Chapter 122 Who is the person he likes?
Jiang Cheng nodded politely, "You can eat it with confidence after washing it."

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, the girl ate one without hesitation.

Wow, the taste is sweet and sour, and the juice is rich.

Definitely not the same as the ones bought in the market.

"Mr. Jiang, where did you buy your cherries, they are so sweet."

"It's fresh from a relative's house. Let's share it with everyone." Jiang Cheng smiled politely.

Hearing that the fruit was distributed, Manager Luo hurried to help.

Last time, Si Qingqing gave everyone cherries, and those cherries were really delicious.

Later, he bought from several places, but none of them were so delicious.

Manager Luo carried the bags from the front row to the back row, and everyone grabbed a few bags.

"Thank you Mr. Ye, thank you Mr. Jiang." A few polite employees said.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "It's okay, I still have passion fruit, melon seeds, everything, if you want to eat, you can come and get them, these are prepared by Mr. Ye for you."

Ye Qingjiu's eyelids twitched, obviously he was not prepared.

Originally, she didn't like to eat snacks either.

He said that he prepared it by himself, maybe it was to draw in the relationship between himself and everyone.

It's really hard for him to be so careful.

After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, everyone became restless.

Good guy, I didn't expect the aloof Mr. Ye to be so careful.

And specially prepared food for myself.

It's like a realistic version of Doraemon.

The brave ones couldn't help but tease, "Mr. Jiang, do you have watermelon seeds? I don't like sunflower seeds."

Jiang Cheng flipped through the bag, "Salt and pepper, five spice, what flavor do you want?"

Hearing that there were indeed, the man's eyes widened, "I'll go, there are all these, Mr. Ye is careful."

"I didn't expect Boss Ye to take care of us like this."

Jiang Cheng smiled and handed the melon seeds to the girl in front, and the girl gave it to the person in front, just passing them layer by layer.

The atmosphere became more active without realizing it.

There were a few cherries that I didn't eat enough, so I couldn't help turning my head and asking, "Mr. Ye, do you have any more cherries?"

The girl in front was relatively close, so she simply turned around and grabbed a handful from the bag, "Mr. Ye, don't just sit there, eat something."

"Oh, okay, you can share these cherries with everyone."

The girl took the cherries,

"By the way, Mr. Ye, I brought spicy strips. They are delicious. You can try them."

After finishing speaking, she took out her spicy strips and handed them to Ye Qingjiu.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, I have marinated eggs here. My mother marinated them early in the morning. They taste very good."

Saying that, another female employee took out the marinated egg made by her mother, and handed it to Ye Qingjiu with a smile, "Mr. Ye, don't dislike it, it looks ugly, but it's actually delicious."

Ye Qingjiu held two marinated eggs, and felt a subtle feeling in his heart.

Everyone ate and chatted in a hurry.

The topic was very complicated, such as who is the latest top streamer, who is their own CP, and what are the most popular national styles recently. In short, it was very lively.

Seeing everyone's relaxed appearance, Ye Qingjiu felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

This should be the smell of fireworks, that lively feeling.

"Mr. Ye, do you have a favorite CP?"

Ye Qingjiu doesn't know what CP is.

She either works overtime or takes care of the children every day. She doesn't even have time to watch TV, so how could she know this.

This word is very strange to her.

However, she really wanted to fit in with them.

Ye Qingjiu almost didn't think about it, and blurted out, "Of course!"

I regretted it after I finished speaking, her mouth.In case someone asks her who the CP is.

That would be a shame.

"Wow, Mr. Ye, I like Bo Jun's smile very much! It's the kind that loves misery!"

"Bojun is about to be hacked out of the sky. Since you are a fan of them, it's better for me. My PC is married. Have you seen it? I love it so much!"

"Hey, everyone is divorced, okay? You love a fart! Don't you read the news? Just came out this morning, it's very fresh and hot."


In short, everyone, you and I have a very happy chat.

Ye Qingjiu melted into them, even though he didn't understand, he cooperated very hard, sometimes smiling, sometimes nodding, with a very serious look.

Along the way, she watched everyone talking and laughing, and she felt an indescribable joy in her heart.

And Jiang Cheng was also very happy to see Ye Qingjiu get along well with his employees.

In short, everyone is very happy.

It was almost noon when we got off the bus, Huangrong was more than three hours' drive from Sichuan City.

