Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 170 I'm Your High School Classmate

Chapter 170 I'm Your High School Classmate

The old hospital was a little hesitant, after all, the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine really needed such a talent.

"Dean, in fact, as long as he can come, he can do anything."

"Yes, Dean, besides, you have been the dean for such a long time, and you are going to retire soon. You know that you are degrading yourself because you cherish your talents. I don't know, but I thought you did something wrong."


Everyone discussed with one glance at me.

The old dean gritted his teeth, "Okay, then you must come, you can't break your promise."

Jiang Cheng nodded with a smile, "No problem."

To be honest, I am very happy to be able to contribute to the cause of Chinese medicine.


In the office of the chairman of the Du Group.

Wang Meng lowered her head nervously.

"Du, Director Du, that's the way it is. After all, Jiang Cheng was able to take care of my father-in-law's illness, and Li Yang was immediately shaken."

"Yes, besides, that is my father-in-law and a relative, so we can't do this. I'm so sorry."

Du Mingyuan's face was serious, and his voice was cold, "So you just ignored the company?"

He has never been a benevolent person. Du's ability to come to this day is entirely due to Du Changming's ruthless determination.

"Du Dong, I really can't decide this matter. Li Yang wants to see a doctor for his father. Who can stop this matter? Besides, it's okay, it's human nature."

To be honest, although Wang Meng is greedy for power, it is a matter of life and death. Since Li Yang has made a decision, she can only stand beside Li Yang.

Du Mingyuan raised his eyes, and said in a calm tone, "Wang Meng, how many years have you been in the company?"

Wang Meng lowered her head, her voice trembling, "It's been eight years."

Du Changming's tone was light, "I remember you were a small clerk at the front desk."


"It's not easy from a front desk to a vice president." Du Mingyuan changed the topic, "I think you just think this job is too easy, have you forgotten the company's kindness to you?"

Wang Meng remained silent, without Du Shi, she would not be able to get to where she is today.

But Li Yang is her family.

What can she do!
"I don't think it's better than this. From tomorrow, you go home. Anyway, your father-in-law is also sick. Taking good care of your family is the most important thing."

Du's has never been a place to sell favors. He can't complete such a small matter. What kind of vice president is he?
"Du, Mr. Du, please don't drive me back, I know it's my fault that I didn't handle this well..."

Hearing this, Wang Meng felt that the sky was falling.

Du Mingyuan didn't care to listen to her mess up the long story, he only cared about one thing, and that was the result!

If Wang Meng pestered her again, it might not be as simple as being fired.

Wang Meng couldn't understand him very well. Before she took office, a vice president embezzled the company's money.

After Du Changming found out, he fired directly and asked him to hand over the embezzled money.

However, this was not over yet. A week later, the vice president's leg was broken.

Everyone didn't dare to ask what was going on, but at the same time they all knew what was going on.

This matter, without Du Changming, no one else can do it!

Wang Meng gritted her teeth and backed out.

If you lose your job, just lose it. After all, she is a woman. If it is really impossible, there is Li Yang.

After Wang Meng left.

Du Changming picked up a document on the table and looked carefully, it was an analysis of Youchen's current situation.

It is written on Youchen's various assets, one of which is particularly obvious, which is the inner land purchased by Chen Shaolun with a huge sum of money.

Du Changming specializes in real estate and has a keen sense of land.

Strange, this land should be controlled by GJ, why did Chen Shaolun buy it back then?
And this piece of land is worth [-] million, if it is sold, Youchen will immediately have [-] million in cash flow, and can completely turn the tables against the wind, why is Jiang Cheng so slow to move?

The more Du Changming thought about it, the more he felt that there were a lot of strange things in it.

On Jiang Cheng's side, he received a call from Li Yang before he left the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Jiang Dong, my lord, when do you have time? I've already taken the person home. I'll be waiting for you."

Jiang Cheng looked at Dean Zhu beside him. Isn't this a good time, here is the opportunity to observe it?

"I'm at the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I'll bring a few doctors there later."

"Okay, that's great, I'll send the address to your phone right now."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Cheng smiled at Dean Zhu, "Dean Zhu, just now a family member of a patient with cerebral infarction, I want to go there now, how about some people to go with me? After all, it is better to see it once than to say it three times."

Dean Zhu couldn't wish more, "Okay, okay, Xiaoliu, Laoma, Laowang, let's go with Mr. Jiang!"

Once the words were decided, everyone followed Jiang Cheng enthusiastically, as if he was afraid that he would run away.

A group of people boarded the commercial vehicle of the medical school and set off towards Li Yang's community.

