Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 15 Daughter-in-law, why don't we have a football team too?

Chapter 15 Daughter-in-law, why don't we have a football team too?
That's Mr. Ye, who is famous for being cold-blooded. She hates gossip in the office the most, so no one dared to mention the two precious fathers in the past few years, and naturally no one knew about it.

Over the years, they have often wondered who is such a once-in-a-hundred-year-old beauty like Mr. Ye who can make her fall in love, and give birth to a pair of twins regardless of everything.

Didn't expect him to be such a brat?

It's astonishing.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu blatantly, "Are you done with your work?"

Ye Qingjiu let out a "hmm".

"Let's go eat after we're done~" Jiang Cheng looked at her.

"Go out to eat?" Ye Qingjiu asked.

"Yes, please treat the three of you to a good meal!"

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu with a smile, his peach blossom eyes seemed to hide ten miles of peach forests, Ye Qingjiu's heartbeat accelerated unconsciously.

Her eyelashes trembled, "Go home and eat, it's so troublesome to eat outside."

In fact, it's not that she really finds it troublesome, it's just that the inner pair of shoes I bought today are 12, which already makes me feel very embarrassed.

To her, it's just a pair of shoes.

But for him, it may be a year of hard work, or even more.

She couldn't bear to use his money anymore, but she was afraid of hurting his face, so after much deliberation, she could only say this.

Seeing that she was unwilling, Jiang Cheng was a little anxious, "Don't, I just bought them gifts after dinner!"

"Whatever they want, I'll ask my assistant to buy it and send it back later, or I can buy it..."

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Cheng took her wrist and walked towards the elevator.

In the conference room, a tide of discussions erupted, "Damn it, that man actually pulled the boss!"

"He is the father of the child, isn't it normal to pull it?"

"Ahhhhh! What kind of fairy tale is this!!!"

"That man is so handsome! He's not like the kind of dad who stays at home with the kids on TV!"

"Damn, Mr. Ye actually likes this kind of fresh meat, what a pity!"


Ye Qingjiu couldn't help but lose his mind when Jiang Cheng pulled him like this.

It was a warm and firm hand, held so tightly by him, there was an indescribable sense of security.

She allowed him to be pulled downstairs from the elevator, and then pulled away, "You, why are you pulling me..."

Seeing her shy look, Jiang Cheng burst out laughing, "Well, not bad, I've made some progress, and my face isn't red anymore."

"You..." Ye Qingjiu was at a loss for words in an instant.

This man is glib!
Jiang Cheng looked at her shy and angry look, and gently inserted a hand into her hanging hair to scratch, "Stupid or not."

This action that only couples would do made Ye Qingjiu's heart slightly scratched somewhere.

This man is really, sultry and unaware.

She blinked, a little helpless, "Why do you do this every time!"

Jiang Cheng blinked with an innocent face, "Because I like you."

Terrible, these are all tiger and wolf words.

He actually said he likes himself!
Ye Qingjiu felt that time stood still again.

Jiang Cheng grabbed her hand again, warm and affectionate, "You are my child's mother, the person I like, so, is there anything wrong with me pulling you?"

Ye Qingjiu was dumbfounded after hearing this sentence.

Jiang Cheng opened his arms and hugged her, "Hey, take it easy."

After speaking, he turned around and looked at the two little guys following behind him, "Let's go, babies, Dad will take you to eat delicious food and buy gifts!"

When they heard that something delicious was going to be eaten, the two little guys looked excited, "Yeah, ohhh~"

Jiang Cheng opened the car door, and the two little guys couldn't wait to get in.

Until the car drove away for a certain distance, Jiang Cheng's big hug was still in Ye Qingjiu's mind.

That hug seems to have a special power.

It's a huge sense of security.

She took out her mobile phone and silently began to search for some cheap and delicious restaurants.

Finally, a small fisherman's kitchen was locked.

Delicious and not expensive, one meal per person is [-].

"Why don't we go here..." Ye Qingjiu handed the phone to Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the price and returned it to Ye Qingjiu, "What are you thinking, my wife and children must go to the best place in the city!"

Speaking of which, the most expensive Jinyue French Restaurant in Chaochuan City opened.

Ye Qingjiu said lightly, "I think it's fine to eat casually, there's no need to go to the best place, and it's not about business."

The best place in the city is undoubtedly Jingyuefa, where the per capita income is more than 500, four people, eating a few thousand yuan casually, is nothing to her, but to Jiang Cheng, it may be a month's salary up.

She really couldn't bear it.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Okay, even if you are hesitant to have a meal, show off your president's demeanor!"

Ye Qingjiu in front of him, is there a bit of aloof and domineering CEO fan?

She is obviously a hesitant and cute little sister next door.

Ye Qingjiu didn't insist, when he arrived at the restaurant, several people sat down.

The waiter smiled and handed over the menu. Jiang Cheng glanced at it and was stunned. French?
How the hell do you know this!
Usually, I have the same meal as a few college students at a small restaurant that costs over a hundred yuan, and I also have two bottles of beer, which is delicious.

He handed the menu to Ye Qingjiu with some embarrassment, "Come on, see what you like to eat?"

Ye Qingjiu took the menu and spoke a few words in French to the waiter.

The waiter smiled and left.

After a while, several exquisite dishes were served.

The eyes of the two babies who saw it were straight.

"Papa, Nuonuo wants to eat~"

"Words are needed!"

When the two babies saw the delicious food, they immediately sat down neatly, and picked up the handkerchief on the table and wrapped it around their chubby necks.

It seems that they often follow Ye Qingjiu to this kind of place for dinner.

Jiang Cheng picked up some food for them, and the two treasures picked up the spoons and began to eat in small bites.

The chubby little cheeks move and move, which is very cute.

Jiang Cheng picked up some vegetables and put them on Ye Qingjiu's plate.

He has to take care of two babies, and also take care of himself, Ye Qingjiu is a little embarrassed, "I can do it myself."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Isn't it normal for a husband to bring food to his wife?"

Ye Qingjiu blushed instantly when she heard her husband and wife.

A beautiful face drooped slightly, as if he had lost his mind at all.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing while watching.

Why is his daughter-in-law so cute? What a cold female president, this is the little sister of the leader.

I must have saved the galaxy in my previous life to have such good luck.

Ye Qingjiu scolded him, "You're laughing again!"

Every time he laughed, his heart beat faster, as if he had done something shameful.

Jiang Cheng withdrew his smile, "Okay, let's eat."

Said it was perfect and ate it.

I am in a good mood.


After eating, several people did not go to the supermarket, but went to a relatively large shopping mall.

After all, I want to buy toys for children, and there are too few toys in supermarkets.

The shopping mall is full of toys, and the two babies' eyes lit up when they saw the toys.

Nuonuofei ran to a Barbie doll, "Papa, this doll is so beautiful."

Yan Yan grabbed an electric dinosaur, "Papa, this is a Tyrannosaurus rex, woohoo~"

Yanyan's childish voice imitated the dinosaur's cry, making everyone laugh.

A young couple passing by looked at them and couldn't help making a sound of envy,

"Husband, we will have two in the future, look at how cute they are~"

"Okay, as long as you can give birth, it's fine to have a football team."

"Hmph! You're not emotional! I'm not a sow."

"Hey, hey, don't go, why are you so angry again!"


Jiang Cheng looked at them and raised his eyebrows at Ye Qingjiu, "Daughter-in-law, why don't we join the football team too?"

(End of this chapter)

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