Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 13 Daughter-in-law, you are there too

Chapter 13 Daughter-in-law, you are there too
She leaned over to her side and whispered, "Sure, your husband is kind enough to buy shoes for you."

Ye Qingjiu looked at her embarrassedly, "Fuck you."

Here, Zhou Meng smiled awkwardly at the clerk, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Jiang Cheng affectionately, "Yeah, I don't know how lucky I have to be to be the senior's girlfriend~"

Ye Qingjiu was picking up the cup on the table to drink water, when he heard this sentence, he almost spit out the water.

"Cough cough cough..."

Jiang Cheng was attracted by the violent coughing.

He didn't see Ye Qingjiu, but looked at Sheng Xinyan who patted her on the back, he was taken aback, "You, are you here too?"

Sheng Xinyan stopped what she was doing, and looked coldly at Zhou Meng next to him, "Sister, you must be thirsty if you speak so well. I'll ask the cabinet sister to make you a cup of green tea to moisten your throat."

Green tea is much more visible to her, and if she wants to poach her best friend's corner, that's impossible!

Zhou Meng looked at Jiang Cheng innocently, "Is this sister a friend of my brother?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "My wife and best friend!"

It turned out to be the best friend of a rival in love, so she couldn't lose.

Zhou Meng looked at Jiang Cheng with a guilty face, and said sullenly: "Did I say something wrong that my sister misunderstood, people only envy the senior's girlfriend, who can have such a perfect boyfriend."

Zhou Meng pouted, and the more she said, the more aggrieved she became. Jiang Cheng, who looked so petite, felt a little embarrassed.

However, he feels that there is still a point that needs to be corrected.

He looked at Zhou Meng seriously, "It's really not a girlfriend, but a daughter-in-law, my own daughter-in-law!"

As soon as these words came out, Ye Qingjiu couldn't sit still, why did this guy call himself his wife when he met everyone, as if he was afraid that others would not know!
She stood up with a blushing face, "You..."

Seeing Ye Qingjiu, Jiang Cheng was stunned for three seconds, and immediately smiled, "Daughter-in-law, you're here too!"

After speaking, he walked towards Ye Qingjiu enthusiastically, Ye Qingjiu obviously had lingering fears about what happened last night, and hurriedly stopped him: "You, don't come here, talk if you have something to say!"

Seeing her nervous look, Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing, "Look, you're doing well, why are you nervous?"

Ye Qingjiu blushed, not knowing what to do.

This man is really terrible!

None of the three paid attention to Zhou Meng's complicated eyes behind him.

She stared straight at Ye Qingjiu's swan neck.

Unexpectedly, the senior's girlfriend is actually so good-looking.

Zhou Meng came over, "Senior, this is your wife."

After finishing speaking, he smiled innocently at Ye Qingjiu, "Wow, my sister's lipstick is so beautiful, I really envy my sister who knows how to put on makeup, I don't know how to wear lipstick."

In a word, even Ye Qingjiu was embarrassed.

As the top executive of the company, she wears lipstick just to let everyone see her energetic side.

Sheng Xinyan next to her looked at the faint traces of grooming on Zhou Meng's face and dismissed them.

She clasped her arms together, "Sister, your foundation is pretty good, and you have this highlight and shadow, or let's add a Wechat, your craft, I'm afraid you can't even learn Qingjiu!"

Zhou Meng didn't expect Sheng Xinyan's eyes to be so sharp, and she could tell that she was obviously fading. She was at a loss for words, "I..."

Ye Qingjiu looked at Jiang Cheng, "So, you are here to buy me shoes?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yeah, how tired you are of wearing high heels every day, buy a pair of flat shoes and put them in the office, and put them in when no one is around. They will be comfortable for a while~ No, I bought some for you. Let Zhou Meng help me refer, after all, she is also a girl."

Seeing Jiang Cheng's sincerity, Ye Qingjiu felt a little moved in his heart, unexpectedly, this person is quite attentive.

Jiang Cheng walked to the shoe rack, looked carefully again, and his eyes fell on a pair of pink shoes.

He brought the shoes over and shook them in front of Ye Qingjiu, "Daughter-in-law, how do you like this pair?"

Before Ye Qingjiu could speak, Zhou Meng spoke hesitantly, "Senior, after all, my sister is already working, and the sisters wear lipstick, so they should be very strong... I think... pink doesn't seem suitable."

As expected of green tea, it has always killed two birds with one stone.

The meaning is obvious, that is, Ye Qingjiu is old and powerful, while she has not graduated from university yet, and is young and cuddly.

As soon as these words came out, Sheng Xinyan almost died of anger.

Who is old?Who is stronger?
"Zhao Liyin is over 30, and she still looks pretty pink. Qingjiu is only in her twenties, so she should wear pink."

Jiang Cheng's eyes lit up instantly, "Is it? My wife must look good in everything she wears!"

After finishing speaking, he walked over with his shoes, wanting to try them on for Ye Qingjiu!

Ye Qingjiu saw that everyone else was squatting down, and hurriedly stopped him, "Don't, I... I will do it myself!"

Jiang Cheng was afraid that Ye Qingjiu wouldn't do it on purpose, so he said with a look of success, "Then try it quickly!"

Ye Qingjiu hurriedly took off his high heels and put on flat shoes.

Jiang Cheng looked at her and nodded in satisfaction, "As expected of my wife, she looks good in anything she wears!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the cabinet sister who had been standing silently behind, "I want this pair, how much?"

The cabinet sister came over with a smile, "Sir, these shoes are 12."

Ye Qingjiu knew that Jiang Cheng had no money, and 12 was already a sky-high price for him, so he hurriedly said, "No, no, use my card."

Jiang Cheng was unhappy, "What's yours and mine, mine is yours. Although your husband doesn't have much money, it's only natural to buy shoes for his wife. Whoever robs me is in a hurry!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the cabinet sister, "Let's go, I'll pay the bill with you!"

Zhou Meng's face turned dark when she heard the price, 12 a pair of shoes!

What kind of shit luck did this dead woman have, to have a fairy boyfriend like a senior! ! !

She silently followed behind Jiang Cheng, "Senior, I still have something to do, so I'll go first~"

Jiang Cheng didn't stop her, "Okay, then slow down."

After finishing speaking, I happily followed the cabinet sister to pay the money.

Zhou Meng went out with a dark face, looking at the Rolls Royce across the street, still unwilling to give up.

After thinking about it, he took out the lipstick and notebook in his bag, and wrote a note: Senior, I really like you...

There is also a red lip mark after writing.

After writing, I stuffed it in the windshield wiper of Rolls-Royce before leaving.

She doesn't believe it anymore, a lipstick note is a must-kill for most men, but she doesn't believe that this senior can stay still!

On the sofa on the second floor, Sheng Xinyan looked at Ye Qingjiu with a pair of almond eyes enviously, "It doesn't look like a fake to you, 12 shoes, just buy it if you want it, I said, Ye Qingjiu, are you It's really possible, to have such a handsome and considerate husband come back quietly."

After a pause, he was a little worried, "But that little girl was not kind to her just now. Look at her tea-like appearance. It would be annoying enough to have such an opponent to disgust you."

(End of this chapter)

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