Li Yang had been waiting at the gate of the community early, but it was a pity that he did not wait for Jiang Cheng, but instead waited for his daughter-in-law who was driving while wiping tears.

Seeing Li Yang standing at the gate of the community, Wang Meng stopped the car and rolled down the window. She sniffed, "What are you doing here?"

Li Yang looked at his wife's red eyes from crying, and hurriedly said, "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong, I was fired by Director Du, and I will have no job in the future."

After she finished speaking, she wiped away her tears again.

"It's okay, isn't it just a job? Depending on your ability, you can't do it anywhere!"

Wang Meng gave him a white look, "It's easy to say! Can I still have the position of vice president after I go there? Besides, looking around now, that real estate company can be as big as Du's!"

Li Yang sighed, "Okay, you go back first, I'll wait for Director Jiang here."

Jiang Dong?

It's just that he lost all the jobs he gave him, and now his husband is still waiting for him, what a disaster.

Wang Meng was so wronged that she couldn't say anything. Jiang Cheng wanted to see a doctor for Li Yang's father.

If I ask myself more, I am an unfilial daughter-in-law.

so difficult!

She cast a glance at Li Yang, kicked the accelerator and walked away.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Cheng arrived with Dean Zhu and several old academicians.

Li Yang saw a commercial vehicle from the hospital approaching from a long distance.

Needless to say, it must be Jiang Cheng.

He walked forward again, bowed his body slightly, and waited patiently.

Two minutes later, the car door opened, and Jiang Cheng got out.

Li Yang came up to meet him, smiling like a rotten sweet potato, "Jiang Dong, are you here?"

Dean Zhu heard Li Yang called Jiang Cheng Jiang Dong, and looked at him curiously, "He called you Jiang Dong, you are not the chairman there, are you?"

Li Yang laughed when he heard that he didn't know that Jiang Cheng was the chairman, "He's the chairman of Youchen, he's amazing."

Dean Zhu looked surprised, he was still the chairman, "Young man is so promising at such a young age, no wonder you said you don't have time."

Jiang Cheng smiled wryly, "Old Dean, do you understand now?"

"Well, I understand, I still want to thank you, and you can spare a day for us."

After listening for a long time, Li Yang finally realized that this old man is the director of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

This is amazing, he couldn't be more grateful to Jiang Cheng, "Jiang Dong, thank you so much."

"Let's go."

Jiang Cheng looked at him, and it didn't matter whether he thanked him or not, as long as he knew that he could get the new year's drama that was negotiated.

Li Yang brought a group of people to the house and entered Dad's bedroom.

The bedroom is large, with a desk and a bed inside.

On the bed was an old man who seemed to have been in a coma the whole time.

Jiang Cheng walked over, he looked at several academicians, "Did anyone bring a needle?"

"There are some!"

One of the academicians took out the needle and handed it to Jiang Cheng.

He took it without saying a word.

After 10 minutes, several people looked at the old man with a silver needle in his head in amazement and couldn't recover for a long time.

This method is too decisive. The course of acupuncture and moxibustion has existed since they entered medical school.

After practicing for so many years, it is not as good as one-third of Jiang Cheng's.

It's unbelievable that this person gave the needle directly without touching it.

The most incredible thing is that the old man's fingers moved.

Dean Zhu's eyes lit up even more excitedly, and he pulled Jiang Cheng with trembling hands, "I sure didn't misunderstand you, what medicine are you going to use next?"

Naturally, Jiang Cheng has an idea about the medicine.

He glanced at Li Yang, and Li Yang hurriedly handed over the paper and pen.

"Jiang Dong, take it well."

Jiang Cheng neatly wrote down several medicines on the paper.

The corners of Zhu Yuan's eyes sparkled with excitement.


Several people passed it on to each other.

The more I look at it, the more I feel that Jiang Cheng is a strange person.

Jiang accepted the prescription from the last person.

Smiling, "I'm done with this week's exchange, did you all understand it just now?"

"Good guy, that's exactly what your kid thought!"

Dean Zhu looked at him and couldn't help laughing.

Someone took out his mobile phone, "Mr. Jiang, can you let me take a photo?"

He wanted to record the prescription.

"No problem." Jiang Cheng nodded.

With Jiang Cheng's permission, the old academician hurriedly took photos.

Only then did Jiang Cheng pass the prescription to Li Yang,

"Let me tell you, it's not cheap. Remember, what I wrote is the root, so you must buy the root. Many pharmacies buy it as the root in order to make up for it. So Chinese medicine is not working now. A large part of the reason is it's here."

