Chapter 152 No, we're not leaving

"Don't listen to him, third uncle can't let you go to school!"

"That's right, Second Uncle can't stop you from going to school!"

The two explained with their mouths, but they both felt that Chen Mengting's school was too expensive, and there was nothing she could do to change her school when she got the shares.

Looking at their flustered faces, Jiang Cheng knew what the two of them were thinking.

"Then how about you give Tingting 500 million for her living expenses?"

"500 million? Are you kidding me?" Chen Shaobai stared at Jiang Cheng with wide eyes, "I said you're okay? Just get out of here."

"That's right, don't teach our family Tingting badly!"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng snorted coldly, "I don't even want to give 500 million, but I want shares? This is for nothing, you know?"

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Chen Mengting, "Think about it yourself, if you figure it out, contact Sun Ming."

After speaking, she turned to leave, Chen Mengting was a child but not a fool.

These two uncles have been asking for shares for so many days, but if they are not even willing to give 500 million, then she will not agree to give them the shares.

"Mr. Jiang, wait, I'll sell you the shares."

When Chen Shaonan and Chen Shaobai heard this, they all panicked.

Chen Shaobai pointed at her with a determined face, "No! Chen Mengting, if you give him the shares, you will never enter the Chen family again!"

Chen Shaonan also chimed in, "Yes, you are a traitor to the Chen family!"

Chen Mengting looked at them angrily, "Enough, I can see clearly what the two of you have done these days, what kind of family affection, but it's all for money!"

"You bastard!" Chen Shaobai became furious and raised his hand to hit Chen Mengting.

Jiang Cheng pressed his hand firmly, "I don't think you want this hand anymore!"

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Chen Shaobai made a painful sound.

Chen Mengting took down her schoolbag and took out an agreement from it.

That day, Secretary Bai told her that in order to keep Youchen, the only way right now is to sell part of the equity and exchange it for cash.

So Chen Mengting sold half of it without hesitation, and now it is the other half of the contract.

She took out the contract and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "This is the contract."

Seeing the contract, Chen Shaobai became anxious, but Jiang Cheng held his arm, so he could only curse, "Bastard, let me go!"

Chen Shaonan even rushed towards Chen Mengting directly, trying to snatch the contract from her.

Jiang Cheng kicked him in the stomach, "I don't think you've been beaten enough!"

Enduring the pain, Chen Shaonan stood up, and rushed towards Jiang Cheng again, "I'll fight with you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person flew two meters away.

Jiang Cheng violently pushed Chen Shaobai out with his right hand.

Only then did they clap their hands, "Fight? You can come together!"

He is someone who knows how to fight, how could he be afraid of these two wretches.

After all, it was Chen Mengting's own uncle. Seeing his uncle being beaten, he still couldn't bear it.

"Stop fighting, take the contract and go."

Jiang took over the contract, "Don't worry, I'll ask the finance department to call you the money now."

Chen Shaobai shouted anxiously, "Tingting, hurry up and get the contract back!"

Jiang Cheng glared at him,
After finishing speaking, he turned around and called the accountant. Five minutes later, Chen Mengting received a text message, seven zeros, and it turned out to be 5 million.

It seems that Jiang Cheng is still a trustworthy person.


After getting the contract, Jiang Cheng took Sun Ming to Youchen.

If he wanted to get familiar with all the matters immediately, he had to take a look at Youchen first.

The inside of Youchen was already in a mess, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw several employees leaving with their boxes in their hands.

Secretary Li was standing at the door looking at these departing people, his face was ashen, and he couldn't help but sigh that it was really a cold day.

Seeing Sun Ming and Jiang Cheng approaching, she was surprised, "Mr. Sun? Why are you here?"

Youchen has just encountered a catastrophe.

Sun Ming's coming now, wouldn't it be to add insult to injury.

Thinking of this, Secretary Li felt somewhat uneasy.

"This is the future chairman, and his name is Jiang Cheng."

Hearing that he was Jiang Cheng, Secretary Li's eyes widened, "Chairman?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, I am the newly appointed chairman of Youchen."

After finishing speaking, he took out two equity agreements, which clearly stated that each accounted for 50.00% of the shares.

Together, it happens to be [-]%.

"So, you are the one who bought the shares?" Secretary Li was more nostalgic, more or less complaining for Chen Shaolun.

"If Secretary Li doesn't want to do it anymore, he can leave at any time. I won't stay any longer. If you still want to stay, then take me to the chairman's office immediately."

When Secretary Li heard this, he immediately became honest, "Good chairman."

She brought Jiang Cheng to Cheng Shaolun's office, "This is it."

Jiang Cheng nodded and walked in, "By the way, bring all the project materials here."

"Alright Director Jiang." Secretary Li hurried out.

After more than ten minutes, Secretary Li walked in with a thick stack of documents, "Chairman, there are still many documents in the computer. Take your time and I won't bother you."

"it is good."

Jiang Cheng and Sun Ming flipped through the documents in the office.

