Creating a Civilization: Beginning with Budo University

Chapter 58: The Tribulation of Martial Arts

Chapter 58: The Tribulation of Martial Arts

Mu Yanran's aura of a world-breaking master was blocked, and all the students felt relieved for an instant, and then shivered slightly.

The dean of the Danwu Academy of his own college is going to break through the world. After hundreds of years of silence, Wuda is finally going to produce a new master again?
"Teacher, is he a master?" Yao Qingshan's heart trembled as soon as he stepped into the school gate.

"Principal Mu forged the sword body in one fell swoop, and ascended to the position of Grandmaster, Qingshan, congratulations on having a teacher at the Grandmaster level soon~" Song Long couldn't help but said enviously.

That is the strongest and most beautiful person among the teachers and students in the whole school. It can be said that he is the object of crush of many teachers and students.

Although Teacher Mu has been suppressed for more than 400 years, if it really counts, she is only 23 years old!

It's just a pity that Teacher Mu seems to be the same to everyone, the same indifference and coldness, never saying a word to others, even Lao Yao, as her student, can only talk a few more words when being instructed
"Tsk tsk, Mr. Mu ascended to the Grandmaster, alchemy will definitely be improved to a higher level, old Yao, you will be blessed!"

"Hey, I don't know what kind of person a fairy like Teacher Mu would fall in love with. Could it be someone like the principal?"

On the side Yao Qingshan had a black line drawn across his forehead, and cast an angry glance at this blunt guy.

You must know that this is in the academy, who knows if someone as powerful as the principal can hear the words of himself and others, if he can hear them.
Then next, this guy should be in big trouble.

Then should I choose to stay away from Song Long temporarily, so as not to mistakenly think that I am also an accomplice when the principal punishes me.
Thinking so in his heart, Yao Qingshan said directly: "Xiaolong, wait a moment, you and I will watch the master's martial arts tribulation separately, and then we will gather again and talk about our feelings!"

"Okay, no problem!" Song Long agreed directly.

"Actually, I think where to look for Teacher Mu's certificate."

"Stop, don't you think, I just need what I think, and we will separate when we go out," Yao Qingshan said quickly.

"Oh." Song Long scratched his head incomprehension.

Daxialong Pavilion
"What, Mr. Mu is going to break through to the seventh level, so he will be certified as a master?" Dage stood up in shock.

That's a seventh-tier martial artist. If Daxia trains warriors step by step, there will be a certain chance of a seventh-tier grandmaster warrior in three years' time!
Today's people in the country are no longer Xiaobai who have just learned martial arts. Everyone knows very well what a grandmaster of the seventh level of martial arts represents.

In ancient dynasties, a grandmaster of the seventh rank of martial arts could be the founder of a great martial arts school.

If a master of the seventh rank of martial arts is willing to accept the imperial court's recruitment and enshrining, that rank is equivalent to the third-rank official of the imperial court, and is equal to the honor of the current government officials in Daxia!

As for the eighth-rank great masters above the seventh-rank, they are ranked second-rank, which is equivalent to the important officials of the Great Xia state, so they don't worship the emperor!

Martial arts powerhouses of the Ninth Rank supreme rank enjoy the real power of the First Rank members and the honor of honoring the title of king, even the royal family and nobles should respect three points when they meet.

It can be seen from this that the seventh-level martial arts are always in ancient times, and the honor they enjoy is really too great!
"Did Wuhan University say where Teacher Mu is going to survive the Martial Dao Tribulation?" Mr. Dage asked quickly.

"Yes, Teacher Shangguan said, Donghai!" Secretary Zhang replied directly.

"Okay, immediately inform the ports and wharves in the East China Sea that all ships are not allowed to sail today, and the ships that have sailed will leave the vicinity immediately!"

"I'm going to notify you now!"

Soon, an order was conveyed, and the ships in the East China Sea were cleaned up in less than 10 minutes!

In Wuhan University, a quarter of an hour passed quickly.

As soon as the college's teleportation array was opened, Su Ran's figure also disappeared. He needed to protect Mu Yanran to survive this martial arts disaster safely, so naturally he dared not be sloppy about it.

All the students have also obtained a temporary teleportation permission on the school card, which can teleport to the small island near the East China Sea.

This place is the closest place to Mu Yanran's Martial Dao Tribulation. More than a dozen small islands can accommodate more than a thousand students, as well as warriors from the Great Xia, who come to observe Mu Yanran's Martial Dao Tribulation.

In the East China Sea, a small island is full of students, each looking up at the sky
Mu Yanran, who was full of sword intent, was still sitting cross-legged. At this time, her sword intent had not yet been perfected, and her martial arts calamity had not yet been completely drawn down.

But between the heavens and the earth, a chilling aura began to pervade, clusters of dark clouds in the sky began to condense, and endless lightning flashed in the clouds, as if they were about to strike down directly in the next moment.

All the teachers and students couldn't help swallowing, even Shangguan Longwu and others in the Vientiane Realm couldn't help being shocked.

This is the first time they have seen such a large-scale martial arts calamity.
I'm afraid it's a thunderbolt, the sixth level of martial arts like him, the body and spirit will be wiped out immediately, right?
I hope the principal can help the senior sister resist the might of the sky, otherwise Mu Yanran will fail in breaking through the situation, suffer heavy injuries, and her cultivation level will plummet, or even die on the spot!
"Teacher" Chen Xiaoxiao murmured.

"Xiao..." Yao Qingshan froze for a moment, swallowed back the words before he finished speaking, and then continued: "So you've arrived a long time ago, and I wanted to go to your place of retreat to look for you!"

"The principal's voice transmission can be heard in the small world." Chen Xiaoxiao said softly.

Compared with other people, when facing Yao Qingshan, Chen Xiaoxiao was not so cold, and her voice was a little softer.

After all, he is a teacher's student, so it's not like other students. It's just an ordinary relationship with classmates.

"Where is Song Long?" Chen Xiaoxiao asked abruptly.

As for Yao Qingshan's constant mingling with Song Long, she also couldn't figure it out, one was calm and reticent, and the other was evasive, beeping non-stop when talking.

In other words, his strength is not bad among the students, otherwise, many people in the whole sophomore year would want to beat him up severely.

"This." Yao Qingshan's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help but glance at the sky.

"Song Long is fine now, probably because he didn't accompany me during the teleportation, and went to other places to watch the teacher cross the tribulation of martial arts!"

"Oh." A ray of doubt flashed in Chen Xiaoxiao's eyes.

It seems that Yao Qingshan lied.

So Song Long, where should he be now?

On the island, Song Long, who has been mentioned several times, is looking up at the sky with a sad face on the beach. On it are his beloved principal and Teacher Mu.
It's just that this respect and love came a little bit late, otherwise, he might not have been so miserable
On the beach, Song Long, with only one head exposed, murmured:
"I knew it. Lao Yao, you are not kind~"

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(End of this chapter)

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