Chapter 154 Classmates Reunion
"These two children are so big!" Tao Ran, the representative of the Chinese class, said.

Tao Ran is also a rich second generation, and now that he is getting married, he is still looking for a rich second generation.

Family joint venture, two good and one good.In short, two words, rich!
Wu Fei couldn't help but said, "Yes, but these two children are really beautiful. Look at these eyes, huh? Do you think this girl's eyes look like Chengzi's?"

Seeing Nuonuo's eyes, Wu Fei was surprised.

"Come, come, show me." Qu Han took the phone, "Yo, it really looks alike."

"Come, come, let me see, let me see."

Everyone took the video, and you said what you said.

Xu Zhe looked at everyone like monkeys, "Don't even guess, this is someone's own son, daughter, and birth."

Hearing this, class leader Sun Xiao was shocked immediately, "Impossible, this child is already so old, so Chengzi will be a father in his sophomore year?"

"That's right, it's too impossible. Neihui Chengzi doesn't talk much, he's so introverted, and he doesn't even have a girlfriend. How could he still have children?" Wu Fei looked disbelieving.

"Absolutely impossible!" The goddess Xi Mengke saw that everyone's words were getting more and more outrageous, and finally spoke.

Although she still doesn't like Jiang Cheng in the internal meeting, they are all in the same class, and she can always see Jiang Cheng when she is in the study room.

Have children, and still have time to go to self-study?
Are you kidding me?

Xu Zhe looked at the unbelievable faces, and felt helpless, "Well, I can't explain it clearly to you. Wait for someone to come and ask yourself."

Everyone was discussing hotly, Jiang Cheng opened the door and walked in, "Sorry, I'm late, I'm late, the road is a little trafficked."

Seeing Jiang Cheng coming in, the atmosphere became lively in an instant. Sun Xiao pulled Jiang Cheng, "You are late for the class reunion, and you will punish yourself with three cups!"

Xu Zhe looked at Jiang Cheng, laughing, "I just lost [-] points in a traffic jam, but at your speed, you must be [-] points."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "Shut up if you don't know how to chat!"

The baijiu I drank today, three cups down, was a bit spicy, Jiang Cheng took a sip of water.

Before putting down the cup, Wu Fei began to gossip, "What happened to the internal video?"

Jiang Cheng asked curiously, "Which video?"

"You are the only one who is adopted, oh no, the one who plays the piano?"

Jiang Cheng almost spit out a sip of water, "What kind of child care? It was my own, twins, now over three years old, and going to kindergarten!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar.


"how is this possible!"

Xu Zhe looked at everyone cheerfully, "Now you believe it! It's all about someone's own birth."

Xi Mengke, who was sitting in seat C, heard that Jiang Cheng had a child, and her face turned dark instantly. No wonder he rejected her, she has a child!
Now that you have a child, why didn't you say it at the time!I couldn't figure it out for several months.

"Chengzi, we are all classmates. We went to school together, and now we are out of school. Then we should be the closest people. There is no need to hide it."

Du Yuan lit Gener Huazi, and handed the cigarette case to Wu Fei next to him.

"Look, the rich second generation is good, and the ones who smoke are all Huazi."

After Wu Fei flattered him, he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it for himself.

Jiang Cheng always felt that this was wrong, he glanced at Du Yuan, "What can I hide?"

Du Yuan smiled, "Nowadays, it's too common for the society to take care of you. What kind of dream? Money is the dream, and if you have money, you can have everything."

After arguing for a long time, saying that he was being taken care of, Jiang Cheng cried and laughed, "Let's take care of it, see how it goes, I was indeed taken care of, but by my own wife."

"Daughter-in-law? You are a second-hand daughter-in-law." Lu Yuan half-jokingly said.

After hearing this, Xu Zhe was not happy, "Don't talk nonsense, that's really a daughter-in-law, son and daughter!"

We all know that Xu Zhe and Jiang Cheng have a good relationship, but in order to protect the brothers, they can't be so unprincipled.

Hearing the boss of Tengxing, Tao Ran smiled, "You mean Mr. Ye of Tengxing?"

His father used to be Ye En's little brother, and relying on this relationship, Tengxing gave them resources, and it was by relying on these resources that they made a fortune.

She also knew Ye Qingjiu since she was a child, but they didn't have much acquaintance.

When Ye En passed away, Tao Ran went to pay respects with his father, that is, the next time, his father told her that Tengxing Ye Qingjiu would be in charge in the future.

Let her add Ye Qingjiu's wechat, chat more if there is nothing to do, and promote the relationship.

Ye Qingjiu also added Tao Ran for his father's sake.

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, that's my wife."

"I heard that Mr. Ye is married. I've watched all the proposal videos, but I don't think it's Chengzi. The one in a suit and tie is handsome."

"Tsk tsk tsk Chengzi is incredible. The seedlings have been planted early and they will bear fruit early. Our work is not stable yet. He has become Mr. Ye's husband. Tengxing is worth tens of billions. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I'm envious!"

"Chengzi, does Mr. Ye still have girlfriends like her? Bring me one too."

Several men began to envy.

When Xi Mengke heard that Jiang Cheng had a wife and child, she was sullen for a long time. To be honest, she also felt that Jiang Cheng was lying.

