Chapter 10 Mom's Phone

"Hello, Mom~" Jiang took over the phone.

"I discussed it with your father, and I think we still have to hold a wedding for you, the sooner the better!" Speaking of getting married, Jiang Ma couldn't help being excited.

After Jiang Cheng heard it, he was so helpless, "It's only been a day, didn't you agree to give me some time to talk to the child's mother slowly, can this person agree?"

It's not that he doesn't want to, this person who can blush at the touch, suddenly pulls him to get married, that shameless person will have no face in front of others.

"You also think about it for us. The two big babies can't even recognize their grandparents. They have been floating outside. Your father and I, can you feel good about this, such a cute child..." Jiang Ma said more and more Aggrieved, "Aunt Zhang, holding your grandson in the sun every day downstairs, that's a blessing!"

Aunt Zhang can be said to be an old fried dough stick in the community, a typical pacifier, no, the pacifier is not as broken as hers!
Relying on his son's promise, showing off everywhere, Jiang Cheng was often scolded! ! !

Mom can't compare with anyone, compare with her.

Jiang Cheng was amused by his mother's words, "Do you feel that you are not happy enough?"

Upon hearing this, Mother Jiang became excited, "I'm just not happy, and it's hard to see my grandchildren!"

With Jiang Ma's aggrieved tone, Jiang Cheng seemed to see his mother's resentful eyes through the screen.

He smiled, "Mom, don't be sad. I'll take your grandson back for you right now, isn't it just to bask in the sun, take your son and grandson to bask together, and let's bask in happiness too!"

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Jiang Ma burst into laughter, "That's okay, I'll go cook right now. Your aunt picked some vegetables from the vegetable field the day before yesterday. They were all grown by themselves, and they are very healthy."

Jiang Cheng looked imperative, "No, no, you just sit under the sun and wait for me, let's enjoy the happiness first!"

Jiang Ma on the other side of the phone said angrily, "Glib!"

Thinking about the two lovely grandchildren, I couldn't help but look distressed, "Then I'll wait for you at the gate of the community, come back early!"


Jiang Cheng hung up the phone and looked at the two cute babies, "Do you two want to visit grandma?"

Hearing grandma, Nuonuo turned around with a small face that was seriously watching cartoons, "Grandma, will you buy me potato chips?"

Yanyan blinked, "Grandma will give us candy!"

Hearing candy, Nuonuo swallowed, she likes candy the most, but Ye Qingjiu never allows them to eat candy.

The two children climbed off the sofa and hugged Jiang Cheng's leg, "Papa, we are going to find grandma~"

Jiang Cheng looked at the two villains, "Okay, then let's go!"


The two babies cheered and ran towards the gate.

Jiang Cheng took the hats of the two of them and followed behind, "Baby, it's very sunny outside~"

The three of them went to the supermarket first. Now that I have 100 million people, I can't be stingy anymore. I have to buy some gifts for my mother and father.

The two suffered a lot for themselves.

Mother Jiang went out to wait for her son, and happened to run into Aunt Zhang who was back from shopping.

Seeing Mama Jiang sitting by the fountain by the door, she sat down with her grandson in her arms.

Aunt Zhang is from the Shanghai stock market, her skin is very fair and tender, and a person in her fifties looks like she is in her early thirties.

"What are you doing here?" Aunt Zhang sat down with a smile.

Mother Jiang smiled, "Wait for my son, Jiang Cheng is coming back for dinner today."

Auntie Zhang hugged her grandson and showed off, "Let me tell you, when you have a grandson, you won't think about your son so much. Everyone talks about family happiness, how can you be happy without a grandson!"

Mother Jiang's ears were almost calloused by these words, and her attention was all on the taxi on the street.

There are so many cars, I don't know which one Jiang Cheng is in, can he see himself, and do the two babies miss him.

Seeing Jiang's mother not talking, Aunt Zhang was even more proud, "However, Jiang Cheng has never been talkative since he was a child. He is not as likable as our Wu Chao. It is normal to get married a few years later, so don't worry."

Jiang Ma was obviously dissatisfied with her wording, but the neighbors in the neighborhood didn't want to turn their faces directly, so she responded casually, "That kid Wu Chao is not bad."

Hearing others praise her son, Aunt Zhang immediately regained her spirits, "My Wu Chao, don't be too promising. He bought a car and a house within two years of graduating from university."

"If your Jiang Cheng could have half of my son, it wouldn't be like this."

The more Aunt Zhang talked, the more excited she became. When it came to his son, she could talk for three days and three nights!

After Jiang Ma heard this, she immediately pulled her face down and glanced at her.

"What are you talking about? What does it mean to be half as good as your son? What's wrong with my son? My son just graduated from college, and my son has a bright future!"

Aunt Zhang curled her lips, her face full of disdain,

"You just can't listen to the truth, let me tell you, good medicine is bitter, I know!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed his head and kissed his grandson, who was less than one and a half years old, and half-jokingly said, "My baby is still good. No matter how powerful Grandma Jiang is, she won't let you hug her grandson."

Mother Jiang didn't want to tell the story of her grandson. After all, the two of them are not married yet, so it's not decent to talk about it.

However, Auntie Zhang's mouth is so broken that it just brought up the fire that Mama Jiang had suppressed just now.

Mother Jiang was dissatisfied, "I'll tell you the truth, I came out today to wait for my grandchildren!"

After speaking, he stretched out two fingers and waved them in front of Aunt Zhang, "Two twins!"

Auntie Zhang chuckled, this Jiang mother must be crazy about her grandson, neighbors for so many years, how can she not know, then Jiang Cheng doesn't even have a girlfriend, and is still a twin?

She pointed to her temple, "I think you have a brain problem because you think about your grandson."

Mother Jiang was furious, "You are the one who has the problem!"

Just as he was talking, a Rolls-Royce Phantom drove over smoothly and parked in a public parking space not far from the gate of the community.

Aunt Zhang's eyes lit up instantly when she saw the platinum villain in the car, "When will my son be able to buy such a car?"

After finishing speaking, Aunt Zhang began to fantasize about the scene where her son took her out on a trip in a Mercedes-Benz.

Jiang Cheng got out of the car, carrying a bunch of health care products he bought just now, and brought his two babies over here.

The two babies saw grandma sitting by the fountain from afar, and ran towards Mama Jiang.

"Grandma, grandma, Nuonuo wants to eat Tangtang." Nuonuo hugged Mama Jiang's leg and began to act coquettishly.

Not to be outdone, Yanyan said, "Grandma, Yanyan not only wants to eat candy, but also potato chips!"

Nuonuo glared at him angrily, turned her head, took Jiang Ma's hand and shook it, "Grandma, Nuonuo wants to eat potato chips too~"

Seeing the two babies, Mother Jiang smiled, "Okay, okay, grandma will buy it for you."

Aunt Zhang's eyes widened, "Is it really your grandson? Are you this old?"

Mother Jiang is full of pride, isn't it mine, or is it yours?

Before Mama Jiang could speak, Jiang Cheng came over carrying the big and small bags.

He put the things on the ground and looked at Jiang Ma with a smile, "Mom, my son brought his grandchildren back to bask in the sun with you."

Seeing Jiang Cheng being so filial, Aunt Zhang felt uncomfortable.

Outsiders know that his son can make money, but no one knows that his son only has his daughter-in-law in mind, and seeing her getting impatient is impatient.

"Chengzi is back. It's very tiring to take the bus to carry so many things and take two children with you. Auntie will make room for you. Sit down and rest."

(End of this chapter)

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