.

"If it weren't for that guy who has never had a partner of his own, nor an heir"

"Forget it, even if there is, I'm afraid it will be difficult to look up to my daughter. Yu Chiwu is pretty good."

"Let's go first"

"Yes!" The quasi-emperor of the demon clan left the martial arts hall directly.

As soon as he went out, he went straight to the admissions office of Wuhan University in the dungeon. This year, Yu Chiwu personally came to preside over the admissions of this year.

As for the other deans, they are silently watching this Tianjiao Tianlu trial in Tiancheng. If they can find a suitable student and recruit them, it may not be impossible to become a personal disciple.

Regarding the inheritance of martial arts, they don't have much opinion of sects, and now is the time for the ten thousand races to change and blossom.

Pay attention to the views of the sect and not pass on some martial arts secrets to foreigners, I am afraid that soon, the road to great prosperity in martial arts will die prematurely.

This matter is somewhat contrary to the trend of great prosperity they set at the beginning.

As soon as the drink was poured down, Qin Yuan, who was rather drunk, walked slowly back to the tutelary mansion, but as soon as he stepped into the gate of the tutelary mansion, he regained his sobriety, staring at a certain place in the deepest part of the tutelary mansion.
More than a dozen guards appeared next to Qin Yuan one by one, as if they wanted to ask something.

However, he didn't speak for a while, just looking at it silently, Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "It's done!"

"Xiao Luo is married to the two lovely daughters of the Chunyang Gongsun clan, and the rest of the matter will be handled by you."

"The unification of the human race this time is a big policy made by many great emperors. We must not lose anything, otherwise we will all be sinners."

"Don't worry, this matter is the top priority. Although the principal does not participate in the decision-making of the human race, some matters of the human race are shared by the emperors of the Elder Pavilion. It is believed that the principal is also watching silently," a guard said with a smile.

The unification of the human race, many branches of the human race have this idea
Even, every human race wants to integrate the Yanhuang human race into their own human race first, and enjoy the luck of the founding of martial arts.
Maybe in the future, we will be able to focus on our own race and create a lineage of the human race, with no branches at all
The wilderness of the sky, the top of the cloud sky.
Qin Luo trembled instantly, looked at Gongsunqing vigilantly, and asked directly, "What do you want?"

"I don't need a girlfriend. Besides, women can only slow down my cultivation speed. In the future, I want to prove the Dao Emperor, and even transcend those evildoers."

"Don't harm my martial arts, no, absolutely not."

"You Qin Luo, what do you mean?" Gongsunqing's face turned pale instantly, and she almost died of anger.

Good guy, isn't this girl beautiful or has a bad figure? Besides, I want to be your girlfriend with my sister
One flower for two girlfriends, in the future there will be two Taoist couples, or the kind of Taoist couples with beautiful people and good figures, don't you think you are not tempted at all, are you wood or stone?

Qin Luo looked at the phoenix blood golden marrow flower with a sad face, stood up and took two steps back silently, "Just don't keep pestering me if I give you the flower."

"As long as you promise not to be my girlfriend, this flower is yours. I'll help you stop these guys later, and you run away."


"Qin Luo." Gongsunqing shouted angrily.

"Gongsunqing, do you agree or not? Anyway, this matter is absolutely impossible." Qin Luo immediately wanted to escape.

However, the phoenix blood golden marrow flower has not yet fully bloomed, and the effect is not yet at its peak, and besides, I have to rely on it to make a deal, so that the little girl Gongsunqing will not pester me.
If it is gone, then Gongsunqing will have to pester her.

Therefore, we must let it mature, let it be picked by Gongsunqing in due time, stop the other clans' arrogance by himself, and then find a way to escape.
It just so happened that the demon Tianjiao came slowly, and said in a low voice: "Qin Luo, you let us leave the phoenix blood golden marrow flower for us, and we can exchange it with you for a secret sea gold essence."

"Look." The Mozu Tianjiao was very confident about his bid.

"No, this flower belongs to Gongsun Qing now, and I have reached a deal with her, so I can't give it to you." Qin Luo dared to agree.

"Add another blood crystal." Mozu Tianjiao's complexion darkened instantly, his eyes looked at Gongsunqing, and said coldly: "I don't believe you bid more than me."

"This girl caught up with me and my sister, and became his Taoist partner in exchange for this flower," Gongsunqing said coldly.

"No. Don't talk nonsense." Qin Luo wanted to cry but had no tears.

(End of this chapter)

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