Chapter 292 Kill

"Chaos Phoenix Flame."

The vast sword light seemed to open up the world, instantly opening a small world from the chaos.

The gray chaotic phoenix flames followed closely behind, engulfed in the sword light and fell towards Huntuo. In an instant, it invaded its side, and followed the faint induction, wanting to cut it directly with one blow. That great world.

Although the master of the domain controls his own vast world, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to fall
But if his own world is shattered, even if he is not dead, he will be severely injured, and may even cause a great reduction in combat power, so far he was sealed by the two women in front of him.

Then it only takes hundreds of millions of years to completely obliterate your own origin
Then the consequence is fall!

In just a moment, Huntuo knew that he was going to suffer, he was afraid that he was too arrogant, and fell into the siege of two domain masters.

Although the strength of the two women in front of him is lower than his own, but his combat power is extremely strong, but he was in the fight with a human race last time, and the original source was not completely injured.

If you are not careful, the car may overturn!
"Hmph, you want to kill me, you're dreaming!" Huntuo glanced ferociously, and the majestic aura in his body exploded instantly.

The complete real body is directly killed from the chaos, and a series of evil dragons surround it, which is the power of the materialized world.

Huntuo, who was fighting with all his strength, shattered this sword light in an instant, but was annihilated by the chaotic phoenix flames. The real world power of an evil dragon directly let out a muffled grunt, which was considered a sullen loss.

Now Feng Jiulian, who has returned to the master of the domain, is covered with chaotic phoenix flames, which is even more terrifying than the chaotic fire phoenix's Nirvana flames and chaotic flames.

However, Huntuo was able to stand upright among the seven ancestors in the foreign land, and he was not the weakest one. It has also proved that its strength is by no means simple. It easily annihilated the chaotic phoenix flames that wanted to continue to erode the power of its own world.
Huntuo's eyes were full of malice, and in an instant, he blasted through the void and appeared in front of Feng Jiulian.
Mu Yanran didn't dare to approach it lightly, the power of the Dao of the Sword overflowing all over her body overflowed, and she felt as if her real body was about to be torn apart when she got close to it.

But Feng Jiulian is different, it feels that its real body is strong enough to withstand the strange flame power of the opponent, as long as it restrains the strange flame that can burn the power of the world, it is enough for it to hit the opponent severely with one blow.
At that time, not to mention that you don't need to worry about being killed by your opponent, you can even counter-kill. . .

It has to be said that Hun Tuo's idea was really good, but it never thought that Feng Jiulian had cultivated martial arts skills from digesting Chaos Fire Phoenix's hundreds of millions of backgrounds since she was a child.

Even if the terrifying power of the physical body is not as powerful as the chaotic fire phoenix as a chaotic behemoth, it is definitely not comparable to Mu Yanran, or even the entire heavens and ten thousand races, the dragon clan, Beamon or Jinling with the strongest physical body family and so on.
They may not be her all-in-one enemy, within the same realm, I'm afraid they may be slightly weaker than Su Ran.

"Good time, this girl will play with you well." A gleam of fire shone in Feng Jiulian's eyes.

"Phoenix Fist."

The flames pervading her body converged, Feng Jiulian's body immediately swelled, and her martial arts and martial arts directly unfolded
A tall martial body directly appeared in the chaos, and suddenly it punched out, directly hitting Huntuo's pair of big arms.

Unbelievable eyes suddenly exploded, Huntuo felt that his arms were directly smashed to pieces, Bang Dali directly opened his arms, and punched directly on his chest.
The power of the world wrapped around the real body completely collapsed at this moment, and the original world reflected above his head trembled as if it was about to shatter.

"Impossible" Huntuo couldn't accept it at all.

"I am a descendant of the chaotic giant beast, the descendant of the chaotic sky bear, even if the strength of the body is the bones, I dare not regret you. Ahem~~"

"absolutely impossible"

"Kill" Mu Yanran's sword light directly killed her.

In an instant, a rift was opened in the younger generation of Huntuo, and a rift was opened in its original Great Thousand World.

The flames of endless chaos are raging, and Huntuo can only feel a strange aura lingering around him. There seems to be a sense in the dark telling him that it is time for it to fall today, and the Dao is completely wiped out by it.
"I don't believe it, I can't fall." Huntuo was wrapped around a black dragon.
"The power of the world, bless my body, even if the source is broken, I don't believe that I will fall completely."