"Okay, remember."

Li Yang folded the paper and carefully put it away.

All the academicians were so excited that they were going back to study hard now, so they dragged Dean Zhu back to the research institute.

Only Jiang Cheng and Li Yang were left in the room.

"Mr. Jiang, thank you very much."

Li Yang was so excited.

Jiang Cheng looked at him with his hands behind his back, "No need to thank you, just don't frame us Youchen next time."

Li Yang blushed when he heard this.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry for what happened last time. Now my wife has been fired directly, and she even lost her job."

"Fired?" Jiang Cheng was a little surprised.

"That's right, my daughter-in-law belongs to Mrs. Du, and their chairman ordered me to do this. I didn't tell you at first, because I was afraid that my daughter-in-law would be embarrassed, so I insisted that it was me."

"Now that my daughter-in-law has gone home, there is nothing I can't say."

Li Yang said embarrassingly.

"Mr. Du?" Jiang Cheng squinted his eyes, "Okay, I see."

Isn't the Du family belonged to Du Yuan's family? It seems that this kid was the one who started being bad.


It was already eight o'clock in the evening when I got home.

Nuonuo is playing the piano with Ma Ma, and it's hard to think that she hasn't touched the piano for a few days.

Yan Yan was sitting on the sofa obediently playing with the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

The door of the villa rang.

"It's papa!"

Yan Yan, a clever little ghost, rushed towards the door when he heard the movement.

Nuonuo also stopped talking on the piano and climbed off the stool.

The two little guys ran to the door, and Jiang Cheng couldn't wait to throw himself on him as soon as he entered the door.



He walked to the living room with two babies in his arms.

Ye Qingjiu looked at him with a smile, "How's it going?"

"From next week, I will take one day a week to go to the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for an exchange, lectures or something."

Ye Qingjiu sighed, "I didn't realize that you are so powerful?"

When he was optimistic about grandma, he always felt that he was just a little doctor, nothing special.

Now it seems that this Jiang Cheng is completely a master of medicine.

Jiang Cheng teased, "Don't you know best whether I'm serious or not?"


It's out of shape!
Ye Qingjiu went into the kitchen with a blushing face, it was getting cold now, she was afraid that the food would not taste good if it got cold, so she kept telling Zhang Ma to heat it up in the pot.

Now that Jiang Cheng is back, she naturally wants to bring out the food.

The two babies insisted on waiting for Papa and they haven't eaten yet.

She brought out the food and put it on the table, "Let's eat."

The two babies climbed onto the dining chair obediently.

Today I have chicken wings, spare ribs and fish soup, which is quite hearty.

As soon as he moved his chopsticks, he saw a white shadow rushing out of the room.

It turned out to be Sissy.

Jiang Cheng looked at Xixi sitting under his feet, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He picked up a piece of ribs and put them on the ground, "Eat it, eat it."

"Guess, I have something to do tomorrow, so I can't stay at home, you can take care of the children at home." Ye Qingjiu's eyelashes trembled.

She is going to learn how to make cakes tomorrow!This matter cannot be delayed any longer.

"Okay." Jiang Cheng nodded.

He looked at Sisi on the ground, and then at the two babies sitting on the baby chair.

"Tomorrow, let's take Xixi to the pet hospital for a check-up. By the way, we'll get all the rabies shots, okay?"

"it is good!"

The two little guys spoke in unison.

Nuonuo should not like Xixi too much, she is its little master.

"Sisi, here are ribs!"

Nuonuo reached into her bowl with her small hand and grabbed a spare rib, and threw it on the ground.

Seeing the meat, Xixi quickly moved over to it.

It wagged its tail at Nuonuo first, and then ate the inner rib.


Early the next morning, Ye Qingjiu went out to the training room only to find out that everyone was going to celebrate the festival, and there were really not many people there.

The teacher saw that there were only five or six people in total, and he taught them very carefully, almost hand in hand.

So Ye Qingjiu finally learned how to decorate flowers happily, and now he doesn't have to worry about being ugly when making cakes!

After class, she was carrying the cake and was about to go back to Tengxing. When she arrived at the parking lot and was about to get in the car, she suddenly heard someone calling him from behind.

"Green wine!"

It was a man with a nice voice.

Ye Qingjiu turned his head and looked at it for a long time, but he felt familiar but didn't recognize who it was.

The man is quite handsome, but he is a little girly, and he doesn't look very sunny.

"It's me, I'm Wu Lei, your high school deskmate, have you forgotten?"

(End of this chapter)

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