Chapter 189 I'm in Your Eyes
Si Qingqing quickly replied: Mr. Ye is in an extremely bad mood, everyone is wishing for luck!

After posting, I put away my phone and drove to Tengxing.

Along the way, I dare not say a word.

After receiving Si Qingqing's news, the whole Tengxing exploded.

"What's the situation? What happened to Mr. Ye today?"

Wu Nan from the marketing department grabbed Lao Luo's arm, feeling very nervous.

"Oh, how would I know!" Manager Luo looked at her helplessly.

"It's over, it seems that Mr. Ye is going to issue bids again today, Lao Luo, don't you have Jiang Cheng's WeChat account? Hurry up, don't worry about it."

Xiao Zhao from the finance department came over and helped his eyes.

The plans for this weekly report are all overdone. If I am scolded, I will definitely be the first one, so I don't have to run away.

Lao Luo thought about it, and now Jiang Cheng is the only one who can stop Mr. Ye's anger. After all, this is all well-documented.

Jiang Cheng managed to stop Mr. Ye's anger more than once.

He took out his mobile phone and decisively sent a message to Jiang Cheng: Savior, Tengxing caught fire, come and help!
After Jiang Chengcai left the villa with two meatballs, he received news from Lao Luo.

He smiled helplessly: OK.

After receiving Jiang Cheng's reply, Manager Luo finally settled down.

He hurried back: thank the savior, you must remember to come.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect Ye Qingjiu to become so angry, and it even reached Tengxing, so he was really worried.

Take the two babies and get on the car.

Here, Ye Qingjiu has arrived at the company.

Ding dong.

The elevator stopped on the 14th floor.

She got out of the elevator and took a few steps.

When everyone saw Mr. Ye coming, they were all very nervous.

Ye Qingjiu rolled his eyelids, "What are you doing here? Are you doing nothing?"


Didn't she let everyone have a meeting? ? ?
They want to leave, who dares.

At this moment, everyone turned towards Si Qingqing eagerly, helpless, and dared not speak out.

Si Qingqing felt that if she didn't say anything, she might end up in Tengxing and be isolated in the future!
She said nonchalantly, "Ye, Mr. Ye, you called everyone to come to the meeting."

"Is there no conference room in Tengxing?" Ye Qingjiu said in a calm voice.

"Yes, but there are so many people, we can't fit in the conference room. In the past, the multi-person conferences were reserved directly for the banquet hall." Si Qingqing said bravely.

Hearing this, everyone present was quiet.

Ye Qingjiu didn't say anything else, she looked at the crowd, "Okay, then the official meeting will start now, and all departments are ready to report their work!"

Manager Luo tightly clutched the phone in his hand, why Jiang Cheng hasn't come yet.

If you don't come again, it's really doomed.

Ding dong, the elevator door rang, and two milk dumplings ran out, both of them hugging Ye Qingjiu's legs, one left and one right, "Ma Ma, we miss you!"

Ye Qingjiu glanced at Jiang Cheng, "Why are you here?"

Although his face looked like he didn't want him to come, but his heart suddenly felt at ease at this moment, and he finally came to coax himself.

He always loves himself.

Jiang Cheng came over and stroked her hair, "Okay, don't be angry."

Ye Qingjiu turned his face away, "Who, who is angry?"

Manager Luo had a strong intuition that it was absolutely right to find Jiang Cheng.

This time, Ye Qingjiu's little face was blushing, and the shy state of his little daughter Jiajia was vividly displayed.

Where is Mr. Ye who was domineering and wanted to hold a meeting just now.

Jiang Cheng held her in his arms, "Really?"

His hands were rough and strong, Ye Qingjiu felt a warmth through the skirt.

Her face was getting redder and redder, "This is the company!"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "What kind of company is the company? I haven't had dinner yet. Let's go eat first!"

After speaking, he pulled Ye Qingjiu and left.

She was stunned, Jiang Cheng rarely treats her like this, this is a kind of domineering and unreasonable love.

She let Jiang Cheng pull her and fell all the way to the elevator.

The two milk dumplings saw Papa dragging Ma Ma away, and hurriedly followed behind.

As soon as she left, everyone was relieved for a long time.

God, what just happened?
Mr. Ye was dragged away just like that?
Manager Luo gave Xiao Zhao a thumbs up, "You are still the best, why didn't I think of looking for Jiang Cheng."

Xiao Zhao looked at him helplessly, "Not all of them were forced out."

