Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 118 Are All Netizens So Crazy Now?

Chapter 118 Are All Netizens So Crazy Now?


"No need, I don't have much image." Jiang Cheng laughed at himself.

He really doesn't look like an ambassador.

"Mr. Jiang, don't be humble. We all know your heroic deeds, and you donated all the 20 bonus to Hope Primary School. You are the most suitable image ambassador."

"Um, those are trivial things, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"Mr. Jiang, we sincerely invite you. This has nothing to do with the amount of donations. It is mainly about your heroic deeds. There are too many people who know about them, and you have donated all the prize money. Now your popularity is very high. High, so we hope you can be an image ambassador."

Jiang Cheng frowned, "Guess, I'm sending my child to school right now, it's not convenient to make a phone call on the way, let's talk about it later."

"But we..."

Jiang Cheng hung up the phone without waiting for the other party to finish speaking.

To tell the truth, he is not interested in any image ambassador.

Those who donated hundreds of millions of dollars did not become ambassadors, and the one with 20 yuan is not suitable.

He still has this self-awareness.

After hanging up the phone, he had already reached the gate of the school, and he put the two babies in the car.

Just thinking about what to eat today, I received a call from Ye Qingjiu.

"Daughter-in-law? Miss me so soon?"

"Come to the company, I remember looking for you downstairs."

Jiang Cheng frowned.


Not an ambassador.

It's really difficult, how did you get to the company.

"okay, I get it."

Jiang Cheng frowned and turned the car around, and arrived downstairs in Tengxing.

Sure enough, there were reporters around there, and there were a few old men and women beside them, who seemed to be enthusiastic spectators passing by to join in the fun.

He walked over with a helpless tone, "Are you looking for me?"

The reporter nodded, "Hello, we are from Chuancheng TV Station, and we specially invite you to be our image wall ambassador in Sichuancheng."

"But I'm really not suitable."

He prefers to be an ordinary citizen, and he doesn't like to earn such vain things.

"Don't be humble, there is no suitable person except you."

"It's really inappropriate, can't you change someone?"

"Sir, this is an honor, not everyone is qualified."

The elders and aunts on the side of the road looked at Jiang Cheng and tried to persuade him, "Young man, this is an honor, how wonderful it is."

"That's right, we've all seen the story of your bus saving lives, so don't be humble."

"If my son can be as promising as you, I'd be so happy."

Uncles and aunts, Jiang Cheng is a little embarrassed when you say what I said.

Remember to hold the microphone and look at him sincerely, "Yes, don't be modest, are you going to reject us in front of the whole country?"

People all over the country, the hat is still quite big.

Jiang Cheng lowered his head and pondered for a while. If it really doesn't work, the ambassador should be the ambassador.

He looked up and remembered, "Okay, then I'll try it first."

"Ok sir."


The interview is over.

Jiang Cheng got a charity ambassador out of nowhere, to be honest, he didn't feel much.

Not thrilled at all.

Seeing that everyone had finished walking, Jiang Cheng drove to the supermarket.

Had no idea that the interview just now had aired.

And also made a short video, posted on the Internet in the fastest time.

The title is, Chuancheng’s new charity ambassador is the brave man in the bus incident#
In the office, Ye Qingjiu is watching the recent stock movements of several companies on the computer.

She could not help but twitched her brows when she saw Youchen's stock was on a downward trend recently, who could hope for good for the family?
She's not that high-spirited.

Ye Qingjiu picked up the phone at hand and broadcast to his assistant, "Come here."

Si Qingqing was sitting in her seat, eating snacks and watching Jiang Cheng's charity ambassador video when she received a call from Ye Qingjiu.

He wiped his hands hurriedly, and walked into the president's office.

"Boss Ye, you are looking for me."

"Well, Youchen's stock has fallen, go find out what happened."

"Alright Mr. Ye."

"By the way, Mr. Ye, I just saw a video about Mr. Jiang, do you want to watch it?"

After all, Jiang Cheng is Mr. Ye's lover, so it is necessary to tell Ye Qingjiu about this kind of thing.

Hearing Jiang Cheng, Ye Qingjiu's eyelids twitched.

Didn't you remember to come to him in the morning? What is this guy doing?
She said lightly, "Forward it to me."

Si Qingqing picked up the phone and briefly operated it, "Mr. Ye, then I'll go out first."

After Si Qingqing left, Ye Qingjiu clicked on the internal video.

Sure enough, it was Jiang Cheng, who agreed to serve as this year's charity ambassador.

I have to say that Jiang Cheng is really handsome, Ye Qingjiu looked at him and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

Comment first.

Pink cat: God, isn't this the unsung hero on the bus last time? He's so handsome and I really want to marry him.

London cutie: Love it, love it, sisters, come on, don’t be ashamed of me, don’t be ashamed, the boss is not young, if you see this kind of high-quality man, you should take him down and post him for me!
Xiao Ah Si: Look at him, he is so handsome, so sunny, with a small cut, a small white T, and, is this background Teng Xing, I am going to block the door!Don't give up until you bring it home!

A little white: 20, if you donate it, donate it. Is this a human thing?This is God, how rich this must be, don't say I didn't tell you, he is definitely a rich second generation, sisters, I will go first!


Ye Qingjiu scrolled down again, they all praised Jiang Cheng, young and promising, full of sense of justice.

What treats money like dung, but has high moral character.

The one with the highest voice still wants to marry him!

In short, the more I look at it, the more uncomfortable I feel. Why is the little girl like this now, she has no relationship foundation and wants to marry someone else?

I rushed after watching a video, I don't know if Jiang Cheng has a child and a wife.

I like it, but I can't do this, and I have to come to Tengxing to block people.

Seeing these harsh comments, she randomly clicked on a profile picture, she looked like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, she was very beautiful, especially the pair of dimples, why was she so sweet.

Alas, it's over, I bet!
There is a sense of loss.

Ye Qingjiu couldn't help but click on another one, this one is even more beautiful, with long wavy hair and long legs, it looks like a professional model.

The key note is also!

It's really the same age as flowers.

Ye Qingjiu frowned, feeling even more frustrated.

Well, it's so pretty.

Then I clicked on a few more, all of them were young and beautiful girls, looking energetic.

Ye Qingjiu couldn't help dragging Sai, and began to think wildly unconsciously.

So good-looking, if they really chased Jiang Cheng, would he not be able to bear it?

Will he be shaken.

Will he dislike himself?

After all, I am already in my twenties, and I am still the mother of two children. Although I have obtained a certificate from him, the wedding has not yet been held.

Many people don't know that Jiang Cheng is married.

She was really worried that so many people missed Jiang Cheng.

(End of this chapter)

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