Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 35 Rewards for the Will of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 35 Rewards for the Will of Heaven and Earth
A suburb of a capital in a small island nation
Three or forty people appeared here, half in black and white staggered clothes, and half in dark green clothes.

But no matter what kind of clothing is worn on the body, it is the kind that is extremely easy to display the combat power, and will not drag down the combat power because of the clothes.

"Teacher Mu, the people from Honglu Temple can only find this location~" said a warrior from the Great Xia Army.

"According to the latest news, the small island country has completely fallen. Most of the citizens in the inner circle have been evacuated by their military, and only a small part is still under the control of exotic creatures."

"And after the firepower strike, the small island country probably killed about one-tenth of the exotic creatures."

"But it also suffered heavy losses. Several guard regiments were destroyed. The death population was about 10,000+ people, and the military died more than 1."

"However, under the cover of the federal state, the information has not been disclosed at all. If our satellites hadn't been monitoring a certain city during this period of time, they might have been concealed by them."

"The little devil really still has that virtue, and he doesn't take the lives of ordinary people at all~" A warrior sneered.

"It is estimated that the federal state is playing tricks, otherwise, the small island country has already started asking for help from the whole world~" Zhan Wuji said lightly.

It's not their own nationals, it's really not very distressing to them, it just feels a little cruel
You must know that there is still some information. The military did not explain it thoroughly.
The Federal State set up a fire barrier in a certain metropolitan area, and even ordinary people would not give it out, and would shoot and kill anyone who came, in order to keep the news secret, so that they could capture those exotic creatures alive for research.

How important is a group of unknown extraordinary creatures to human beings? It can be said to be extremely important.

There is no lack of some super consortiums supporting the Federal State's approach. They only want to get the extraordinary law, prolong their lifespan and continue to enjoy money rights.

With so many forces covering up, Daxia and many other neighboring countries were concealed in the first place. Even if Daxia can learn about it later, it may take a while.

"Teacher Mu, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome for us to break in next time!" Zhan Wuji glanced at the sky and said.

"It's okay, you just go ahead." Mu Yanran said in a cold voice, "Junior Brother Wang, Junior Brother Ming, and Junior Brother Long, you three intercept the second-level and above exotic creatures, and leave the other exotic creatures to the students."

"As for the rest of the matter, leave it to me to handle it all, just go in directly~"

"Okay, the rest is for troublesome senior sister~" Teacher Mingchang said in a gentle manner.

Immediately, a group of students followed behind the three teachers.

Zhan Wuji just wanted to dissuade him, but then he realized that Teacher Mu in front of him is a martial arts expert at the sixth level, so he immediately kept silent and led a group of his brothers to follow the Wu Dao students.

When they walked into a certain capital, they looked back quietly, and that Teacher Mu had disappeared.

Maybe today they will be able to meet the martial arts expert. Just how strong is it!
"Danda Gu~"

Not long after entering the urban area, a strange roar sounded.

Everyone looked towards the place where the voice came from, and a dozen tall figures slowly walked out
With a flash in his eyes, Ming Chang of the Civil and Military Academy said very elegantly: "Students from Wu University and military warriors work together in pairs to hunt and kill exotic creatures~"

"Remember, exotic creatures are difficult to deal with, and they generally have racial innate skills, so don't be careless!" Teacher Long Jiang from Tianwu Academy said in a deep voice.

"Yes~" The hearts of all the students of Wuhan University and military warriors shuddered at the same time.

Before I came here, I crammed my feet to learn. Exotic creatures, it can be said that any race has innate skills.

Once the talent skill explodes, it is desperate, and the combat power will suddenly increase to more than ten percent, and if you are not careful, you may even be counter-killed and severely injured.

"Danda~" a loud roar.

The first collision between martial arts and foreign lands begins.

The ferocious and surging power of Qi and blood is entangled on the weapons of the students, and the alien creatures should not be underestimated, and the black mist exudes from all over their bodies
Whether they are students or military warriors, they all have the experience of fighting fierce beasts.

Maybe there is a slight difference in strength, but with the joint efforts of two or two, they can fight on par with these aliens.
"Chop~" A clear chirp sounded.

