Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 175 My Woman Only Sees Her Heart

Chapter 175 My Woman Only Sees Her Heart
Nuonuo also hurriedly held up her other hand with a proud face, "My mother is a mermaid!"

She looked at the two babies happily, "Today is Dad's birthday, how about we finish visiting the aquarium in a while and go eat something delicious?"


The two treasures said in unison, Ye Qingjiu had already thought about how to give Jiang Cheng an unforgettable birthday yesterday, so he booked the restaurant early and bought gifts, planning to sell the restaurant later and give it to Jiang Cheng together .

Jiang Cheng didn't expect Ye Qingjiu to be so attentive, and the corners of his eyes are slightly moist now.

"Daughter-in-law, you are so kind."

Ye Qingjiu smiled sweetly with his eyes, "Why don't you drive?"

"it is good!"

The family of four happily headed towards the restaurant. On the way, Ye Qingjiu gave the address to Jiang Cheng. It is a private villa, usually not open to the public. The environment and taste are first-class.

Jiang Cheng followed the address and drove in the direction of the villa. The navigation showed a small road with lush trees on both sides, and the eyes were green, which made people feel comfortable.

The place is really good, the environment is really good, the villa is at the foot of the mountain, the stream is gurgling in the eyes, and there is no shortage of rockeries and ponds next to it.

"Wow, Ma Ma, this place is so beautiful." Nuonuo was very excited.

"Yeah Mama, it's so beautiful here."

Ye Qingjiu looked at the two cuties, "Let's go, let's talk after we go in."

A family of four entered the restaurant. This is a Chinese restaurant with a simple style.

The four of them chose a place and sat down. The waiter handed over the menu with a smile. Before they started ordering, Nuonuo and Yanyan started arguing and wanted to go out to play.

"Ma Ma, just play for a while, okay?"

"Please please~"

The two babies turned on the coquettish mode, taking turns to attack, Ye Qingjiu couldn't stand it, so he had to look at Jiang Cheng helplessly, "I'll take them out to play, you order here."

"Okay~" Hearing that their mother was going to take them out to play, the two babies were very happy, and they jumped and walked outside. They wanted to go to the stream outside to see if there were any fish.

"Play slowly..."

Ye Qingjiu was exhorting, when he saw Wu Lei walking over with a few people, men and women.

She was a little helpless, she could meet her everywhere, if she had known, she would not have chosen to eat here.

Wu Lei saw Ye Qingjiu made a difference, and then his face was full of excitement. Today is the birthday of their colleagues from the TV station, and the colleagues have set the place here.

I didn't expect to meet Ye Qingjiu here, "Qingjiu, he greeted you warmly."

Ye Qingjiu's brows were light, "Oh".

"What a coincidence, you're eating here too?" Wu Lei walked to her side.

The two babies found that their mother hadn't followed them, so they turned their heads to look for them, and seeing Wu Lei, they asked curiously, "Ma Ma, who is this uncle?"

When Wu Lei saw the two babies, his face turned into a rotten sweet potato with a smile, "Hello, babies, I'm your mother's classmate, you can call me Uncle Wu Lei."

Now Nuonuo just wants to see if there is any fish to catch, "Uncle Wu Lei, can you give us back Mama?"

Nuonuo raised her small face and blinked her eyes, looking more and more innocent.

"That's right, uncle, we still have to go inside to play." Yan Yan also followed her mother.

The two of them looked at Wu Lei, and for some reason, they both felt that they didn't like it very much.

Wu Lei still didn't give up, "Then, how about uncle to accompany you to play?"

He thinks this is a rare opportunity, if he can handle these two treasures, he will be one step closer to Ye Qingjiu.

After finishing speaking, Wu Lei stretched out his hand to touch Mononuo's face. After all, there are not many people who would not like a juicy little princess like Nuo Nuo.

Seeing that he was going to touch her face, Nuonuo hurriedly hid behind Ye Qingjiu, she didn't like this uncle, and she didn't like him touching her face even more.


Ye Qingjiu glanced at Wu Lei, "The two of them don't like contact with outsiders, so let's go first."

After speaking, Ye Qingjiu took the two treasures and walked towards the creek.

Wu Lei looked at her burning figure, tsk, it was perfect.

He walked in and found a waiter, "Waiter, come here."

"Hello, sir, what can I do?" The waiter responded.

"Please order me a bouquet of roses, nine hundred and ninety-nine."

Jiang Cheng had just finished ordering, and he happened to have nothing else to do, seeing Wu Lei hiding roses for nine hundred and ninety, he suddenly had the idea of ​​buying flowers for Ye Qingjiu.

