Chapter 90 Star Trial
One step out, the space fluctuates.

Soon, Su Ran, who disappeared on the earth star, appeared in the starry sky.

"System, after exchanging for a trial site, it will be arranged according to the starry sky environment, which can survive for people who are less than the seventh level!"

[The seventh-level proving ground can change the location of a terrain and turn it into a simulated starry sky battlefield. If you don’t reach the seventh level, you can’t break through the prison of the proving ground]

A small spherical trial field fell, and Su Ran put it away directly.

Immediately, stepping into the space, the figure quickly disappeared, and after a while, he appeared on Mars.

The mental power was scattered directly, and after a few moments, Su Ran found the existence of the evil horse and alien race. The figure disappeared again, and when it reappeared, it was already somewhere on Mars, and its figure was hidden in the space node.

His eyes fell, under a basin of Mars, a large spacecraft fell obliquely on the basin.

Not far away, teams of evil horses are constantly spreading out, searching for energy sources on the planet, hoping to mine suitable energy.

Otherwise, they will be trapped to death on Mars and cannot leave. Before long, all food and water sources will be consumed, and they will have to wait to die, because they cannot be rescued here.

The leader of the Evil Horse Squad—Xie Qi, the existence of the sixth-order life form in the universe, is the most trusted person of Evil Shura's subordinates.

This time leading the members of the royal court through the space storm, I thought it would be a fatal event, but I didn't expect that I was lucky.

There was no space storm at all along the way, and luckily, it appeared in the star system. The only pity was that the energy was exhausted, in order to be able to quickly approach the living planet here.

However, before the energy of the spacecraft ran out, the coordinates of the living planets had already been searched.

For this reason, Xie Qi had no choice but to use a precious treasure, a life-saving thing given to him by Evil Shura—the Space Teleportation Stone!

A space teleportation stone can roughly fix in one direction, and randomly teleport them to distances ranging from hundreds of millions to billions.

So, it was really lucky, and it sent the spacecraft to Mars at once, almost facing the planet from a distance, but it lacked energy, otherwise it felt that it had stepped into the planet at this time.

Conquering a life planet, I can definitely get the king's reward, maybe I can be promoted to a seventh-level life body.

In the future, he could even sit on an equal footing with Lord Evil Shura and become a high-ranking Shura group, instead of just a leader like he is now.

"Have you found the energy source?" Xie Qi's voice was extremely cold.

"Commander, nothing has been found. The detection system lacks energy and cannot be activated. The detection is completely dependent on personnel, and it will take time." A member of the Ema clan knelt on the ground trembling and said.

He didn't dare to raise his head, only dared to kneel down desperately, for fear that his commander would be angry and tear it apart.

The evil horse tribe has always been strong, as long as you are strong enough, even if you kill the king, it is no problem to become the new king yourself.

Taking a deep breath, Xie Qi said in a harsh voice: "Three hourglasses, if you can't find any energy supply, then you're going to die, isn't there a problem?"

"No, no problem!" The kneeling Evil Horse looked panicked, and the frightened expression on his face was uncontrollable.

"Very good, go, find the energy source, you don't have to die, and you can still get the reward of this commander." Xie Qi sat back on the main seat, closed his eyes and began to feel the vitality of heaven and earth in the starry sky, tapping lightly with his sharp fingertips armrest.

The kneeling evil horse wiped off his cold sweat, then retreated quietly, urging all the teams to look for energy mines.

In the time of three hourglasses, if he can't find the energy mine to supply the energy for the spacecraft, then he will die, how can this evil horse be reconciled.

"Can't understand"

"The language of the Ema tribe is a bit weird, haven't you learned the universal language of the universe?"

"The Flower Spirit Clan back then, even if they communicated among their own clansmen, they still spoke the universal language of the universe."

Su Ran, who was hidden in the space node, had a strange look on his face. If his mental power hadn't been scattered around, he could read the information of the Ema tribe's conversation from the mental fluctuations.

Otherwise, this trip is really a waste of time, and I can't get any information.

As for the lingua franca learned by Su Ran, it came from the system transmission, and it took a second to learn it perfectly.

"Forget it, it seems that we have to take this spaceship back, please ask the Flower Spirit Clan to help analyze it."

"Then you all go into the proving ground and become the test subjects of our school's students. Try your methods first, and you won't be too busy when you come into contact with the starry sky race~" Su Ran took out the proving ground and threw it away .

"Who doesn't?" Xie Qi's expression changed instantly.

Violent space fluctuations erupted, and a whole team of evil horses disappeared on Mars in an instant.

Wuhan University Freshman Competition
In the venue, more and more students on the ranking list returned, making many people look serious.

There are so many bigwigs on the ranking list, wait a minute, the freshman competition is over, shouldn't it be time to see the ranking battle?

A group of freshmen instantly forgot that they had just been eliminated from the freshman competition, and they were looking forward to the ranking battle for a while. Everyone was so excited that even the students who were fighting fiercely on the stage forgot.

"Damn, Lao Yao, Shi Shengwen is back!" Song Long's eyes widened.

"He's coming back, this time he's one step behind me, it's time to give up his position!" Yao Qingshan's eyes burst out with a fighting spirit.

"Hey, you want to fight Lao Shi, and I want to fight that madman again." Song Long curled his lips and said with a fighting spirit: "Last time, I almost capsized in the gutter again. This time, let's see what I do." Clean him up!"

"I don't believe it anymore. Lao Shi didn't even generate evil energy from the evil seeds of the earth. He... can't be in the evil realm?"

"Chujiang is not the fourth realm, but it's approaching." Yao Qingshan's eyes were full of evil spirits, and he raised his eyebrows and said softly: "I guess they both want to lend our hand to prepare for the last battle to break through the realm. "

"It's really courageous enough. This is to let us brothers be the stepping stones for the two of them, Aaron. If they challenge you later."

"Shoot with all your strength, and step on a few hard feet to make them feel the pain."

"No problem." Song Long was full of fighting spirit, and looked at Chu Jiang who was sitting not far from him.
Similarly, Chu Jiang also grinned at Song Long, and his fighting spirit could not be concealed.

Yao Qingshan and Shi Shengwen also looked at each other, and the majestic aura in their bodies was aroused, and it continued to permeate the whole body, which caused the students sitting around to feel a strong sense of oppression.

Even Chu Qian and Wen Jiao, who were in the supernatural state, felt a little out of breath, and quickly retreated to several positions.

Freshmen: Obviously we are the protagonists, why are you a group of old students turning against customers now?
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(End of this chapter)

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