When they arrived at the place, everyone couldn't wait to get out of the car.

Huangrong is a very distinctive ancient city, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, full of ancient atmosphere everywhere.

The old houses left over from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, green bricks and green tiles, copper bells hung on the sloping roof of the roll shed, and the stone roads that have rained are exceptionally clean.

Standing here, there is a kind of trance that reminds me of a song by Jay Chou, "Azure is waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you."

Manager Luo was a little nervous when he walked up to Ye Qingjiu and Jiang Cheng. It should be an ancient city, so he booked a B&B.

It is really aggrieved that someone of Mr. Ye's status let her live in a homestay.

He lowered his head, "Mr. Ye, this time we booked a B&B because it is an ancient city, or else, let's go further, there should be a star hotel outside the ancient city, you and Mr. Jiang can stay there. "

Ye Qingjiu was a little dazed, she really didn't know the difference between a B&B and a hotel, Si Qingqing had arranged it early in the past.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Why change places? Shouldn't team building be a group activity?"

"This, isn't this because you are not used to it?"

"Hey, what's the matter? When I was in college, I slept on a 1.2-meter dry plank bed for four years. The bed in the homestay is 1.5-meter bed, which is much bigger."

Does this mean that the calibration room is required?
Manager Luo's head turned quickly. The two of them have children, so they must be together.

So, he booked a single room!
Also specially set a big bed room!

Did I make a mistake?
This is how to do.

"I, I didn't know you wanted a standard room. I ordered a double room." Manager Luo felt a little guilty.

Going out to play was just to have fun, but Manager Luo's meticulous attention to detail made Jiang Cheng feel a little uncomfortable.

He patted Manager Luo's arm, "It's okay, the bed is big and spacious, you can sleep however you want."

! ! ! !
What is he saying?
Ye Qingjiu glanced at him differently, why did this man speak without knowing what he said?
Dare to say anything?
What does it mean to have a large space, and you can sleep in any way?

How does he want to sleep?
Thinking about it, she felt a little shy unconsciously.

Manager Luo looked at Jiang Cheng gratefully, "Then I'll show you the room."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Okay."

Everyone got off the bus and started to take their luggage from the container of the bus.

At this moment, it is almost enough.

A group of people, talking and laughing, walked towards the B&B.

The environment of the ancient city is beautiful and lively.

There are bustling small vendors on the roadside, selling small jewelry, hairpins, shawls of various colors, and some ethnic costumes.

Everyone walked and watched curiously, even Ye Qingjiu couldn't help but sneak a few glances.

When they arrived at the B&B, Manager Luo collected everyone's ID cards, went through the check-in procedures uniformly, and paid a deposit.

Then he came back with the room card.

He handed the room card to Jiang Cheng, "The room is on the third floor."

Everyone else is on the first and second floors.

Jiang Cheng took the room card, took Ye Qingjiu's hand and went to the third floor.

After putting away their things, the two of them went downstairs, and everyone was already waiting for them in the lobby.

Everyone chattered about what to have for lunch, and finally everyone decided unanimously not to eat!

what to eat!

Isn't the special snack delicious?

There are so many snacks on the street, they have to move freely for two hours, eat some snacks, and then take pictures and check in.

Everyone hit it off immediately and ran out impatiently, only Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng helplessly.

Jiang Cheng looked at him with a smile, "Why don't we go buy some snacks and go for a stroll?"

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Okay."

The two walked out of the B&B holding hands. There were many snacks on the street, such as Langya potatoes, rice rolls, glutinous rice cakes, dragon beard candy, iron plate squid, and oden.

In short, there are a lot of delicious food, and the whole street is filled with the smell of snacks.

Ye Qingjiu stood in Langya Tudou and queued for a long time. I don't know why this Tudou is so popular.

After queuing for more than 20 minutes, I was able to line up myself.

She stood in front of the stall, "Two servings of potatoes."

The stall owner took a small shovel and fiddled with the countertop, "Oh, sorry, there is still one left."

Ye Qingjiu frowned, what did Jiang Cheng eat if he ate a portion, and came together, how could he eat alone.

She was a little disappointed, "Or..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng opened his mouth and gave the boss a big smile, "One piece is one piece, we want it!"

After speaking, he quickly scanned the code.