The power of one after another world was drawn out from the original great thousand world by it, blessed on it, and crazily bombarded and killed Feng Jiulian.

At this moment, Huntuo was completely insane. Even Mu Yanran kept shattering the source of the great world, but she didn't care about it. She just wanted to break the secret feeling and kill the woman in front of her.
Only in this way can it sense a little vitality in the dark, otherwise even if it can escape, it can also feel that it will surely fall.
This feeling is different from the previous one. Last time it sensed that it was about to fall, but there was a trace of immortal life in it, so it was rescued by an incarnation of Canggu.

But under the siege of these two women, Huntuo couldn't sense the existence of vitality at all
It seems that he has been in a state of being deceived all the time, so he appears in this chaos.

Huntuo, who was fighting madly, has completely fallen into the state of madman. If he can't kill his opponent, he will fall, and he has completely fallen into this kind of thought.

Sword light, flames constantly linger in this chaotic land, and the eyes are tearing apart. The original world that is reflected is already in danger, and the original source is getting thinner and thinner, as if it is about to be completely ruined
Mu Yanran and Feng Jiulian looked at each other, and there was a hint of joy in their eyes.

Can kill!

They thought that a domain master wanted to escape, but they couldn't stop them, but for some reason, this guy suddenly went crazy.

A sword light hangs on Mu Yanran's sword, and a flash of fire wraps around Feng Jiulian's fists
The two people who were about to cut out suddenly dodged a strange attack
Immediately, they saw this strange gray light falling into Huntuo's body, and Huntuo suddenly came to his senses, his eyes were confused for a moment, but immediately his ferocious eyes were shining with endless fierce light...
"Damn it, you human races dare to plot against this deity." Huntuo roared again and again
I don't know how far away
Su Ran smashed the real body of a master of the domain with one punch, but then it recovered again and joined the battle group again.

Sighing slightly, Su Ran's momentum increased again, and she suddenly broke through a few magical powers, and stepped up to break through the chaotic void in a flash, avoiding the siege.


"I didn't expect you to see through it." Su Ran was a little helpless.

"Human race, I knew that you failed to kill Huntuo last time, and you will set your mind on it again." A young man in a Taoist robe in the chaos smiled lightly, and there were unknown numbers of skeletons branded on the blue Taoist robe.
These skeletons are all detached existences that were killed by it, and the precious bones were refined into the Taoist robe on his body.

For countless billions of years, Canggu has been able to ascend from the weakest Bone Clan to the strongest Canggu Clan in a foreign land.

Now if the foreign land can be born into the Bone Race, or if the bones can be reborn after death, then they will be superior to others, because of the existence of the ancient ancestor of the Bone Race, Canggu, which is the most powerful ancient ancestor of the foreign land.
With all his strength, even Su Ran couldn't say that he would definitely be able to keep it.

After all, for such an existence that has survived for countless billions of years, it is possible to keep any hole cards, how could it be so easy to kill
Just like now, I set up a plan to let Mu Yanran and Feng Jiulian kill Hun Tuo, the master of the foreign land, but Cang Gu saw the truth, and calculated the trick against himself.
In front of him, the seven ancient ancestors from the foreign land, except for Huntuo who is being besieged, have all arrived.

"Then you surround and kill me. Have you thought about it?" Su Ran smiled faintly.

"Of course. We are not stupid. To surround and kill you alone, we have to lose at least four. Such a price is not worth it." A domain master with a dragon head and a human body said coldly.

"But imprisoning you for a moment made Huntuo wake up."

"Hehe, it would be a good thing to sacrifice a Huntuo and let your human race lose two domain masters."

"Then Huntuo's fall is very valuable, human race. I will give you a chance." A foreign land master chuckled, and said lightly: "Falling to our foreign land can make your human race become my foreign ancestor world. royal family."

"You can stand side by side with us, but...they must fall here"

Shrugging his shoulders, Su Ran didn't care. He just looked out of the chaos, as if he could see the battle there from an endless distance away.

