Chapter 146

He turned and went into the kitchen and took out a piece of pork belly from the refrigerator.

Cut it into uniform size and get the scallion and ginger topping.

Then pour the oil into the pot, and when the oil is hot, put some sugar and stir-fry the sugar color.


The sound of meat being cooked.

Spray a little soy sauce, then cover the pot, perfect~
The whole room is filled with the unique aroma of inner Dongpo meat.

It seems to want to challenge everyone's taste buds.

Yan Yan was the first one who couldn't take it anymore, he licked his mouth, blinked his eyes, "Mum, it smells so good."

Nuonuo suddenly felt that the lollipops were not sweet anymore, she looked at Ye Qingjiu eagerly, "Mama, Nuonuo's stomach is growling."

Ye Qingjiu wanted to eat it at first, but now the whole room smells of it, especially after hearing the two treasures talk about it.

More hungry!
She swallowed, "Persevere, Dad should do it soon."

Yanyan couldn't wait any longer, his mouth was full of saliva.

He sucked for a while, and suddenly had a good idea, "Ma Ma, let's steal a meal, shall we?"


She is so old, how can she do childish things.

What if Jiang Cheng wants to laugh at her childishness?
Don't you want to be embarrassed?

I have already been laughed at once today, and I must not damage my image.

Ye Qingjiu blinked and suppressed his saliva, "You and sister go, Dad will give it to you."

"Don't you want to eat Ma Ma?" Nuo Nuo was already obsessed with the smell, and she wondered why Ma Ma didn't want to eat it.

Ye Qingjiu nodded resolutely, "Go, Mama is an adult now, you can't steal it."

"Oh." The two babies nodded half-understanding.

Nuonuo raised her fleshy hands, "Come on, let's eat meat!"

Yan Yan was already starved to death, the two babies hit it off immediately, and ran towards the kitchen.



Jiang Cheng was busy sitting on the egg steamer, when he saw the corners of the mouths of the two darlings were wet and their eyes were full of longing, he immediately understood.

This is hungry.

He smiled helplessly, and walked to the stove to have a look. Seeing that the meat in the pot was almost done, he took out the bowl and it was broken into two pieces.

Turning around, he hung lightly on the tip of their noses, "What a greedy cat!"

"Nuo Nuo is not a greedy cat!"

"Nor are words!"

Jiang Cheng laughed, "Then who is the greedy cat?"

"It's Mama~" Nuonuo pouted, her prudish little appearance was extremely cute.

Yan Yan is not happy, he is a man, so he does not allow others to slander his mother, and neither can his sister!
"You talk nonsense, Mama said it clearly, she is an adult and won't steal it!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, Mama's saliva is about to drip." Nuonuo's eyes widened, her little hands jerked her back, and her face was full of arrogance.

Jiang Cheng understood in an instant, it turned out that the daughter-in-law was also greedy, and it seemed that she really wanted to eat Dongpo meat.

He handed the bowl to the two babies, "Hey, hurry up and eat, each person can't eat more than one piece."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and took out another piece.

The two treasures just stood there, blew on the meat in the bowl, and started directly, each of them grabbed a piece and stuffed it into their mouths.

When Jiang Cheng turned his head, he happened to see the two babies taking big and small mouthfuls, and the little mouths were full of oil.

Nuonuo saw that Papa had filled a piece, and looked excited, "Papa, Nuonuo still wants to eat~"

What a greedy little cat.

Jiang Cheng patted her head, "Persist a little longer, it will be cooked soon."

After speaking, he walked out with a bowl in his hand.

Ever since the two treasures entered the kitchen, Ye Qingjiu has become even more greedy. She can survive until now because of her innate inner pride.

Jiang Cheng walked up to her and looked at her with a smile, "I heard that my wife is hungry? Come quickly, have a bite first."

Just thinking about Ye Qingjiu made his mouth water.

Now the meat is in front of my eyes, a piece of meat the size of a lychee, black and red in color, with a little soup on it.

Ye Qingjiu swallowed involuntarily, she is an adult, how can she be like a child?
"I'm not hungry, you can put it back." Ye Qingjiu said duplicity.

Jiang Cheng looked at her twisted expression, poked it with his chopsticks, and stuffed it directly into her mouth.

With a big grin, "I understand, it's not what you want to eat, it's what I forced you to eat."

Ye Qingjiu's eyes widened.

He, he, why is he becoming more and more casual, and actually stuffs things into his mouth.

However, it is really delicious, soft and glutinous Q bomb.

Jiang Cheng patted her head, "Good boy, just persevere, and it will be ready in no time."


