Chapter 125 Bonfire Party
fine?In such cool weather, how could the tip of the nose and forehead be so hot and sweaty?

There must be something uncomfortable.

He turned around and held her shoulder, "What's the matter?"

"I'm really fine."

Ye Qingjiu lowered his head, looking a little listless.

"Impossible, tell me quickly!"

Jiang Cheng was a little anxious.

I mean, I can't walk with him anymore.

Could it be that she can't participate in today's event, and the bonfire party, she still wants to participate.

"I'm fine, just take a rest."

She still bit her lip and refused to speak.

Jiang Cheng looked at her helplessly, "I'll check if you don't tell me!"

Hearing the word inspection, Ye Qingjiu swallowed.

How to check?
Do you want to...

This is very popular.

"I, I just have a sore foot, just take a rest if you have nothing to do."

Jiang Cheng squatted down angrily, grabbed her feet and looked carefully, and found that the heels had been ground with blood.

Looking at the bright red blood, Jiang Cheng's eyelids twitched, and his heart felt like a needle prick.

Why is this girl so stupid?
"It's all like this, you still want to go?"


Ye Qingjiu didn't know how to answer him.

In the next second, Jiang Cheng picked her up and walked forward in a muffled voice.

Ye Qingjiu was on his back, everyone panicked, so many colleagues were watching.

"You, let me down!"

She struggled a few times.

"Don't let it go!"

How can I walk with my feet like this?
She doesn't feel distressed, she feels distressed!

Why didn't I know to pack a pair of shoes for her when I went out.

He clearly knew it was an outdoor sport, so why was he so careless.

"You put me down, I'm really fine."

Ye Qingjiu looked at the staff in front of him, he was so embarrassed that he couldn't breathe.

"To shut up!"

Jiang Cheng ignored him, walked quickly a few steps, reached the bench in front, and then put Ye Qingjiu down.

The few colleagues in front who were strolling in the courtyard were caught off guard by Jiang Cheng and overtook them.

Seeing him carrying Ye Qingjiu, they were all stunned.

"I'll go, this is too MAN."

"I never thought Mr. Jiang would have such a manly side."

"It's really dog ​​food everywhere."

Sure enough, it was seen! ! !
Ye Qingjiu turned his face away in embarrassment, and almost shouted, you misidentified the person.

How could Jiang Cheng care about these things.

He squatted down and carefully pulled off the black high heels on her feet.

He frowned and looked at her, "Does it hurt?"

You could tell he was nervous.

He seemed to have a mysterious power, Ye Qingjiu looked at the thin sweat on his face, and instantly forgot the embarrassment.

Also forget the pain.

All she knew was that he cared about her, very much.

"It doesn't hurt."

"How can it not hurt?"

Jiang Cheng turned his head and looked at the people in front, "Is there a Band-Aid?"

After hearing the Band-Aid, several people realized that Mr. Ye was injured!

They all started to rummage through their bags in a panic.

"I'm fine, everyone go on and don't be influenced by me."

Seeing that everyone was nervous, Ye Qingjiu felt very embarrassed, she is not the kind of person who likes to trouble others.

However, everyone's attention is on finding the Band-Aid.

After searching for a long time, Wang Bin finally found one in his bag, which was left over from the last injury.

He handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Mr. Jiang, there is only one left. If it is not enough, I will buy more."

Xiao Liu also found one, "I have another one here, fortunately there is another one."

Jiang took over two band-aids and said, "Thank you."

Busily put Ye Qingjiu's feet on his lap.

Her feet are white, slender, but small, about size 36.

The wound on the back is also particularly glaring.

Jiang Cheng tore off the band-aid and carefully stuck it on, then tore off the second one, and the two band-aids were pasted into an X shape.

In this way, the wound can be well protected, and the band-aid is not easy to fall off.

"Boss Ye, can you still go?"

"Yes, Mr. Ye, why don't you go back and have a rest."

Several people greeted with concern.

Ye Qingjiu always thought that they were all afraid of him, but after these two days of contact, it seems that they are not all.

Especially now, several people are concerned.

She had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"I'm fine, you guys play first, I'll just take a rest."

"Are you really all right?"

"It's all right, you go."


Seeing that Ye Qingjiu firmly insisted that he was fine, several people turned around and left.

Jiang Cheng looked at her, "Why didn't you say it earlier, you must wait until the skin is broken, how long will it last?"