The boss smiled and put the potatoes with peppers in the box, and handed it to Ye Qingjiu, "Girl, yours."

Ye Qingjiu held the box and smelled the aroma inside, "Mmm, it smells delicious."

Jiang Cheng took her hand and moved it to the side, to a place with few people, "Eat, there are too many people, it's easy to touch, these signatures are so sharp, don't hurt yourself."

Ye Qingjiu pierced a piece of potato, happily put it in his mouth, and bit half of it.

Taste, I can't tell, it's not good, and it's not bad.

Anyway, will be able to eat.

"What, isn't it delicious?" Jiang Cheng asked her.

"I can't say it, just, I don't know how to describe it~"

Seeing her strange expression, Jiang Cheng directly took the signature in her hand, and stuffed the remaining half of a potato into his mouth.

After tasting it carefully, "It seems to be okay."

Ye Qingjiu was shocked, that, that was what she left after eating.

It also has its own saliva on it.

Why did he eat it right away.

"Why this expression? Is it too hot?" Jiang Cheng blamed himself.

Just took a bite, this potato is a bit spicy, Ye Qingjiu has a bad stomach, I really shouldn't bring her to buy these.

"That's what I ate, I just, I just took a bite, didn't you see?"

Ye Qingjiu wanted to say that he had already eaten it, so it was not clean.

Jiang Cheng blinked, with an indifferent face, "I know, I saw it."

He couldn't figure out why Ye Qingjiu was surprised.

"Then you still eat?"

Jiang Cheng looked puzzled, "What's the matter? Isn't it natural for a husband to eat what his wife left? Besides, there are so many, wouldn't it be a waste not to eat."

He said it so naturally.

"But, it's drooling again."

Ye Qingjiu was a little anxious, she forgot that not everyone in this world has a cleanliness like her.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing, he leaned on her ear and whispered softly, "It's not like I haven't eaten it before, it's not the first time, what are you afraid of."

! ! ! ! ! !
What is he talking about, heaven, why does this person like to tease people so much?

What is this is not the first time.

Ye Qingjiu's face turned red in an instant, she glared at him, and let out an angry "Humph!"

Turned around and walked back.

There is a long row of snack streets behind them, against the background of the antique rooms, there is a kind of indescribable beauty.

Jiang Cheng followed behind, "Daughter-in-law, I'm teasing you, don't be angry."

Ye Qingjiu walked a few steps and stopped in front of a stall selling trinkets.

There are all kinds of small bracelets on the stalls, wearing small shells, red coral, and small pearls.

Anyway, it's what girls like.

Ye Qingjiu likes it too.

Her eyes stayed on the pearl bracelet for a long time.

Would it be naive to buy these myself?

After all, team building, in case someone finds out.

just forget it.

Thinking, she took steps to leave.

Jiang Cheng walked over with a smile, "Boss, how do you sell that pearl bracelet?"

Hmph, she doesn't want his stuff!

"I do not want!"

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Oh? Don't forget it, it's not for you anyway."


It's not for yourself?
"Then who are you going to give it to?"

Can't you see that you are angry!
"Give it to someone who likes me." Jiang Cheng spoke very casually, with a very light tone

In Ye Qingjiu's ears, it was like a thunderbolt.

The whole person is stupid.

People who like him!
Who else likes him!

I know there are so many people who like him, did he get in touch with the girl under that video?

pink cat?
It's still that little Ah Si!
no!Must find out.

While Jiang Cheng was still giving money, Ye Qingjiu had already walked forward quickly!

Te found a corner, quickly took out his cell phone, and dialed Si Qingqing's number.

"Hey Mr. Ye."

"Go and check the low comments on the internal videos, anyone who said they like Jiang Cheng, check it for me!" Ye Qingjiu felt that he could hardly breathe, and took a few breaths.

This is too difficult. Out of the thousands of comments, at least two-thirds of the people have made such remarks.

How to check this.

"Boss Ye, that video is so popular, there are so many people below, should they check it out?" Si Qingqing asked.

"Check them all! Don't miss a single one!"

After Jiang Cheng finished paying the bill, he saw Ye Qingjiu standing in the corner, his face was so stinky that it couldn't be more stinky.

After walking by and listening, sure enough, the little daughter-in-law of his family became angry again.

I don't know who to check again.

(End of this chapter)

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