Chapter 294 The Fall
"It's crazy." Feng Jiulian resisted with difficulty.

It was a bit terrifying. This big guy seemed to be awake for a moment, and fell into the darkness the next moment, completely losing the rationality of a living creature.

Even if she was tricked by Su Ran just now, fell into the anger of the demon, and was almost killed by the two of them, it was not as difficult as it is now. Rao, the sword light of my uncle can destroy a great world.
At this moment, he became a little pale, and his chaotic phoenix flames couldn't even be burned through by the power of the world.

Mu Yanran's sword light fell, repelled Hun Tuo's powerful punch, and she retreated hundreds of miles away, but her eyes were still cold, and she said in a low voice:
"It's okay, just wait a little longer, your teacher will definitely be able to count until this moment."

"Teacher." Feng Jiulian tapped lightly, and immediately swayed a gray flame, "Before the teacher supports me, I can't let the teacher underestimate me. I am determined to be better than the blue."

"In the future, I will definitely be stronger than the teacher, and I will be able to aspire to the highest level!"

"Then kill this big guy first." A faint voice came.

"Little girl, if you want to surpass your teacher and me, then at least you don't directly kill Huntuo with the help of your uncle."

A drop of blood essence fell on Mu Yanran's hand...
Immediately, the blood essence burst into light, and a phantom seemed to come slowly from the end of time and space.

Su Ran in a white robe frowned slightly, and whispered: "It's still not good, being blocked by those guys for a breath, the consumption is a little bit high, only one-tenth of the body's combat power, but it is enough."

"I will reinvent its original power for you, you only have one chance, remember?"

"Understood." A murderous aura flashed across Feng Jiulian's eyes.

She has been practicing for a hundred years, but she has not been hiding in the practice room for retreat.
She was already walking in the chaos when she was at the Transcendence level, and the third-class Transcendence that fell into her hands was at least in the ten digits. Although the second-class and first-class were less, they were not without it.
For this reason, she is at the top of the list of rewards in foreign lands.

"Yan Ran, I only have the strength of one blow"

A light punch broke Huntuo's offensive, and the phantom Su Ran appeared in Huntuo's original world in an instant.
Immediately, this phantom dissipated and turned into a drop of blood essence that bloomed endless light in its original world. In just one breath, an extremely huge original world collapsed completely
"Damn it." Cang Gu's roaring voice rolled over.

The Yuanyuan Great Thousand World collapsed, and it sensed it immediately, Huntuo was about to fall.

Hundreds of millions of years have been planning some things together. Although they are afraid of each other, they are also very familiar with other domain masters. They know that if the plan fails for a day, everyone will never kill each other
But today, Huntuo is in danger of falling.

Canggu roared angrily, and immediately pulled away and left, "Stop him and I'll go rescue Huntuo"

"If you want to stop me, stop me. If you want to go, you can go. You can't be the headmaster of the mud. Canggu, the headmaster said you can't go." Su Ran softly shouted, and a halberd appeared , directly blasted out.

In just one breath, Canggu raised his bone spear and collided with the halberd, but the other masters of the foreign lands did not stop them, but instead stood up in chaos.

This attack is too terrifying. Even if they can stop them, they will explode like a bollworm, and their original source will be destroyed. At that time, their strength and combat power will be greatly reduced, and there is even a faint possibility of falling into the realm. .
Maybe they won't fall to the master of the palm, but they can climb to the realm of the master of the palm, even if they fall even a little, it is difficult for them to accept.

What's more, among the many domain masters in the foreign land, there is no such thing as a good one. In the past, everyone was able to coexist peacefully because the plan required seven domain masters, but now Huntuo is about to fall.
Then, when the plan cannot be implemented, they need to guard against Canggu's plan, for fear of being swallowed up by it.

Especially the Bollworm Palm Territory Lord, looking at the majestic aura of Canggu, trembled all over his body. After returning to the foreign ancestral world in fear, it would be the time for it to fall. After all, its strength has plummeted now.

Any domain master, one-on-one, may be able to directly suppress it
Maybe, the fate of the Twelve-armed Great Demon God is the fate it will face soon
"You guys." Canggu stared at him coldly.
"Huntuo has fallen, Canggu, we can continue to wait for the plan to implement Huntuo is not necessary, our family can produce another master of the palm domain." bit.

The other palm masters were also moved, but they didn't compete with Konglong. After all, Konglong is the strongest next to Canggu in this place.

Of course, only in a foreign land..
If Su Ran is added, Canggu may not die, but Konglong doesn't have much confidence in his own strength, and it will definitely lose against Su Ran, but falling is not enough
After all, it is quite confident in its ability to escape.

Canggu blasted the halberd away, his eyes were gloomy, he looked at Su Ran with hatred, and came directly to kill Su Ran with his spear without saying a word.

On the other side, Huntuo was already doomed to fall, and was delayed for a brief moment, which was enough to kill the opponent dozens or hundreds of times for the domain master rank.

Sure enough, a great world collapsed, and an illusory figure was slowly imprinted in the chaos, stepping on a long river of rules, slowly heading towards the position of the ancestors of the foreign land, and the phantom's eyes were full of unwillingness. look.

It was defeated, it fell into Canggu's scheme, and was finally beheaded by several human races in the chaos.

Even if there is a way to revive in the future, it knows very well that Cang Gu and the others will never allow it to revive
It is estimated that its family will be destroyed due to its death and fall. I hope that some members of the family can learn of its death and quickly escape from the ancestral world. Even if they become chaotic wanderers, life and death are not under their control.
It's better than being a victim of that plan that hasn't been implemented yet.
In this way, it can still have a chance to recover in the future, otherwise it will completely disappear in time.

Mu Yanran used her original origin, the Great Thousand World, as the sword light to cut out.
Feng Jiulian even used the source of destruction as fuel, leading a stream of lawful fire of destruction into Huntuo's soul and spirituality.
It was only for a moment. Huntuo recovered his true self and sober posture, and then he sighed slightly, his body and spirit completely disappeared.
A strong man with a series of masters in charge of foreign lands.
It fell into their hands and died completely! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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