Chapter 272 More Terrifying Existence
"Three breaths, shot"

"If this node is broken, the black armor will dissipate by itself"

The golden and red flames burned hotly, a golden light illuminated half of it, and the faint blue light radiated the sound of the sea waves.
Three beams of light fell, and a soft light beam of azure color fell, and in an instant, the light disappeared again.

One after another is dark and smooth, and a statue of black armor slowly walks out of the darkness. The weapons they hold exude a cold light, but there are no traces of gray or gray here.
But there is nothing, and the time of three breaths has already left.

After the dozens of black armors disappeared, a faint glow appeared again.

The Tianjiao of the Four Saint Clans, who had turned into their original forms, walked out of the barrier one by one, and the enchantment of glowing blue light disappeared directly.

Taking a short breath, a celestial arrogance of the Xuanwu tribe whispered: "No, if we continue on like this, we won't get the slightest supplement, and we won't be able to break through the encirclement of the black armor at all."

"I have calculated carefully just now, crossing a street, the intensity of the black armor patrolling will increase slightly."

"Right now, there are four teams of black armor patrolling in one street. Once we can't kill four teams of black armor at the same time, we can't leave this street at all."

"Even if one team is killed, there will be another team to fill the gap immediately."

"That's right, there seems to be some special and strange creatures in this new group of black armors."

Tianjiao of the dragon clan turned into a thin thread, wandering in the shadows, trying to cover up the wood spirit aura on his body.

There is no way, among the dragon clan, the vitality of the Qinglong clan is too strong, it is like a beam of light piercing the sky in the darkness
In just such a period of time, the death and injury of Qinglong's lineage of Tianjiao is almost twice that of the other lines of dragons. The entire Tianguan Second City is definitely not very friendly to them.

A proud member of the Phoenix clan, said in a deep voice, "Are you sure you can attract four teams of black armor at the same time?"

"Three breaths, you must kill all the black armor team"

"In particular, the strange creature that Qinglong just mentioned must be kept. I suspect that it is in the shadow of the black armor team."

Everyone is not a fool, what's more, they are all the top talents among the clans. They may have extremely extraordinary abilities, but they have never shown them.

A strange spirit under a black armor naturally cannot escape their intentional investigation.
What's more, you have to be careful and careful in everything here. Along the way, you have seen countless arrogances of various races, who were besieged and killed by black armored guards, and they fell and were eliminated in an instant.

Although being eliminated does not necessarily mean that one of the students of Wuhan University cannot become one, but no one wants to believe how good their luck really is.

Of course, what's more, no one will feel that they are weaker than other clans' arrogance, and everyone wants to be an existence that goes out on the celestial road trial
Not to mention the position of leader, but he must not be eliminated just like that.

"We must find out the flaws between them, otherwise it will be too difficult to pass."

"Okay, let me try."

The Xuanwu tribe doesn't like to fight with others, and all their cultivation is on the tortoise shell hidden behind their backs.

But practicing Xuanwu True Kungfu, a pair of Xuanwu Heavenly Eyes is naturally extremely powerful, and he was the one who discovered the strange aura flow nodes on Heikai's body just now.

Many Tianjiao of the Four Saint Clans moved forward slowly and hid under the eaves of a dark place. The Tianjiao of the Xuanwu Tribe began to try to use the Xuanwu Tianyan, trying to find out the direct flaw of the black armored guard team.
On the other side, the geniuses of different races also mixed together, and broke through the first flaw of the black armor.

But he was also trapped on the second level, unable to break through a street defended by three teams of black armored guards, and could only wait for the opportunity.

The four races of immortals and demons started to fight on their own, uniting with many arrogances of foreign races or ancient races to cooperate with each other to try to break the black armored guards, not to mention that it really had some effect.
Even though they didn't see much, the black armored guards were destroyed extremely quickly under the strong force.

On the other side of the human race, under the three-breath time.
At the price of sealing off his own innate supernatural powers, a human genius imprisoned a black armored guard, breaking several streets in a row within a dozen breaths.
Faintly, he has already arrived at the periphery of the City Lord's Mansion
The City Lord's Mansion in the Second City is a tall building with about a dozen floors, and there is an endless and strange atmosphere in the dark mist.

The guards in black armor remained motionless, guarding the city lord's mansion.
"Why are there so many black armor guards?" Situ Ming exclaimed.

"A team of ten people. There are about forty teams here, that is, four hundred black armored guards." Si Yuntian opened his eyes slightly.

His complexion was a little paler, and it was hard to make up for the power of mind and mind that was spent on opening and closing the eyes of the sky along the way. If it wasn't for the first city before leaving, he used his meritorious deeds to exchange a lot of nourishing pills
I am afraid that it is a bit difficult for him to sustain the mentality he has consumed along the way, let alone continue to open his eyes now.

"Not good, among the four hundred black armors, there seems to be a stronger presence among them."

"Hide" Si Yun whispered.

In an instant, a group of people hid in the darkness.

After a while, a dull figure walked slowly, still covered in black armor, but it was an extremely exaggerated heavy armor.

The left and right shoulders are dragon and tiger double-headed animal armor, and the black armor is branded with six portals on the chest, which seems to be the six portals of the six paths of reincarnation, with a majestic and strange atmosphere flowing, and a wide sword with the size of a door is clinging to in his hand.

Just looking at it like this, everyone knows that the power of this black armored guard is by no means simple.

An ordinary black-armored guard alone can compete with some weak arrogances of various races, and a team of ten people can even fight against a powerful arrogance like Situ Ming.
Of course, it's just one move, and if it's blocked, it's completely useless, and there's no way to get up.

Two glowing red lights lit up in the heavy black armored guard's helmet, looking around the dark and foggy environment.
After a long time, he gradually turned around and backed away.
"The second city of Tianguan is definitely a city used to defend against foreign invasion?" Situ Ming felt a little shocked.

"It shouldn't be like this. Could it be that my prediction was wrong?" Si Yun also muttered to himself.

"Perhaps. They are soldiers guarding the city. We can find another way to enter the city lord's mansion. There is no need to fight them at all?"

"Not necessarily, it is very likely that this city is occupied by alien creatures."

"Soldiers in the city and creatures from other lands?"

Hearing the whispers of many tribesmen, Si Yun couldn't help thinking.

After a long time, he slowly got up
"I think. I guess I know what's going on."

"The second city of Tianguan, that puppet has been misleading us from the very beginning. He has been misleading us to be enemies of these strange black armors."

"Go back, I remember going up a street. There's something!"

(End of this chapter)

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