Although he is excellent, he is not so good that the CEO of Tengxing will bear her children.

She tugged at Tao Ran who was beside her, "Why don't you call Boss Ye and ask her to come over?"

"That's not good." Tao Ran was a little guilty, after all, he was the CEO of Teng Xing, and he and she had no friendship at ordinary times, so why can someone come here.

"Why, don't you know President Ye? You don't even have a phone call? No way."

"Who said that! I have! We have a good relationship!" Tao Ran, under the instigation of vanity, made a voice call to Ye Qingjiu.

Ye Qingjiu was watching TV with his two children, when he heard the phone rang, he hurriedly picked it up, thought it was Jiang Cheng, but unexpectedly it was Tao Ran?
After thinking about it, she still picked it up, "Hello."

"Qingjiu, are you free, let's sit together?"

Ye Qingjiu really wanted to reject her, but before he could speak, he heard Tao Ran continue, "That's it, our classmate reunion, and then...then, everyone said that they really want to see you."

classmate reunion?

Jiang Cheng is also a class reunion, so this is a coincidence.

"Are you the oldest?"


"Send me the address."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qingjiu received Tao Ran's WeChat coordinates.

Click to open, it is Lehao ​​Hotel, private room 502.

Tao Ran hung up the phone and looked at everyone with a smile, "Did you hear that, Mr. Ye said that she will be there in a while."

When Jiang Cheng heard it, he was so happy, "Okay!" He took the lead in applauding!

To be honest, I originally wanted my daughter-in-law to come, but she said she didn't want to come. Not everyone likes to force others.

The daughter-in-law doesn't know anyone, so she's here, wouldn't it be boring?

Jiang Cheng also didn't want her to be boring, but now Tao Ran disturbed her like this.

Only then did he realize that his daughter-in-law actually knew his classmate.

Ye Qingjiu put on his coat, told Mama Zhang to watch over the child, and then went out by himself.

The two babies are watching cartoons, and they have almost no nostalgia for Ma Ma.

Seeing that Ye Qingjiu was about to go out, they tied their hands and said goodbye to her.

After going out, Ye Qingjiu turned on the inner two phantoms and headed towards the Haole Hotel.

Hearing Mr. Ye was coming, Du Yuan's coke was broken, now it's all right, let's see how long Jiang Cheng can pretend.

He drank a glass of wine, "Let me tell you, this person should live a real life, isn't he just a support, what's there to be ashamed of."

According to his thinking, Ye Qingjiu is at most taking care of Jiang Cheng, and the two of them are the relationship between the support and the being taken care of.

She is the daughter of a chaebol, how could she be with such a short-sighted kid with a kid who just graduated.

Jiang Cheng ignored him lazily, picked up the chopsticks with a smile, and started eating.

Half an hour later, the door was pushed open.

Jiang Cheng turned his head and saw Ye Qingjiu wearing a chiffon skirt and a thin coat.

"Daughter-in-law, you are finally willing to go out."

Ye Qingjiu glanced at him, "Not in shape!"

Xu Zhe looked at Ye Qingjiu, and hurriedly gave up his seat to Ye Qingjiu.

I went to the waiter to add another chair.

He sat down next to Wu Fei.

Wu Fei couldn't help gossiping, "Zhezi, is President Ye really Jiang Cheng's wife?"

It's all so obvious!How else to prove it!
Xu Zhe was helpless, "Really, the one who received the certificate!"

"Fuck, Jiang Cheng can do it!" Wu Fei stood up after speaking, "Mr. Ye, I would like to toast you."

That's the president of Tengxing, and everyone was excited, and began to solicit relationships, to please.

Sometimes people are so hypocritical, scolding the wicked capitalists while trying their best to please them.

Tao Ran sat awkwardly on the seat, Ye Qingjiu was obviously called by himself, why did he sit directly next to Jiang Cheng, it seems that the two people are indeed related.

Seeing everyone's stalking, Du Yuan sneered. He picked up his wine glass and walked over to Ye Qingjiu, "Hi Boss Ye, this hotel is owned by our family. My name is Du Yuan."

To be honest, it's just a hotel, Ye Qingjiu didn't even bother to take a second look.

But after all, it was Jiang Cheng's classmate reunion, so I still had to give him some face.

She smiled in front of her and picked up the teacup, "I don't drink, so I will replace the bar with tea."

After speaking, he took a sip.

Du Yuan was a little embarrassed, he drank the wine in the glass, and said: "By the way, Mr. Ye, just now everyone joked that you are Chengzi's daughter-in-law. I don't know if this is true."

Xu Zhe looked at him with the eyes of a mentally retarded person, is he sick, why do you still ask?

What more is there to ask?can not tell?
Are you blind?

Ye Qingjiu's eyelashes trembled, her pretty face was extraordinarily delicate, she put the teacup on the table, "It's not a joke, it's true."

She came here because she was afraid that everyone would not know that Jiang Cheng had a wife. She just wanted to show Xi Mengke that her husband had a wife.

Hearing this, Du Yuan's expression suddenly turned ugly, "I can't..."

Ye Qingjiu looked at him, "What can't be done?"

Du Yuan pretended to smile, "I didn't expect Chengzi to eat Mr. Ye's soft rice. This is really enviable."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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