Ten minutes later, the Dongpo pork came out of the pan, along with steamed eggs and a serving of vegetables.

Jiang Cheng filled the meals for the two babies, and put them on the child seats as usual.

What the two babies eat is called a fragrance.

Looking at Jiang Cheng, he was very happy. They ate well and thrived. This is the greatest affirmation for Jiang Cheng.

To be honest, he doesn't have any grand ambitions.

Just like my wife and children, a family of four eats three meals a day.

He ate a piece of meat, "You'll be fine after dinner, I'll take you to buy clothes."

Ye Qingjiu just came out of the embarrassment of sexy underwear, when he heard the word "buy clothes", his heart tightened.

What does he mean?
Is he kidding himself?
Thinking about it, the meat on the chopsticks fell into the bowl.

Jiang Cheng looked at her nervous expression, held back a smile and said, "Tomorrow they will perform on stage, of course you must have beautiful clothes. As for you, you will watch their performance tomorrow, so don't buy yourself a piece of clothing." Do you have new clothes?"

Originally, Jiang Cheng thought that Ye Qingjiu would come back from buying clothes in the afternoon, but who knew that this girl didn't buy anything she should have bought.

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu calmed down, "Oh, good."

She lowered her head and picked the rice in the bowl.

After dinner, the family of three drove away. This time, they didn't go to the CE mall, but chose the bigger LM mall.

After all, it was the first time for the children to be on stage. Although Jiang Cheng now has a system, he is actually quite frugal at ordinary times, and he is not the kind of person who spends money recklessly.

But this time is different!
His babies were going to be on stage, and for the first time in their lives, he had to make them look good.

It has to be a princess prince!
After entering the shopping mall, a family of four with thugs and big hands walked towards the children's clothing area.

In front of them is a high-end custom children's clothing store.

It should be because the price is very expensive, so it is a bit deserted.

The little model in the window is wearing a white princess dress. Layers of soft white gauze are scattered on the corners of the skirt. The stitching of the dress is neatly machined and the workmanship is extremely exquisite.

Nuonuo took a fancy to it at a glance.

She let go of Jiang Cheng's hand, ran towards the inner skirt, entered the store, looked at the salesperson next to her, and said seriously: "Auntie, I want this."

Seeing that she was cute, the salesperson squatted down and looked at her with a smile, "Honey, you can try it after Mom and Dad come over."

After all, the price of a suit is not cheap, and she has to make sure that the child's parents can afford it.

Just as he was talking, a young woman entered the store, she looked very fashionable, and her demeanor exuded an indescribable sense of superiority.

She held a child about the same size as Nuonuo in her hand.

Seeing that white dress, the girl also liked it very much, and pointed at it, "Aunt Feng, I want one!"

This woman's name is Feng Jingyuan, she is the girlfriend of Sunan, the boss of Lingdong Group, and she is holding the child of Sunan's ex-wife in her arms.

Feng Jingyuan was originally a young actor outside the [-]th line, and she wanted to turn a sparrow into a phoenix.

Therefore, he attaches great importance to this child from Sunan, and he is simply obedient.

She must conquer this little baby so that she can successfully ascend to the throne!

Seeing that the child asked for clothes, she said to the waiter, "We want these clothes."

When Nuonuo heard that she wanted her clothes, she didn't want to, "I came first, this is mine!"

Feng Jingyuan glanced at Nuonuo who was on the ground, "Hey, who's kid has such a sharp mouth?"

Just as he was talking, Ye Qingjiu walked in, followed by Jiang Cheng and Yan Yan.

"What's wrong?" Ye Qingjiu walked over.

Nuonuo took Ye Qingjiu's hand, "Ma Ma, I want this skirt."

She thought it was a big deal, it turned out that her daughter liked this dress.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the waiter, "We want this dress."

Hearing that Ye Qingjiu wanted clothes, Feng Jingyuan was not happy, "I want these clothes!"

All the clothes in her house are handmade, and the price is high, so only one piece of each piece is prepared.

If you want it, you have to order it.

The waiter is a little embarrassed, both of them want a piece of clothing.

To be honest, she is more inclined to Ye Qingjiu, even though they only met once, but although Ye Qingjiu looks a bit deserted, his demeanor and behavior all reveal everyone's demeanor.

At first glance, she was not an ordinary person, but Feng Jingyuan looked like she couldn't be offended, which gave her a headache.

"Well, ladies, we only have one of these dresses in the shop..."

"Aunt Feng, sell it to me quickly!" The little girl in Feng Jingyuan's arms looked at her domineeringly.