Ye Qingjiu lowered his head, his eyelashes trembling, "I, I just want to walk with you for a while..."

When she spoke, her speech was very slow, her voice was soft and thin, like a child who had done something wrong.

But it was like thunder in Jiang Cheng's ears.

How stupid she is is how distressing she is.

He took his hand, his eyes were burning, "the road of life is still long, I will always accompany you through it, slow down, don't worry."

He said that he would spend his whole life with him.

He said just now that he would spend his whole life with him.

Ye Qingjiu pursed his lips, and nodded heavily for a while.

"I can't attend the bonfire party later."

She spoke very much like Nuonuo, her eyes were full of pleading.

It seems to say again, please please~
Jiang Cheng really has nothing to do.

He chuckled lightly and scratched the tip of her nose, "Playing~"

"I didn't!" Ye Qingjiu pouted.

How can this be playful.

"Then can you?"

"Of course, it's okay to break a little skin."

She wasn't the kind of delicate person in the first place, and with Jiang Cheng's care, she would be alive and well.

Jiang Cheng smiled helplessly, "I really can't do anything about you."

After speaking, he dragged off his shoes, which were a pair of slippers Adi's sports slippers.

He doesn't like to pass on leather shoes, sneakers and sneakers.

He doesn't like sports very much, and he doesn't pursue any high-end business. He is just an ordinary person.

In hot weather, only slippers are the most comfortable.

"Here, wear mine."

Ye Qingjiu looked at the white slippers on the ground.

Staring at him with wide eyes, "Then what are you wearing?"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Such a wide gravel road is just right for a massage."

After speaking, he carried Ye Qingjiu's high-heeled shoes and walked ahead with a smile.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the shoes on the ground, his eyes were a little astringent but glaring.

Looking at his back, his gaze became firmer.


When we arrived at the ancient town, there were crowds of tourists on the bonfire square.

Girls of Dai, Hani, Wa, Lahu and other ethnic minorities wore national costumes in the crowd, gathered around the bonfire, and danced to the music.

It looked so comfortable and hearty, and the music sounded.

But regardless of the bluntness of his dancing posture, he also "sings and dances" with the ethnic girls.

"Mr. Ye, we are here." Liu Jing pulled Zeng Ting to stand among a group of ethnic minorities, and they stretched out their hands to say hello while dancing.

Ye Qingjiu glanced at Jiang Cheng beside him, "So this is the bonfire party."

"Otherwise?" Jiang Cheng smiled, "You don't think everyone is sitting in front of the fire talking."


Ye Qingjiu blinked, she really thought so.

If I knew I was going to dance, I wouldn't have said anything.

Seeing the two people stunned, Zhang Bin walked out from the crowd, "Brother Ye Jiang, you are here, let's go together."

Jiang Cheng was about the same age as him, and his name was Mr. Jiang, which always felt a bit awkward.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu with a smile, "You are the one who wants to attend the bonfire party, do you regret it now?"

! ! ! !
He's kidding himself!

I have evidence for myself!
He didn't know how stupid he was, so he endured the pain in his feet and came to dance!
It's crazy.

"I didn't! Who regrets it?"

Let's be together without regret.

Just as he was talking, a young girl wearing a minority costume and a blingbling shiny unit headdress walked over in a brisk dance.

She took Ye Qingjiu's hand, "Beautiful girl, let's go together~"

Before she could react, she was pulled into the very center.

The sound of the music was beautiful, and the lights of the fire were dancing on everyone's faces.

Ye Qingjiu was a little shy at first, but gradually became infected by the atmosphere.

The pace followed and cheered up.

"Wow, I didn't expect President Ye to dance so beautifully."

"Boss Ye is so beautiful."

Zhang Bin laughed and booed, "How about asking Mr. Ye to dance for us at this year's group gathering?"

Liu Jing stared at him with wide eyes, "You are so brave!"

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu who was dancing with the crowd in the middle of the crowd, although he was wearing his own slippers.

It looks kind of nondescript, but she's really good looking.

It's like the brightest star in the dark, as soon as she appears, the surroundings are dim.

Ye Qingjiu searched around, but found that Jiang Cheng didn't come in, and sneaked out.

"Why aren't you together?"

Jiang Cheng burst out laughing, looked down at his feet, "Do you want someone to step on you when you go in?"

Ye Qingjiu also laughed.

"Forget it, let's go back."

"Have you had enough fun?"