Many employees who did not leave saw Secretary Li leading people into the president's office in a panic.

Seeing Secretary Li come out, he looked curious, "Who is the wife?"

"The new chairman."

Hearing that the chairman and everyone can't calm down, Youchen is in this situation, and there are still people who dare to take over, I really don't know if it's because of the money or the brain.

"Is this person sick? We don't want to stay any longer and come to take over Youchen?"

"Perhaps the wealthy second generation whose family doesn't have the energy to survive the beatings of the society came to Youchen just to practice their skills."

"In this situation, Youchen has only one way to go bankrupt, and it's useless for anyone to come!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't look at the stock market. It's daily limit, we're down, and there's no way to go down. My uncle and grandpa bought shares in our company. Recently, they called me every day. I was so scared that I said I resigned."

"Oh, Youchen is over, I have to send a resume to Teng Xing quickly, and see if they still accept people."

Secretary Li was annoyed by the noise, "Shut up, don't do it, hand in the resignation report and get out!"

Xiao Ma from the administration department had a look of disdain, "Huh, what a bull, do you think it's still the original Youchen?"

"I'll hand in my resignation report now, don't rush!" Xiao Luo, the finance manager, also said.

The company is like this, who wants to stay?Everyone is here to make money, not to engage in charity.

Secretary Li looked at the indifferent faces and put his arms around, "All right, all resign! Let me go now!"

Jiang Cheng was reading documents and was annoyed by the noise from outside.

He glanced at Sun Ming, "Go and see what's going on outside?"

Sun Ming looked helpless, "It's nothing more than arguing to resign. This kind of thing is also normal. After all, once the chairman dies, the company is in a downturn, and people are in panic."

After hearing what he said, Jiang Cheng put down the contract in his hand, "Well, let them go if they want to go."

"it is good."

Sun Ming left the office and looked at the noisy crowd, "What's going on? The chairman is reading documents, what are you arguing about!"

Xiao Ma from the administration department looked at Sun Ming seriously, "Mr. Sun, I advise you to leave quickly, Youchen is finished!"

Seeing his expression, Sun Ming burst into a "puchi" laugh.

"The chairman said that anyone who wants to resign should resign. By the way, the one who was going to Tengxing just now, you don't have to go. The current chairman is Mr. Ye's husband."


Hearing Mr. Ye, everyone was surprised.

Xiao Luo from the finance department jumped out all of a sudden, "You mean Mr. Ye from Tengxing?"

Sun Ming nodded, "Jiang Cheng is President Ye's husband."

Upon hearing this, everyone was excited, that was Teng Xing!
In their line of business, apart from Youchen, they are Tengxing.

Now that Youchen has collapsed, everyone has the idea of ​​going to Tengxing, but they are not ashamed to say it.

After all, the two salaries are in a competitive relationship. Unexpectedly, the boss is actually from Tengxing. This is great news for them.

"Then I won't resign!"

"I'm not quitting either!"

"Whoever is stupid resigns, anyway, I will not quit, I will work until Youchen goes bankrupt!"

Secretary Li looked at these people who were flirting with him just now, and felt very helpless, "If you don't say goodbye, then work hard!"

"Alright Secretary Li!" Ronaldinho made a 180-degree turn in attitude.

It made everyone dumbfounded.

Sun Ming then returned to the office.

In the afternoon, Jiang Cheng was still reading documents when he suddenly received a call from Sun Xiao. He glanced at the call notification and was really shocked.


"Hey, squad leader, why did you remember to call me?"

"That's right. It's been a long time since we've seen our classmates. We are planning to organize a class reunion. The time is set for next Saturday. Come and join us."

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, hesitated, "Are you all going?"

"Yeah, come here, you have to come too, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's talk about it together."

"Okay, I see."

"Then it's done, and I'll send you the address later."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng checked the time, hoo, it's past six o'clock, it's time to go home.

He glanced at Sun Ming who was still reading the contract, "Let's go, it's time to go home."


Ye Qingjiu woke up with the children, and saw that Jiang Cheng was not at home, so he asked Mama Zhang.

Knowing that he has gone to the company, he probably went to discuss the acquisition of Youchen.Without asking too much, I played with the children all afternoon.

It was five o'clock, and Jiang Cheng hadn't come back yet.

Mama Zhang had already started cooking, so she went into the kitchen again.

Mama Zhang washes and chops vegetables, so her cooking skills are much better than before.

"Miss, it really doesn't matter whether you go back to cook or not. I'll just do it. Besides, there is Mr. Jiang. Why bother to go to the kitchen to do these troublesome things."

Ye Qingjiu looked at Zhang Ma with a smile, "Zhang Ma, I actually found that Jiang Cheng is very talented in business. Now that Youchen has successfully acquired him, he may be even busier, so I need to learn more."

"What's more, there are no men who cook every day, don't you think so?"

After listening to Ye Qingjiu's words, Mama Zhang laughed so hard, "I see you, you are liking my uncle more and more."

(End of this chapter)

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