Chapter 148
The family of four went to Monris Kindergarten after breakfast.

When I arrived at the school, Teacher Zhou greeted me outside early.

Nuonuo was wearing a white gauze dress, like a little princess, and Yanyan was wearing a small suit and tie, like a little gentleman.

The two babies ran over when they saw Teacher Zhou.

Teacher Zhou couldn't close her mouth when she saw the smiles of these two babies. She touched Nuonuo's chin, "It's so beautiful, like a little princess in the ice and snow kingdom."

Yan Yan shook Teacher Zhou's hand, "Mr. Zhou, Teacher Zhou, what about me."

Teacher Zhou looked at him with a smile, "Of course you are the little prince."

After getting the teacher's affirmation, the two babies turned to look at Jiang Cheng and Ye Qingjiu behind him.

"Papa, Mama." Hurry up.

There are many musical instruments on the first floor of the art building, where children usually study, and the second floor is an art hall.

This is where they are going today.

The art hall is like a small theater, with a lighting stage, everything is available.

Below is a pat seat.

The seats in front were already full, so Jiang Cheng and Ye Qingjiu could only sit in the back.

This place is a bit far from the stage,
Nuonuo took Jiang Cheng's hand, "Papa, can I sit in front?"

In this seat, she probably won't be able to see Papa Mama, Nuonuo is a little nervous.

"That's right, Ma Ma, can you sit in front a little bit?"

Jiang Cheng looked around and was a little embarrassed, not because he didn't want to sit in front, but there was really no place in front.

Ye Qingjiu said: "Look, there are people in front. They came earlier than us, so father and mother can't sit in front."

Hearing this, Nuonuo pouted, "No, no."

Seeing that Nuonuo was unhappy, Jiang Chengwen said, "Didn't that aunt hate you when you were shopping for clothes yesterday?"

Nuonuo nodded, she really didn't like her aunt.

Jiang Cheng patted her head, "If Mom and Dad go to the front now, will they be the same as that aunt?"

Yesterday they were still teaching the children to come first, first served, but today, they can't go back on their promises.

Jiang Cheng knows the importance of precepts and deeds.

Ye Qingjiu pulled Nuonuo over and kissed her on the forehead, "Be good, baby."

After all, Yanyan is a boy, so he should be stronger in character.

Seeing Nuonuo holding her small mouth, she took her hand, "Sister, I'll be with you, Yanyan will protect my sister."

Nuonuo pursed her lips with reluctance, "Okay then."

The two babies held hands and headed backstage.

Ye Qingjiu was a little nervous, she was always a little worried when the children performed for the first time.

I don't know if any accident will happen to them.

Yanyan's princess shoe buckle is a little loose, will it suddenly fall off?

Yan Yan's bow tie is loose, will no one help him tie it?

In short, she had all kinds of worries in her heart.

Seeing her worried face, Jiang Cheng took her hand and held it in his own, "Don't worry, Nuo Nuo Yan can take good care of herself."

"You don't understand." Ye Qingjiu looked helpless.

She is the mother of the children.

"Okay, okay, I don't understand, do you want to eat popcorn?" Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile.

Ye Qingjiu looked at him differently, his eyes were wide open, this is the school's children's club, did he think it was a movie theater?

Also eat popcorn!
Ye Qingjiu stared at him with a pair of eyes, the eyes were burning, bright and compelling.

"Of course not!"

Jiang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, don't, just forget it."

After speaking, he reached into the schoolbag he had brought with him.

I touched it carefully inside.

Ye Qingjiu's eyes widened, "Hey, this is the kindergarten's children's club, you don't want to eat popcorn, do you?"

Hearing Jiang Cheng eating popcorn, the people in front couldn't help but look back at him, seeing that he was dressed in ordinary clothes, and there was something strange in his eyes.

He turned his head and whispered to his wife: "See, one day I think I don't have time, I'm not at home with you, who are you with at home, a little boy who has never seen the world, eating popcorn at the school children's meeting? That's enough shameful."

His wife glared at him, "As long as you have a reason, people can come to the school, and the conditions are not bad."

The man looked disdainful, "Yeah, can the conditions for being taken care of by a rich woman be poor? Maybe they are all raised by other people's children."

Their voices were so low that Xiaodao Ye Qingjiu and Jiang Cheng didn't hear them.

Jiang Cheng rummaged in his schoolbag for a long time, took out a pack of tissues and handed it to Ye Qingjiu, "Nuo Nuo and Yan Yan are on stage for the first time, I'm afraid you will cry with excitement."