Canggu didn't hinder him either, it just confronted him at a distance, neither getting close nor far away.
Su Ran's combat power, he has already experienced it. Just now, the lump of jade was smashed into pieces in just a moment, and the original world was almost shattered. If it wasn't for the fact that they were protecting each other.
Maybe, that lump of jade was the first alien master to fall.

What's more, even Canggu himself didn't dare to say that his treasured Taoist robe could block the mighty power of that punch, and even the bone body might have to be blasted apart.

Seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is its instinct to grow from a small skeleton to the strongest it is today. If it hadn't been for the weak and happy childhood, it would be impossible for the strongest palm master to appear now!

"Canggu. Do you have to share the same life and death with the heavens and all races?" Su Ran asked curiously.

"Although the original universe collapsed at the hands of you and others, the myriad races of the original universe have won the favor of the original ancestor world, and after millions of years of development, they will definitely surpass foreign lands. You are not clear about this."

"Of course, if you are confident that you can destroy the Primordial Ancestral Realm within a million years, there is nothing to say."

"You don't understand" Cang Gu's eyes were confused for a moment.

"If you were me, for billions of years, you have been trapped in this realm of mastering the domain, and you can't feel that you can go further. Maybe you will be more ruthless and ruthless than me."

"It seems that the existence of a monster like you, hundreds of years is worth the efforts of several epochs, how can you understand my desire to be stronger?"

"Strong. Hengqiang, this is the truth that the giant beasts of chaos understand. In order to be stronger, they can survive better. They can hunt and kill world after world, devouring many creatures just for themselves to survive."

"So, I never feel that I am wrong, and I will never regret it. The Primordial Ancestral Realm must be ours."

"This opportunity. We have been waiting for too many years."

Cang Gu looked at Su Ran with inexplicable eyes, and sighed slightly in a low voice.

Immediately, he cast his eyes on the chaos, as if he also wanted to see who would win on the other side.
After waking up, the raging flames instantly surged up in the real body, blasting and killing Feng Jiulian and Mu Yanran again and again, and the power of the jet-black world was continuously drawn out from the original world by it.
But. Its origin, the Great Thousand World, is also constantly absorbing the power of chaos to repair itself, and it looks like it is about to be repaired.

It is extremely difficult to kill an existence at the level of the master of the domain. If the opponent wants to leave, or wants to pull someone to fall together, it will be very difficult to kill even if it is surrounded, otherwise you dare not bet on whether it is your own fall.

Canggu awakened Huntuo who was in a state of madness, and Huntuo who calmed down turned out to be the bombardment that forced the two of them back again and again.

Neither the power of the sword, nor the power of Fengyan burning the world, can break through the protection of its layer of world power.
"Canggu. Are you really going to sacrifice Huntuo in exchange for the fall of my junior sister and disciple?" Su Ran's eyes were slightly cold, and he said indifferently: "I'm afraid that you won't be able to lose money by stealing chickens, and Huntuo will fall, but they It will not necessarily perish.”

"It doesn't matter." Canggu smiled lightly.

"Today we are stopping you, to see if we can use our power to pull you to death together, and now we have fulfilled our wish."


Cang Gu let out a low cry, then disappeared into the chaos.

The rest of the foreign land masters also broke through the chaos, as if they were going to return to the foreign land directly.

But Su Ran still stood at the same place and did not leave. He just glanced at it and stomped towards a chaotic place, and said coldly: "If you want to leave today, you must leave a palm The Lord Has Fallen"

"No, Huntuo, I want to stay. Canggu, you stay too!"

The chaos was instantly shattered, and a figure in a blue Taoist robe suddenly retreated, with extremely sharp eyes.

Canggu shouted angrily: "Human race, do you want to fall with me?"

"Heh, since you have such an obsession, you want to be promoted to a higher level, and you are unwilling and unwilling, so how can you easily take risks?" Su Ran said coldly.

"You can't stop me"

"Huntuo is bound to die, but today, Canggu, you have to die too. If you can't die so quickly, it will severely damage your origin."

"Your obsession is to be the master of the realm, and I will let you not be the master of the realm in this life."

Blast out with the power of Qi and blood
Qi and blood smashed into the chaos, disappeared, and the six masters of the foreign land reappeared.
Su Ran softly shouted: "Kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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