Chapter 279
"Senior, it seems that there are quite a few people staring at your corpse~"

Looking at the chaotic small world, Su Ran's eyes flickered, as if he saw many things.

Indeed, not far from him, even above his head, there were two godlike and demonic figures exuding surging aura, blocking the aura of chaos.

And these two stared at the Chaos Fire Phoenix motionlessly, as if they had already planned something.

Su Ran looked helplessly at the two figures who were not familiar at all. He didn't expect that there would be a detached existence. He came here first, and waited not far from him.

Fortunately, the chaotic fire phoenix created a special chaotic space, otherwise, as soon as he appeared, he would have to meet these two life and death.

Chances and adventures have always made one person, how can it be said that everyone has a share.

So the later Su Ran must be a thorn in their eyes, a thorn in the flesh, who can kill them and will never talk nonsense to you.

"I know" the burning chaotic flame and nirvana flames on the chaotic fire phoenix were still burning.

Opening Nirvana, but also building a chaotic space, and even being able to discuss with Su Ran, already shows that the chaotic fire phoenix is ​​in a legacy state, but it is just insisting on it forcibly.

But forcibly hanging one's own vitality can't deny a chaotic behemoth that can compete with the master of the domain, and even win it. Chaos behemoth is not a good stubble.

For each chaotic behemoth to grow to such a degree, the number of years of survival alone is not a small number.

Furthermore, the chaotic behemoths feed on everything in the chaos, and the natural world is also their food. It seems that the chaotic fire phoenix is ​​very easy to talk about now.

But if it were to be replaced by the time when it was in its heyday, and a supreme ancestral world was discovered, I am afraid that the whole heart would want to swallow the ancestral world directly, and pursue stronger strength with all my thoughts.

As far as an ancestral world is concerned, a ray of ancestral qi is enough to save them from the crisis of extinction
Of course, the chaotic fire phoenix alone is not enough to devour the ancestral world, but there is no shortage of powerful chaotic behemoths in the chaos. Summoning a few friends to share an ancestral world can also allow them to escape the crisis of decline.

It's a pity that the chaotic fire phoenix's nirvana is about to fail, and the last touch of spiritual wisdom wakes up, and it is only when the chaotic chaos floats here that there is an ancestral world.

So it took a lot of thought before it sent a little message from the dark to Su Ran's mind, hoping that he would come to save him.

The big deal is not to be a giant beast of chaos, but to be reincarnated as a human race. In the future, with its heritage left over from today, not to mention restoring the realm of mastering the domain, it will be a first-class detachment, which is by no means a big problem.

"That little guy has only entered into the realm of first-class detachment because of my good fortune." Huodong Huofeng said lightly.

"Although this seat did not fall into decline normally, I can't escape the calamity of decline. I was born in the chaos of this place, so I simply returned to this place and chose Nirvana, until a little guy came millions of years ago."

"Thinking that I have fallen into decline, it has been delighted for a long time, but I don't think about it, if I really fall into the disaster of decline."

"How did it escape from my small world? In order to find an existence that can survive my catastrophe, I gave it a drop of fire liquid condensed from the fire of chaos and creation to help it wash away its detached body , stepped into first-class detachment."

"I wanted to take its body and prolong my life."

"But I never thought that in this extremely remote corner of the chaos, there would be a human race with such a pure bloodline, or a human race with an orthodox inheritance."

Chaotic Huofeng said softly, and looked at Su Ran with complicated eyes, as if she never expected such a chance.

Now, the opportunity came to him, and it was impossible to let it go, so he used his last bit of ability to attract Su Ran's arrival and made a decision to trade.

It uses itself to help Su Ran achieve transcendence, and Su Ran helps it reincarnate in the human race, and in the future, he needs to cross it to enter the Tao himself.

This transaction seems to be a loss, but for Chaos Fire Phoenix, it may be a big profit.

After all, it has traveled through the chaos for billions of years, and it is very clear that there are so many chaotic behemoths, and there are very few existences that may reach the master of the domain, and it can even be said that there are almost no such existences.

But in a certain human race, there are such existences, not even the number of one or two.

