Chapter 139 See Tricks and Tricks
Right now there is no IP drama, so it is difficult for him to improve his performance, this is the task that Ye Qingjiu specially assigned.

There are only two dramas released this month. If you miss them, you will have to wait until next month, and there may not be any next month.

Chen Shaolun stared at him on purpose to make himself look bad, what a villain, why didn't he find out that he was such a person.

The more Sun Ming thought about it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help calling Chen Shaolun.

Chen Shaolun knew Sun Ming very well, and he had already figured out that he would call himself to see him, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

He picked up the phone, "Yo, Mr. Sun."

Sun Ming said in a bad tone, "Why do you do this, what good will it do you!"

"Of course there are benefits. We Youchen now hold the rights to broadcast two popular dramas, so the sales of video sites must be good."

Chen Shaolun deliberately put a knife in Sun Ming's heart, knowing that he cares about these two dramas, he deliberately told him.

"You are clearly targeting me and deliberately embarrassing me!"

"Yes, so what? You and Jiang Cheng, the instigator, the other, just wait and see, the fun has just begun!"


Before Sun Ming finished speaking, Cheng Shaolun hung up the phone.

He took a deep breath, tried to adjust his mentality, returned to the car and called Jiang Cheng, "Where are you, I have something to report."

He felt that this matter must be told to Jiang Cheng, Chen Shaolun is really too shameless.

Jiang Cheng originally planned to pick it up early if he had nothing to do, but seeing Sun Ming's serious tone, he guessed that something might be wrong, so he simply stayed in the company and waited for him.
"I'm in the company, so, let's meet on the balcony."


After hanging up the phone, Sun Ming went straight to Tengxing, heading towards the balcony on the fourteenth floor.

Seeing that he was out of breath, Jiang Cheng asked curiously, "What's the matter? Why is it so urgent?"

"Mr. Jiang, Chen Shaolun is too shameless. He forcibly took away the right to broadcast the two hottest IP dramas at the moment."

Jiang Cheng frowned when he heard Chen Shaolun, it was him again, it seems that the last lesson was not enough!
"Currently, the traffic on the website is sluggish, and it has to rely on big dramas to bring it up. Although I also held meetings for the sales and marketing departments, but without big dramas, no matter how well they do, the effect will not be obvious."

Sun Ming is an old hand, and he understands this very well. He told Jiang Cheng the whole story.

Jiang Cheng frowned. It seemed that Chen Shaolun had put some eyeliner on the company again. When he let him go, he thought he would restrain himself a lot, but he didn't expect this person to be so shameless.

Not only did he not restrain himself, but he also tried to take the opportunity to retaliate. What a villain!

Seeing that Jiang Cheng didn't speak, Sun Ming was a little anxious, "What should we do now?"

Jiang Cheng's eyes darkened, "Beat the dog!"

But this time, it can't be as simple as the last time. Jiang Cheng is going to solve the problem once and for all, so that he will never recover.

However, this requires careful planning. After all, this is a society ruled by law, and no one dares to make mistakes in the current law.

Sun Ming said with a serious face, "How to hit?"

Seeing his serious expression, Jiang Cheng took out a cigarette case from his pocket, "Would you like one?"

After speaking, he took out one and handed it to Sun Ming, and took another stick in his mouth.

As the flames flickered, a faint smoke began to rise.

Jiang Cheng took a breath, "Right now, I have to find out the ghost, and I need your help."

"Chen Shaolun hurt me so much, I have nothing to say to him, as long as it's not illegal, you can just talk about it."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Youchen owns a real estate company, right?"

He remembered seeing it in Chen Shaolun's internal fan profile. He used to be in construction, but he changed careers later, but he still has a real estate company in his hand.

"Yes, the real estate company under Youchen is very profitable. Half of the company's net profit is brought by internal construction every year. In fact, if Youchen only relies on the Internet, it will not make so much money at all."

"Youchen is quite diversified, not only in real estate, but also in an advertising company. In short, there are many projects and they are complicated."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "That's really great."

Two days ago, he saw a project book on Ye Qingjiu's desk, it was about the land.

There is a piece of land south of Huayuan Road, which is in the state of transfer. The land is very large. If you want to buy it, you need at least [-] million in cash.

But quickly, there is a problem. His position is actually very good, quite good, and he belongs to the inner species that anyone will be attracted to.

But it is under the control of GJ, that is to say, when you buy the land, you only have the right to use it, not the right to own it.

The normal purchase of land is a purchase contract, and there is only a lease contract for a piece of land.

This is the particularity of GJ's control, in short, it is a pit.

At that time, Ye Qingjiu just took a look and didn't intend to buy the inner piece of land, so the matter was let go.

But now, he decided to give this 'hard-won good deal' to Mr. Chen.

Doesn't he like to inquire, so let him inquire about this place, that's fine.

After the cigarette was finished, Jiang Cheng looked at Sun Ming, "Mr. Sun, how about it, from tomorrow onwards, you go to chase the inner fast land on Huayuan Road."

Sun Ming frowned, "Is it the land that has been empty for a long time?"


"Chen Shaolun has always wanted to come to the inner land, but the ZF has been reluctant to sell it a few years ago. Didn't expect it to be sold now?"

"It's for sale, but it's not for sale. In short, there are many ways here, and I can't explain it clearly."

"You haven't figured it out yet, why bother with the land? Before doing anything, you have to be clear about it. What if it's a pit?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Sun Ming's nervous expression and laughed, "It's a trap, so you only chase after it and don't buy it, understand?"

Didn't Chen Shaolun focus on Sun Ming's movements, as long as Sun Ming went to buy land, he would definitely grab it, there was no doubt about it.

When he grabs the inner piece of land, he will have something to play with.

"Only chasing but not buying?" Sun Ming was a little confused.

"Yes, just chase, don't buy, not only don't buy, but also tell everyone where we are going to build a shopping mall, a brand new commercial building!"

The geographical location of Huayuan is very good, the traffic is well developed, and the surrounding facilities are complete, there are parks and several high-end residential areas.

Once you see the shopping mall there, the value is definitely objective. Jiang Cheng can guarantee that Chen Shaolun will definitely be moved.

"Okay, I understand, let's say Tengxing wants to buy land and build a building!"

"That's right." Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Then what about our website?" Sun Ming was still a little annoyed at the thought of the website.

"As for the website, Douluo is about to start filming. I believe that no popular drama can beat it. As long as you have Douluo in your hands, you will have traffic."

"But, isn't Ke Douluo just filming now? They are all already filmed dramas!" Sun Ming was a little anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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