Ye Qingjiu was pulled into the car, Jiang Cheng started the car, and then looked at her with concern, "What do you want to eat?"

Ye Qingjiu was pulled by Xu Yi domineeringly just now, and now he can't get angry at all.

She turned her head away, "Whatever."


Jiang Cheng randomly found a steamed stuffed bun shop. Steamed stuffed buns are the fastest food. He didn't eat at noon. It's already past three o'clock in the afternoon. I'm afraid this girl is starving right now.

"The boss has two baskets of buns and three bowls of chaos."

Ye Qingjiu didn't have any appetite at all right now, just now he was angry and didn't realize that his stomach was hurting, but now he regained his sanity and immediately felt his stomach was sore and painful.

"I won't eat, don't ask for mine."

Jiang Cheng looked at her affectionately, "Are you still angry?"

"No, I'm really not hungry, I can't eat."

I haven't eaten for a long time, why am I not hungry?

Jiang looked at her responsibly, seeing that her forehead was shining brightly, her complexion was haggard, and when she touched her, she was sweating.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help becoming nervous. It seems that this girl is probably sick.

He grabbed her hand.

"Why?" Ye Qingjiu was surprised.

"Don't move, feel the pulse!" He is a Chinese medicine doctor.

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu didn't struggle anymore, and let him grab his slender wrist.

Her stomach itself is not good, it may not be a problem for a normal person to eat a hungry meal, but for Ye Qingjiu, that is a problem.

Jiang Cheng let go of his hand and went into the back kitchen.

He took out a few one hundred sheets from his pocket and stuffed them in the boss's hand, "Lend me the kitchen."

The boss looked at the banknotes in his hand and nodded, "Okay."

Immediately withdrew with his wife and two other buddies. This afternoon, steamed stuffed buns were what they ate in the morning, and the business in the store was already bleak.

Jiang Cheng gave another 400 yuan, and he had no reason not to return it.

Seeing that everyone had left, Jiang Cheng immediately entered the space, scooped out some spring water and cooked porridge, and put some red dates, wolfberries, and peanuts in the porridge.

Soon a bowl of hot eight-treasure jujube porridge was brought out.

Because of the use of Lingquan water, this bowl of porridge exudes a sweet and enticing fragrance.

The few customers in the store couldn't help swallowing, it smells so good!

The boss and the guys were even more stunned. Is this something made in your own shop?Why is it so fragrant?
Jiang Cheng put the porridge in front of Ye Qingjiu, "Eat some, it nourishes the stomach."

Ye Qingjiu still had a dull pain in her stomach, she had no appetite at all, she shook her head, "I really can't eat."

What if I can't eat it.

Seeing her refusal, Jiang Cheng directly picked up the spoon and fed it into her mouth, "Be good, be obedient."

Seeing this scene, the few single dogs around couldn't bear it anymore, what kind of operation is this.

This is too affectionate, isn't it possible to show affection by eating buns?

Ye Qingjiu blushed and opened his mouth immediately.

The hot and sweet porridge melts in your mouth, it is really delicious.

She looked at Jiang Cheng in surprise, "One more bite."

Jiang Cheng fed another spoonful into her mouth.

At this moment, Ye Qingjiu felt not only the sweet and delicious red date porridge, but also Jiang Cheng's deep love.

She took the spoon in Jiang Cheng's hand.I ate it bite by bite.

The two babies finished eating the steamed stuffed buns, and ate some chaos, and looked at Jiang Cheng satisfied, "Papa, Nuo Nuo is full."

"Papa, Yan Yan is also full."

After Ye Qingjiu ate the last mouthful of porridge, the stomach that was aching just now didn't hurt at all, and his whole body felt warm.

"I'm full too."

Looking at the mother and son who were full, Jiang Cheng nodded with a smile, "We are full, let's go."

Set off?

Ye Qingjiu was taken aback, "Shouldn't I go home?"

Jiang Cheng smiled, "You will know in a while."

He was going to take their mother and son all the way to Youchen, where the surprise he gave her was hidden.

Seeing that he bought the key, Ye Qingjiu didn't ask any more immediately, she is not stupid and sweet, if others don't talk about it, it's fine if she doesn't ask.

Today is the weekend, there are very few people in Youchen who are still working overtime, after all, Youchen doesn't have so many hot girls to do right now.

The family of four got on the elevator and all the way down Jiang Cheng's office.

Nuonuo couldn't help being curious, "Papa, why did you bring us to the office? Is there anything interesting here?"