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "I'm tired, let's go back."

What was not said was that she would feel bored without him, even in a lively place, as long as he was not there, she would feel bored.

Manager Luo was also writhing stiffly inside, dancing happily, when he turned around and saw the two were about to leave, he hurriedly slipped out.

"Boss Ye, don't leave. This will be over soon. We also ordered a roast lamb. Let's go back after eating something."

Roast lamb is at your own expense, more than 1000 one, Manager Luo ordered a big one, after all, there are many people.

"It's okay, you guys can eat." Ye Qingjiu was still a little hungry after talking about the roasted lamb, after all she didn't eat much just now.

However, I have already said that I want to go back, it would be embarrassing not to go back.

"Come on, Mr. Ye, we're so lively together."

Seeing what Manager Luo and Ye Qingjiu were talking about, Liu Jing and Zeng Ting also squeezed out.

"Boss Ye, are you leaving?"

"En." Ye Qingjiu nodded.

Hearing Mr. Ye was leaving, Liu Jing refused.

"Mr. Ye, to be honest, do you think I've posted your photo and you don't want to have dinner with us?"

"Or, do you think I'm too short to have dinner with you?"

Liu Jing was originally very outgoing, small and cute, and very humorous.

So colleagues like her.

When she said this, Ye Qingjiu was stunned.

"Mr. Ye, don't mind, I'm just joking, we want you to stay for something to eat."

When Liu Jing spoke, the smile on her face was bright and moving.

Ye Qingjiu has always been cold-tempered, wrapped in this kind of enthusiasm, suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

She nodded, "Okay. Then I'll wait for you here."

"Then I won't dance anymore, I'm here to accompany Mr. Ye." Liu Jing wanted to accompany Mr. Ye. She likes to be lively, and she always felt that Ye Qingjiu and Jiang Cheng were standing here, looking a little Poor.

Manager Luo glared at her, "If you say you are stupid, why are you smart? If you say you are smart, why are you so stupid? With Mr. Jiang by your side, can President Ye be bored?"

"Oh, yes." Liu Jing smiled belatedly.


Ten minutes later, the party was over and all the dancers dispersed.

Only these people are left.

Only then did the boss bring his buddies, and two of them came out carrying a whole sheep.

The sheep was tied to an iron rack, and the boss put the sheep directly into the fire, and looked at them with a smile, "It's starting to roast, it's very tender, and it can be eaten in half an hour."

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble the boss." Manager Luo smiled.

Zhang Bin and the others thought it was too boring to just sit and do it, so they shouted,
"Boss, beer? Bring us some wine."

When they heard that there was wine, they were all excited, "The boss brought two more bottles of ice."

"Okay!" The boss walked back with a smile.

After a while, a basket of beer was brought out, "Ice and normal temperature are available, take whatever you want to drink."

"thank you boss."

Zhang Bin took a bottle of beer and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "Brother Jiang, have a bottle."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Thank you."

I saw that everyone had wine, but the atmosphere was still not right.

Zhang Bin thought for a while, "Why not, let's play a game."

Liu Jing's eyes lit up when she heard the game, "What game?"

To be honest, apart from being short, Liu Jing has no shortcomings in other aspects. She is good-looking and loves to laugh, and has a very good personality.

It's the inner seed, a girl who can afford it.

As long as it's not too much, she won't get angry at anything.

Zhang Bin has always been interested in her, but after all, he is too familiar with her, so it is difficult to start.

After thinking about it, I wondered what kind of game to play with Liu Jing.

"How about we play Solitaire in the next song, the last word is the beginning of the next song, if you can't catch up, how about drinking for men, and truth or dare for women."

He planned to use this game to sing two love songs to Liu Jing, and confess his love secretly.

Everyone listened to his suggestion, and they all said it was feasible, and there was nothing wrong with it at first. It is not impossible to sing to liven up the atmosphere.

Besides, girls are not allowed to drink alcohol, just participate in some activities and have fun.

"Then what are you waiting for, of course my old Luo will start first."

Manager Luo is a well-known Maiba.

"I love you not because of your beauty. I love you more and more. Every look in my eyes touches my heart."

Manager Luo snatched Zhang Bin's first sentence, but curled his lips, "Manager, you are almost 50 years old, why do you still love to come and go?"

Lao Luo was not happy when he heard this, "Why, I don't like the elderly to have love."

(End of this chapter)

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