Except for a marriage proposal, he didn't seem to have bought him flowers, but he didn't want roses, and he liked lilies more than roses.It is light and refined, with an elegant fragrance, very similar to Ye Qingjiu, not rich and colorful, but with a long aftertaste.

The waiter nodded, "Okay sir, nine hundred and nine roses, ten yuan for each rose, nine hundred and ninety-nine roses, a total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine yuan."

Although Wu Lei is a host, his salary is only tens of thousands of yuan a month. This handful of flowers is so expensive, it really hurts, "Why is it so expensive? There is only five yuan for a flower outside!"

"Sir, our villa does not provide flower delivery service. If Ning needs it, we need to go outside to buy it, and the labor cost must be included in it."

Hearing this, Wu Lei frowned, "Okay, okay." He took out a card and handed it to the waiter, "Take it and swipe it yourself, there is no password!"

The waiter was a little helpless, "I'm sorry sir, we have a rule here that we can't swipe the card on behalf of the customer, and I have to trouble you to follow me to the front desk!"

Wu Lei frowned, "It's really troublesome!"

Jiang Cheng looked at this scene and smiled, people nowadays are really, even those with a few pennies feel that they are not rich anymore, as if they are the second child.

He waved to the waiter, "Hello, I want a bouquet of flowers too, just a lily."

The waiter came over with a smile, "Yes sir, two hundred and one bunches of lilies."

When Wu Lei heard that Jiang Cheng only wanted a bunch of 200 yuan flowers, he couldn't help giving him a contemptuous look. The two walked to the cashier, and Wu Lei looked at Jiang Cheng confidently, "Brother, I advise you , you have to be willing to spend money to chase girls, how can you afford two hundred bouquets of flowers."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him, "My woman never cares about money, only her heart."

After speaking, he handed over the money to the cashier, said "Thanks for your hard work," and returned to his seat with a smile.

Not long after, Ye Qingjiu came back with the children.

Coincidentally, Wu Lei and the others were sitting diagonally across from him at a table.

Seeing that Ye Qingjiu had dinner with a poor boy who spent 200 yuan on flowers, Wu Lei couldn't help laughing. It seems that today is really a good opportunity.

Ye Qingjiu is the CEO of Tengxing, an identity beyond the reach of many people, he actually thinks that a bouquet of 200 yuan flowers can touch Ye Qingjiu's heart?What a big joke.

After a while, the waiter came back with two bouquets of flowers, a large bouquet of fiery red roses, and a small bouquet of fragrant lilies.

She sent the flowers to Wu Lei, and Wu Lei's colleagues couldn't help being excited when they saw it, "It's incredible, these flowers are not cheap."

"I didn't expect Wu Lei to be so romantic, even sending flowers to girls."

"You ugly brat, how can such a bouquet of lilies compare with Wu Lei's big bouquet of roses? This time, Wu Lei is sure to win."

"Yeah, maybe as soon as the meal is finished, Wu Lei will report the beauty back."

A few people praised Wu Lei one by one, and now they are sure to win!

He looked at the people at the table confidently, "I have successfully confessed my love later, and I will invite you to this meal!"

"Good!" Everyone applauded excitedly.

The waiter brought over a bouquet of lilies that Jiang Cheng wanted, and when he saw Ye Qingjiu sitting opposite him, he instantly knew who the flowers were for.

She came over with a smile on her face, "Hello, lady, this flower was given to you by your husband."

The lily is beautiful, with white flowers that look extraordinarily pure.

She didn't expect Jiang Cheng to buy her flowers, and she was overjoyed.The fragrance of lilies filled the nostrils, and Ye Qingjiu was a little distracted.

Here, Wu Lei saw that Jiang Cheng had delivered flowers, so he hurriedly stood up, he was here to embarrass Jiang Cheng.

He walked over with a fiery red rose in his arms, and looked at Ye Qingjiu affectionately, "Qingjiu, these are the flowers I gave you, do you like them?"

Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment, good guy, so he bought flowers for his wife?

I didn't realize that this grandson is a rival in love.

Seeing Wu Lei sending flowers to his mother, the two babies refused to agree, Yan Yan took Ye Qingjiu's hand seriously, "Mom, these flowers stink, you must not accept them!"

"Yes, mother is not only stinky, but also ugly, but father's looks good and smells good!"

Ye Qingjiu looked at these two treasures and suddenly smiled, "I don't like your flowers, and my children don't like your flowers either!"


Wu Lei's eyes widened, "Obviously mine are so much more expensive than his flowers, how can a bunch of broken lilies match your identity?"