Hearing this, Yan Yan also became curious, "Did Baba also prepare a toy room for us? It's like the one in Mom's company." Hearing this, Jiang Cheng felt a little embarrassed.

Although he prepared a surprise, the surprise was not for the two children, but for his wife.

"Today's gift is for mom, baby, be good, papa will take you out to play tomorrow, okay?"

The two babies were very unhappy at first, but when they heard that they could go out to play tomorrow, their immature faces turned slightly brighter.

Ye Qingjiu was a little curious, if it was a gift for her, then there was really nothing to be curious about, but it is strange that the gift is in the office?

Could it be Youchen's contract?

If it's a contract, then there's nothing strange about it, but what Jiang Cheng doesn't know is that since his appearance, the professionalism in her that she is proud of has become frequent desertions.

Now she always wants to go home earlier every day.

On weekends, I will be like the children, looking forward to Jiang Cheng taking them out to play.

She even thought about whether she was going to sell the shares of Tengxing, as long as she was a shareholder in peace and contentment.

Looking at Ye Qingjiu's thoughtful expression, Jiang Cheng couldn't help asking curiously: "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong?"

Ye Qingjiu looked at him with a serious face, "I refuse?"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng was confused, "What are you refusing?"

Ye Qingjiu looked at him seriously, his black and white eyes were foggy, "I reject Youchen's shares!"

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng smiled, "Who told you that it's Youchen's shares?"

Ye Qingjiu was completely taken aback by Jiang Cheng's negative answer.

Not shares?

"what is that?"

Jiang Cheng lightly scratched his nose, "Idiot, you'll know if you don't see it."

After speaking, he took Ye Qingjiu's hand and entered his office.

There is a huge picture frame in the office, covered with a white cloth.Ye Qingjiu's eyelashes trembled, "I, can I take a look?"

She had a premonition that this was Jiang Cheng's so-called gift.

"Of course." Jiang Cheng nodded.

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu walked over, and she lifted the canvas in front of her.

A beautiful mermaid wanders in the blue water, the sun shines into the bottom of the sea, and there are colorful lights scattered near the sea surface.

This mermaid is Ye Qingjiu.

He often thinks of the scene in the aquarium, the dark blue, jewel-like mermaid.

After a long time, I couldn't help but want to draw him, which is why he didn't want to hang the wedding photos on the bedside.

He felt that what he should hang up was not the wedding photo, but his mermaid.

Ye Qingjiu said cautiously, "I, can I touch it?"

He painted so vividly. In the painting, Ye Qingjiu had deep love hidden in his eyes. She had never seen such a beautiful self before, and she couldn't help but want to touch it, but was worried that it would be damaged.

Jiang Cheng came over, "Of course."

Nuonuo looked at Ye Qingjiu in the painting and couldn't help sighing, "Papa, this is my mother, right? It's the mermaid mother."

Yan Yan's eyes were straightened, and he couldn't make a sound for a long time.

He has never seen such a beautiful mother. The mother in the painting is far more beautiful than the mother in the aquarium.

Ye Qingjiu touched the portrait carefully, "It's really beautiful."

Jiang Cheng looked at her affectionately, "Actually, the penetration position was originally intended to be reserved for it."

The mermaid left to him is left to his silly daughter-in-law!
Ye Qingjiu looked at him, "This painting is really beautiful, and I like it very much, but it is the marriage bed of the two of us, of course there must be two of us."

Ye Qingjiu spoke the truth.

She just wanted a picture of the two of them.

Jiang Cheng looked at the mermaid in the painting, then turned to look at Ye Qingjiu beside him, "There is me in this painting."

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu was completely dumbfounded.

Is there something wrong with your eyes?

Obviously there is only me alone, not a fish.

Where is Jiang Cheng?
But Jiang Cheng's serious face didn't seem like he was lying. She looked at the photo carefully, but still didn't see Jiang Cheng.

Then he couldn't help but asked curiously; "You, where are you?"

Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile, "I'm in your eyes!"

Couldn't he be looking at him right now, Ye Qingjiu looked helpless, "I mean in the painting."

Why is his little girl so cute?
"I also mean in the painting."

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu looked at himself in the painting in disbelief.

Sure enough, Jiang Cheng's shadow was hidden in the brightest part of his eyes.

He is really in the picture!

Ye Qingjiu was extremely pleasantly surprised, "You are really in my eyes!"

Jiang Cheng affectionately stopped her waist from behind. "Daughter-in-law, I am not only in your eyes, but also in your heart."

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu's pretty face turned red, why is this person so dishonest!
(End of this chapter)

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