Obviously, being a human being makes it easier for people to break through. Perhaps if you want to become an existence above the master of the domain in the future, you need to become a human being.

"The first detachment is also a trouble, and I will trouble you to deal with it when the time comes." Su Ran said lightly.

"Yes, it has been subjected to my fire fluid, life and death are in my mind, and it seems to carry a lot of bloody aura of human souls. Although it is not directly descended from the human race, in the eyes of the human race, it is mortal. Seniors," Chaos Fire Phoenix said indifferently.

"However, all my strength is on the Flame of Nirvana. Apart from it, no one else will be able to help you."

The chaotic fire phoenix could tell that Su Ran's combat strength was indeed extremely powerful, not even weaker than first-class transcendence, and he was not afraid of the invasion of chaos, so it must be a great opportunity.

But no matter how powerful it is, the cultivation realm of the human race in front of him has just reached the peak of the great emperor that the human race said.

As the saying goes, the deeper the background, the smoother the way of future practice, but if there is an obstacle on the smooth road, there will be a huge pass. It can be seen that Su Ran has encountered a bottleneck at this time.

Once a breakthrough is made, there will be a qualitative improvement in strength, and soon it will reach above the first-class detachment.

If there is no bottleneck for him, it should be said that there is indeed no bottleneck. The world conceived in the body of this human race has grown to the limit of the middle thousand world, and if there is a chance, it will be the great thousand world.

The domain master breaks through the most important hurdle, which is the transformation of the middle thousand world into the great thousand world, which can create a great thousand world.
If it is successful, it will break through the realm, if it is not successful, hundreds of millions of years will be spent in vain on the transcendent realm.

"The rest don't need to worry, they can be killed with one palm, but what I'm more curious about is, have you ever seen a human race like me in other chaotic regions?" Su Ran asked curiously.

"If there are other human races, where are they now, do they belong to one of the strong races?"

"I've seen them. They are very strong. The chaos they are in belongs to the realm of the human race. Even the giant beasts of chaos dare not offend Qiuhao." The chaos fire phoenix said in a low voice.

"When I traveled through the chaos, I almost forged an enmity with them. It was a strong human race who helped me make peace, otherwise I would have been pulled out."

"I don't know if there is still a chance to see you again"

"Human race really exists in the chaos." Su Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course there are human races. Since ancient times, the human race has been the eternal protagonist in the world. The rest of the races may be extremely powerful, comparable to the human race or have surpassed the human race, but no one dares to underestimate the human race." Chaos Fire Phoenix It seems to remember something.

"After all, your human race is multiplying too fast, and there are endless generations of the emperor's evildoers, and almost every generation can be transcendent."

"Even, certain arrogances who suppressed a world, in just over a thousand years, became detached, and became the domain masters again and again."

"For countless years, no one knows how much wealth the human race has accumulated. In addition to multiplying fast, you are also hidden by thieves."

"I really sigh for those guys who have been against your human race over the years. I really don't know where they got the courage to shout at the human race. The ignorant are fearless~"

Su Ran blinked, feeling that all this seemed very familiar.

The lineage of Yanhuang has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has gone through countless dynasties, but the instincts passed down through the dynasties have been debunked by the chaotic fire phoenix in a few words.

Although it is talking about the human race who is far away, Su Ran understands that the people of his own tribe belong to the people who can hide very well.

One person and one phoenix chatted on and off for a long time, and there was indeed a wave of fluctuation in the chaos, and two figures slowly stepped out of the void, looking very embarrassed, as if they had just experienced a catastrophe.

Having just walked out of the chaos and standing in this quiet place, both Manlusi and Wuqiang took a breath.

Great, they almost couldn't get out of this chaotic zone, and almost fell here.

"Manlusi, Wuqiang." Ayin Tuo's face was livid.

"The Witch"

"It has nothing to do with me. I have no chance to hide the message from you. I don't know how they got in." The witch's expression changed wildly, and she cursed secretly: "Didn't you say it was safe? Then how did Man Russ and Wu Qiang find them?" here."

After staring at the Sly Witch for a moment, Ayintuo withdrew his gaze, and immediately revealed a murderous intent.