Ye Qingjiu smiled helplessly, "Don't you want to eat popcorn?"

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "I said I want to eat, I was asking you if you want to eat."

In fact, he just wanted to distract his wife and stop thinking about useless things.

Nuo Nuoyanyan is over three years old, and they need to learn to do things independently.

Ye Qingjiu looked helpless, why is this person so indebted, why can't he get rid of this problem forever?
On the stage, the lights came on.

The master of ceremonies came out slowly, dressed in a champagne-colored evening dress, he looked in his twenties, with beautiful makeup.

"Welcome all parents to the children's meeting held by Menglisi Kindergarten. Next, please enjoy the dance performed by the first class of our kindergarten, the little bear dancing."

As the cheerful music sounded, several babies in bear clothes bounced up and down on the stage.

The camera in front of the stage began to advance continuously.

To be honest, Jiang Cheng likes children, but only his own children.

Looking at this group of cuties bouncing around on the stage, I have no other thoughts except being cute.

The children's parents were so excited that they began to applaud wildly, and some even stood up and kept shooting videos.

Jiang Cheng looked at them, couldn't help smiling, and leaned over to Ye Qingjiu, "Daughter-in-law, I bet you will be like them later."

How can it be?

Ye Qingjiu glanced at him, "Go away."

Jiang Cheng laughed aloud.

One after another, until the penultimate one, finally it was the turn of Nuonuo and Yanyan.

Hearing the master of ceremonies' announcement, the next program was the piano piece, Chopin's Waltz, performed by Jiang Nuonuo and Jiang Yanyan from Class One.

Ye Qingjiu was nervous, Jiang Cheng was more nervous than her.

The two sat upright involuntarily.

Then, the lights dimmed, and the spotlight shone on Yanyan and Nuonuo.

"Wow, these two babies are so beautiful!"

"Yes, whose child is this?"

"You're only so old that you can play Chopin waltz?"

There was a chaotic sound from the audience.

Although Nuonuo is usually very courageous, seeing so many people at once made her a little nervous.

She desperately wanted to see Jiang Cheng and Ye Qingjiu, but there were too many people.

The audience is crowded, the harder you work, the less you can see it.

Nuonuo was a little scared.

Yan Yan watched her sister's face tense, and she couldn't help becoming nervous too.

The two babies sat in front of the black grand piano, lingering.

Jiang Cheng looked at the child, his heart raised his throat.

What's wrong with this?
Could it be stage fright?

The self born by myself knows best, Nuo Nuo Yanyan has never performed in front of so many people since she was a child.Must be nervous.

Ye Qingjiu's delicate face was full of worry.

"What to do, the child has stage fright."

Jiang Cheng didn't care whether the people behind him could see or not, so he stood up abruptly.

He hoped that the two children could see him, which would relieve their tension more or less.

Nuonuo and Yanyan were flustered, and the distance was so far, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't see Jiang Cheng's face clearly.

This time, even more urgent.

The master of ceremonies finally couldn't wait anymore. Today, the TV station is recording again. This is going to be on TV, and it's an advertisement for Meng Lisi Kindergarten.

She walked up, with a gentle tone, "Baby, can we start?"

Nuonuo and Yanyan nodded nervously, "Okay."

Nuonuo was so nervous that he pressed a wrong key at the beginning.

After she realized this problem, she stopped immediately, not daring to continue.

Jiang Cheng looked at Nuonuo on stage and frowned. He knew best how many times she had practiced and played at home.

It seems that the child is really nervous.

It won't work if it goes on like this, so many people watching, it will cast a shadow on the child's heart.

"Excuse me, let me go, I'm sorry." Jiang Cheng apologized as he walked.

He wants to go to the two darlings.

Passing through the horizontal rows of seats, Jiang Cheng walked up to the stairs. He almost ran over the long stairs.

"Look inside, what's going on?"

"It is estimated that the child added it."

"This show should be the finale, right? When these two kids came up, I really thought it was a high-quality show."

The crowd began to commotion again.

The front of the stage was about [-] centimeters high, Jiang Cheng supported it with his hand, and gently jumped up.

The two babies were in a panic, and when they saw Jiang Cheng, they rushed forward.



The voices became more pitiful and more wronged, and Jiang Chengxin was dying of pain.

He touched the heads of the two children, "Don't be afraid, daddy is here, can daddy accompany you?"

Seeing Jiang Cheng, the two babies were no longer afraid in an instant.

As long as there is Dad, they will not be nervous about doing anything.