The blade slashed across the body of the foreign creature, splitting it in half, spraying dark purple blood all over the sky.

After landing, Yao Qingshan's energy and blood surged violently, and he seemed to feel a force pouring into his body in the dark. He was stuck in the triple training and broke through instantly, and the energy and blood power suddenly increased by a large amount.

Another military warrior who cooperated with him was stunned for a moment, and a look of envy flashed in his eyes.

Breakthrough, this qualification is indeed a Tianjiao warrior, breakthrough in a single battle, envy.
"What's going on?" Song Long was a little stunned.
"Don't be distracted during the battle~" The alien creature was repelled with a stick, and Zhan Wuji couldn't help feeling sour in his heart.
"Oh, I'm sorry, create an opportunity for me, and I'll end it with one move~" Song Long came back to his senses, and shouted loudly: "Death to your grandpa~"

"The first guy who eats sweets has appeared~" Teacher Ming Chang of the Civil and Military Academy chuckled, and then his eyes fell on the other side, and he said with a smile: "You two brothers, I will go back when I go."

Then, under the astonished eyes of the two, Ming Chang disappeared in a flash.

"Damn, he preempted it~" Wang Jian felt a pain in his heart instantly, as if he had missed hundreds of millions.

"Senior brother Mingchang practices civil and martial arts, and mental strength is his strong point. It is normal to be the first to sense that third-order creature." Long Jiang said comfortingly.
Glancing at this prudish guy, Wang Jian said angrily, "Aren't you envious?"

"." Long Jiang glanced over indifferently, and said slowly after a few breaths: "Envy."

"How did I break through?" Yao Qingshan was a little confused, and then glanced at the alien creature on the ground that was divided into two halves, "Could it be because it was beheaded."

"The will of the universe and heaven and earth rejects exotic creatures. If you kill them, you will be rewarded by the will of heaven and earth. Don't be surprised." A sound transmission was sent to the ear
"Teacher" Yao Qingshan was overjoyed instantly.

Before he could continue to be surprised, dozens of exotic creatures rushed out of the buildings in the streets.

Although there are a lot of them, they are all first-order exotic creatures, and none of the second-order creatures are seen.
Soon, some students or soldiers beheaded these exotic creatures and received heaven and earth awards. However, after receiving the sound transmission prompt, all of them showed fiery expressions, turned around and started fighting again.

As time went by, the students and military fighters were still fighting together, but it didn't take long for them to fight one-on-one.

What's more, arrogant warriors like Chen Xiaoxiao and Yao Qingshan can fight several exotic creatures with one dozen.

No one is afraid of exotic creatures anymore, only afraid that there are not enough of them to kill them.

Because this wave of rewards from the will of heaven and earth is so fucking rich and incomparably rich
In just ten minutes, almost everyone broke through once, and everyone's strength soared.

"Danda~" a shrill roar
An exotic creature suddenly burst out with overwhelming strength, and the black mist condensed into sharp black lights that shot out, each of which was aimed at a student or a military warrior.

It's a pity that the people who had been on guard for a long time, with a flash of figure or with their weapons, they all resisted.

It's just a talent skill of a Tier [-] exotic creature, no matter how strong it is, it's still a gift for students and military warriors with Tier [-] weapons.

For this experience, Longting Martial Arts University has also prepared extremely well.

Almost every student has two qi and blood pills as supplements, and even gave a lot to the soldiers.

When the talent skill was used, the alien creature was paralyzed on the ground, and was sent away by Chen Xiaoxiao's sword directly, and won a reward from heaven and earth
Not long after, the number of people fighting became less and less.
Seeing that Chen Xiaoxiao, Yao Qingshan and the others beheaded their opponents, they set their sights on their own opponents
Everyone exploded with anger and blood, sending away the alien creatures they were fighting with with a few tricks, and first got the rewards in their hands.
Tier [-] exotic creature. Beheaded to death
The second-order Long Jiang and Wang Jian alternately killed all of them.
The third-order Mingchang played around for a while, and after getting bored, he wiped it out with one move.
 Add another chapter~~~
  Many brothers said that the update is not enough.
  I can't help it~~~
  But with so many book friends giving rewards, it would be even better.
  Big guys, can you give me another wave of rewards? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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