The reason why the Sly Witch is here is because she can help herself, and even the two domain masters can deter the ancestors of the foreign ancestral world, and can also occupy a position.

But now that there are two more people here, does he still want to continue to share what originally belonged to him?
It has had enough of this aggrieved feeling, and must kill these two guys, otherwise it will be leaked out. It doesn't have to live with the ghost witch, and many ancestors in foreign lands can tear them to pieces.

As soon as the murderous look appeared, the Witch's eyes flickered, and she said in a low voice: "I'll entangle Manlus, but Wu Qiang, you have to be careful."

"Don't underestimate it. Others don't know its details very well, but I know it very well. Its six pairs of double pupils have caused a first-class transcendent to suffer. the other party."

"Remember, go directly to the ultimate move, otherwise neither you nor I can completely kill these two guys"

Looking at the Witch in surprise, Ainto felt a little relieved.

Immediately, even walking directly across the chaos, the Sly Witch's eyes flickered, and she followed behind her, her hidden killing intent almost escaping.

It's about the great chance of enlightenment, even if she doesn't want to fight with Man Russ, she has to make a life and death with it, otherwise if they let them escape, the ancestors will find them soon.

Slightly getting rid of the chaotic atmosphere in his body, Man Russ made up his mind and began to look around.

Wu Qiang is still getting rid of the messy chaotic breath in his body. Its strength is a little bit weak. If it weren't for the six pairs of double-pupil supernatural powers, it would not be able to become detached, and it would be rewarded as a second-class detached.

"What should we do now, we can't get out of this small world, and we can't find any clues." Wu Qiang felt a little desperate.

"Look again, I always feel that we have arrived." Man Ruth said with deep eyes.

"Man Ruth" the voice of the cunning witch slowly sounded.
The two guys of "Sly Witch" were instantly delighted that they could meet the Sly Witch here.
That means she's stuck here too, and maybe she can ask if she's found a way out or if something's wrong.

A figure came across the sky, and the ghost walked out of the chaos, slowly walking towards Manlusi and Wuqiang, his eyes were calm without any murderous intent.

"Sly Witch" Wu Qiang just wanted to talk and ask.

"Man Russ, I didn't expect you to enter this place by mistake. Let me ask if you have any objects that can break the chaos?" the witch said lightly.

"This..." Man Lusi and Wu Qiang looked at each other, and they both shook their heads to say no.

If they had brought anything, they might have already left by this time.

It's a pity that it is dangerous to come to Chaos to search for an ancestral realm. Except for some life-saving items, the rest of the rare treasures are left to the descendants of the clan.

If they can go back, then just take them back. If they can’t, then treat them as a legacy for the younger generations. Perhaps with the help of these legacy, they can cultivate their detachment again.
The Witch's complexion changed slightly, and she sighed softly, "Then there is no other way, I can only try to force it once."

"Sly Witch, where is Aintuo?" Wu Qiang looked left and right.

"Could it be that Ainto is trying to break through the small chaotic world, then let's go together, do you need our help?" Man Russ also said eagerly.

Escaping from the small world is the most important thing now, and we will wait until we leave to see if there is any chance or not.

Therefore, both of them put their hopes on the Sly Witch and Ainto, and stared at the Sly Witch with piercing eyes.

The Demonic Witch sighed softly, and said in a low voice: "That's right, Ayin Tuo is trying to break open the small world, and I really need your help."

"Help for what?" Man Ruth asked eagerly.

"Actually, there's nothing to help, all you need is to die." The Sly Witch chuckled.

Immediately, an extremely charming laughter came, and an invisible wave flickered.

The two guys' hearts trembled suddenly, and they fell into a blur, and their minds were lost at this moment.

On the other side, Ayin Tuo, who had already been prepared, also transformed into a body with nine heads and eight arms. Each head emitted a sword light, and each hand was a fist mark, which directly represented supreme strength. Boom.

Wu Qiang hesitated for a moment, then returned to his mind, and immediately shouted: "Ayin Tuo"

"Man Russ, kill~"

"Kill, are you crazy? The ancestor will definitely hold you accountable." Man Ruth shouted in horror.


(End of this chapter)

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