"Okay." The two babies said in unison.

The master of ceremonies looked at Jiang Cheng who jumped up suddenly, and almost collapsed. What's going on?
Which class is this kid from?
Is this parent still sensible?
She walked over with a stiff smile, "This parent."

Jiang Cheng took her microphone and bowed deeply towards the audience.

"Hello everyone, I am the father of two children, and we are going to perform Chopin's waltz next."

After speaking, he returned the microphone to the master of ceremonies.

The audience became restless for a moment, "Is this going to be played six-handed?"

"I've heard of four hands, but I haven't heard of six hands."

"I can't even find the tune and play the six-hand combo? How is it possible?"

The voice was chaotic, with doubts and envy.

Jiang Cheng took the two babies and sat on the bench.

His tone was gentle, "Come on, Papa will accompany you, don't be afraid, let's take our time."

Jiang Cheng's voice seemed to be a great encouragement, and the two little guys were no longer afraid immediately.

Two pairs of small fleshy hands, and a pair of big hands with well-defined joints are skillfully jumping happily on the keys.

The heavenly piano sound gradually came to mind, sometimes cheerful and sometimes melodious.

In an instant, the entire art hall fell silent.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the three people under the spotlight, the corners of his eyes suddenly became moist.

"I'll go, it's really possible, six-handed bombing!"

"Whose child is this? What's the name of the parent?"

"No, I want to make a video!"

"This father is a piano teacher, no wonder, you look at the two children, how well they play."

"Especially the little girl, I guess she had stage fright just now."

"The children in the first class of my family must be scared when they see so many people. The one in my family dare not go up to perform. No, sitting in front and eating potato chips with classmates."

The performance was over, Jiang Cheng looked at Nuonuo and Yanyan with a smile, "Look, isn't it very simple, won't you be afraid next time?"

Yanyan looked at him with her lips pursed, "Papa, you are so kind."

Nuonuo's little head even rubbed against Jiang Cheng's body directly, "Nuonuo likes papa~"

The applause of the audience was thunderous.

Jiang Cheng took the hands of the two treasures, walked slowly to the front of the stage, and bowed deeply to the audience.

This went down.

The couple sitting in front of Ye Qingjiu were stunned by the piano music just now.

Knowing that I saw a family of three walking towards me, I came back to my senses, "See, how good is the little boy you said, how good is the piano? The concert you took me to last time was a famous domestic pianist who played the piano. No one is good for you!"

Even men dream, this kid looks ordinary, but he still has this ability! ?

"How about playing the piano? No matter how good you play, can you eat for a living? No matter how good you play, can you earn tens of millions?"

His advertising company makes tens of millions of profits a year!

"You can shut up, you will know money and money in a day."


Sun Ming was sitting in the audience waiting to see Tangtang's performance, but he was deeply shocked by Jiang Cheng's family's six-hand combo.

Seeing them coming, he quickly stood up, with a look of envy, "Mr. Jiang, you are hiding something!"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "There, there, the child is too young to have stage fright."

Sun Ming smiled, "Is Mr. Ye here? Where are you sitting? Why didn't I see you just now?"

Jiang Cheng pointed in the direction of Ye Qingjiu, "Inside."

The inner couple who were talking just now were still talking when they saw Jiang Cheng pointing towards him, followed and noticed Sun Ming beside him.

Then his eyes lit up, "Isn't that Mr. Sun?"

The woman asked curiously, "Which Mr. Sun?"

"I can't tell you. Youchen used to be from Youchen, but now he's changed jobs. He's in Tengxing. I didn't expect to meet him here. He casually gave us a small order, which is enough to support us for a year."

After speaking, he walked over with a smile and wanted to get close to Sun Ming, "Mr. Sun?"

Sun Ming glanced at him, "You are..."

The man smiled flatteringly, "I am Xiao Wang from the Lemon Advertising Company."

Sun Ming thought for a while, but he was not sure: "Are you a Mr. Wang?"

"Hey~ Mr. Wang, you can just call me Xiao Wang, that's how it is, Tengxing is a bidder, and our company is also participating. See if you can give us a chance."


Jiang Cheng took the two babies and sat on the seat.

The two children lowered their heads when they saw Ma Ma.

Yan Yan looked guilty, "Ma Ma, I'm sorry, we didn't behave well."

"I'm sorry, Mama, it's because Nuonuo is not brave enough."

Ye Qingjiu touched the heads of the two babies, and opened the small bag he was carrying.

There were actually two lollipops inside.

(End of this chapter)

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