"My identity? My identity is the mother of the children, Jiang Cheng's wife!" Ye Qingjiu stopped him with firm eyes.

"how is this possible???"

Wu Lei never dreamed that Ye Qingjiu was really married.And He is still such a person who is only willing to spend 200 yuan on flowers.

"I've said it a long time ago. My woman only cares about her heart, not money. But you, if you harass my wife again, you may be in trouble."

Jiang Cheng is not a troublemaker, but harassing his wife is an exception!

But any man will get a little angry when he sees his wife being harassed.

"Heh, you're just a poor boy. Do you think I'm afraid of you if you pretend to be powerful?"

To be honest, this is the first time Jiang Cheng has heard someone call him a poor boy in the past few months, "What about you? May I ask what kind of rich job you do?"

"You don't even know me? Don't you watch TV? I'm the host of Sichuan Provincial TV Station!" When Wu Lei mentioned the host, his eyes were full of pride.

Jiang Cheng thought that he must be Du Yuan anyway, but he was just a host from Sichuan Province. Although this kind of person is well-known, his salary is far less than that of a celebrity.

To put it bluntly, it is a reputation in vain, "Oh host."

Jiang Cheng picked up the phone and broadcast it to Li Yang. After what happened last time, Li Yang now admires Jiang Cheng very much. When he saw his call, he answered it excitedly, "Hey, Mr. Jiang, what are you doing?" Remember to call me?"

"Do you know anyone from the TV station?" Jiang Cheng said lightly.

Seeing him on the phone, Wu Lei let out a cold snort, needless to say, pretending to be x in front of Ye Qingjiu.

Chasing girls is the usual routine, it's nothing more than showing off one's own strength.

Today he has to let Zhang Zhang see it.

"Listen well, my name is Wu Lei, if I can't get off work tomorrow, you will be my grandson!" Wu Lei looked at him with disdain.

Jiang Cheng has no eyelids. Today, he has to let him know that there is a price to be paid for harassing his wife.

"Are you kidding, the subordinate units, how could they not know each other?" Li Yang replied.

"Oh, that's good, there's a host named Wu Lei on the TV station, let's open it."

"Wu Lei? Okay, I remember!"

"Let me tell you, I've seen this kind of routine a lot, and I'm waiting to be fired tomorrow!" Wu Lei put down his harsh words and returned to his desk.

To be honest, he really didn't expect Ye Qingjiu to be married, and even made me spend 1 yuan on flowers when he got married. Wu Lei became more and more aggrieved when he thought about it, but Ye Qingjiu is really good-looking.

If this kind of woman can do it herself.
Wu Lei sat on the seat, picked up the wine on the table and drank it all in one gulp, so what if he got married, in short, his 1 yuan cannot be wasted, anyway, Teacher Hu has already made an appointment with Ye Qingjiu tomorrow, and then he will first Get her drunk, as long as she drinks too much, it's not just what she said.

Ye Qingjiu looked at Wu Lei who spoiled a good meal, and was a little worried that Jiang Cheng would be angry. To be honest, she had no feelings for Wu Lei at all. If it wasn't for him calling her in the inner sky, she might not even recognize her when they met. The inner species that came out.

Seeing that her husband's birthday was disturbed by such an insignificant person, Ye Qingjiu felt a little guilty, "Why don't we go home, I kind of want to eat your ribs and lotus root soup."


Jiang Cheng took his family of three out of the villa.

Li Yang received a call from Jiang Cheng, so he called the TV station.

Wu Lei was still drinking when he received a call from the director, "Hey director."

Frustration in love made him a little sullen.

"Why did you provoke the gd people?"

The director's tone was very bad.

"I..." Wu Lei was about to explain, when he suddenly remembered the phone call Jiang Cheng made just now.

What the hell, this kid actually has some skills, he actually knows someone from gd.

Wu Lei didn't call out in anger, "Master, you didn't call me to tell me that I don't have to go to work tomorrow, did you?"

The head of the station said in a cold tone, "Why not? Don't you think our station will be blocked?"

Wu Lei was completely dumbfounded now, "No, director, you can't treat me like this."

"Me to you? Which god have you offended yourself? It's settled like this. You don't have to come again from tomorrow. By the way, you are obviously not with you. Tell him, your show. Tomorrow, you will be the host! "

After speaking, the director hung up the phone.

Wu Lei now wants to die.

The show that I worked so hard on, just disappeared because of Ye Qingjiu's husband.

No, he is not someone who can be bullied, he must take revenge on him!
(End of this chapter)

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