Feng Jingyuan smiled flatteringly, "Okay, okay, Auntie will buy it for you."

She looked at the waiter with disdain, "Then I'll take it, and you can add money."

Don't look at Nuonuo's young age, but she is not afraid at all, "Obviously I want it first, so it should be mine!"

If Nuonuo didn't ask for it first, she would never have asked for it. However, since Nuonuo asked for it first, it should be Nuonuo's.

First come, first served is not just talking, it is a social continuity that everyone should abide by.

Ye Qingjiu wants the children to know that order is order.

Her voice was light, but there was an undeniable sense of oppression, "Three times."

You must know that the price of these clothes is not cheap. For children's clothes that are less than [-] yuan, the price increase will be [-] yuan.

Feng Jingyuan stared at her, this woman is crazy!

Seeing how beautiful she is, she is probably a mistress, helping others raise children just like herself.

She smiled eccentrically, "Oh, where are you upstarts? You came here generously."

"Madam, didn't you raise the price first? Why are you still criticizing others now?"

Seeing that the two had an argument, Jiang Cheng walked over and pulled Ye Qingjiu behind him.

This woman is not a good person at first glance, he knows that his wife can't fight her with her mouth.

"What does it have to do with you, and which onion are you?" Feng Jingyuan glared at Jiang Cheng.

"Aunt Feng, hurry up, I want it now!" The girl looked impatient, obviously unable to wait.

"Okay, okay, don't be in a hurry, Auntie will buy it right away." After speaking, she looked at the waiter, "Four times!"

The waiter looked puzzled, "Ma'am, we don't need to increase the price, and it was indeed the child who asked for it first."

Feng Jingyuan's eyes widened. Do you want to earn money?
"What kind of dog rule is this? Did your store manager make it? Call him out!"

The waiter looked embarrassed, "Sorry, our store manager is off work."

Jiang Cheng looked at Feng Jingyuan's shrew face and sneered, "First come, first served, this is the rule, and it won't change anywhere!"

After finishing speaking, we need to get the inner clothes.

Feng Jingyuan saw that Jiang Cheng had started, she became anxious, and knocked his hand off,

"Where did the rules come from? Do you know who I am? Have you ever heard of Lingdong Group? My husband is a friend of the owner of this shopping mall! Let me tell you, if you want to take it away today, it's impossible!"

Ye Qingjiu's gaze sank, how dare she hit Jiang Cheng?
It could be seen that she was angry, "Just talk! Don't move!"

Feng Jingyuan glanced at her, "How about moving? Not only did I move, the clothes have to be mine, do you understand?"

"You..." Just as Ye Qingjiu got out from behind Jiang Cheng, he was pulled back by Jiang Cheng.

Who is my daughter-in-law, it's not worth it to get angry with this shrew later!

Lead East Group?

If I remember correctly, the owner of this mall talked about advertising cooperation with Sun Ming some time ago.

Because it wasn't an important project, Ye Qingjiu didn't even know about it.

Although she is the boss, it is impossible for such a small matter to be reported to her, so she is too tired.

Jiang Cheng picked up the phone and called Sun Ming, "Hi, I'm shopping for clothes at LM Mall, and I was stopped by a lady boss from Lingdong International, please give me the phone number of Mr. Duan."

"Do you still need to call for this matter? I'll just tell him and it's over. Don't worry." Sun Ming finished talking and hung up the phone.

Hearing Mr. Duan, the waiter's pupils trembled.

It seems that this is really the boss's friend, the store manager is far behind.

Feng Jingyuan didn't even show any fear. Seeing that both of them are in their early twenties, how could they possibly know the boss.

She sneered, "Okay, stop pretending, I've seen this kind of trick too much! What era is it, do you think you can scare people by making a phone call?"

Jiang Cheng ignored him lazily, in short, today's clothes must belong to Nuonuo.

He glanced at the waiter, "Wrap up your clothes first, my daughter is going to perform tomorrow, don't let her dirty paws get in the way."

Feng Jingyuan almost died of anger, who did he call dirty paws?

"No bag! Put it there for me! Isn't it just a phone call? You wait for me, I will let you go around today!"


President Duan of LM Mall is sitting in the office drinking tea with Sunan of Lingdong Group, discussing the expansion of LM Mall in other areas of Sichuan City.

Sunan looked at Mr. Duan flatteringly, "Mr. Duan, as long as you are willing to do this project for me, I will definitely not let you down."

"Little Su, look..."

Mr. Duan was talking when he received a call from Sun Ming.

Then his face changed, "Okay, Mr. Sun, I understand, I'll call the sales department right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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