Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 19 The Invitation of Girlfriends

Chapter 19 The Invitation of Girlfriends

He pointed to the small half pot of cherries in front of the baby, "These are for the babies."

Pointing to the bento box in his hand, "This is for Mom."

Nuo Nuoyan saw that there was still food to eat, and couldn't be happier, and said in unison, "Okay~"

After eating the cherries, Jiang Cheng took them to take a nap for a while.

The two babies didn't know if it was because of getting up early, they slept very deeply.

Jiang Chengzai cleaned up carefully while the babies were sleeping.

Since taking the Xisui Pill, his appearance has changed unconsciously. His originally handsome face is now more straight and angular.

The body is also more stylish.

He stood in front of the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

When the two babies woke up, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

He made soup with spinach and watched the two babies drink to his heart's content.

Then I kissed the foreheads of the two babies and then handed them over to Zhang Ma, "Dad is looking for Mom, you have to be good~"

Nuonuo looked at him sensiblely, "Dad, come back early~"

Yanyan also spoke, "Yanyan will protect my sister, father don't worry~"

Jiang Cheng nodded, looked at Zhang Ma, "I'm in trouble."

Mama Zhang smiled, "Go quickly, don't delay."

Only then did Jiang Cheng leave the house and drove to Tengxing.

After entering the parking lot, he sent a message to Ye Qingjiu: Do you want me to pick you up?
After 30 seconds, I received a message from Ye Qingjiu: No need! ! !

Through the screen, Jiang Cheng could already feel the shy expression of his little daughter-in-law.

I couldn't help but raised the corner of my mouth.

Ten minutes later, Ye Qingjiu opened the car door and got in.

Wearing a light pink lace dress with hips, her figure is still perfect and impeccable.

The slightly yellowed hair hangs obediently and softly on the angular collarbone.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the cold female president I saw on the first day.

Seeing Jiang Cheng staring straight at him, with blatant aggression in his eyes.

She was a little shy, "What are you looking at!"

Jiang Cheng hooked the corners of his lips, "I see you~"

Such a person is really terrible!
Ye Qingjiu lowered his eyes, "It's in the Wellington Villa area."

Sheng Xinyan's home is in the Wellington Villa area.

Jiang Cheng looked at her shy little expression and was happy.

Ye Qingjiu slowly opened his mouth, "Go, don't..."

Speaking of this, Ye Qingjiu's pretty face blushed, and she pursed her lips, feeling a little embarrassed.

Jiang Cheng looked at her and felt cute, "Don't what?"

Ye Qingjiu lowered his head, "Stop barking like a daughter-in-law."

After all, the two of them didn't get their certificates, and the circle was very chaotic.

She doesn't like excitement, and she doesn't want to expose her private affairs to others as a pastime for them after dinner.

Fearing that Jiang Cheng would misunderstand, he added, "They are very talkative, and I don't want my private affairs to be known..."

Seeing her embarrassed face, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but want to laugh.

He suppressed a smile, "Okay~ listen to my wife!"

After all, she is a single mother and the president who attracts the attention of everyone. It is indeed easy to be talked about when a man appears beside her. Jiang Cheng can understand.

At the entrance of the Wellington villa area, the nanny of the Sheng family has already come out to greet her.

This kind of private villa area will never be released if no one comes to answer or receive a phone call from the owner.

Ye Qingjiu's car parked smoothly in Sheng's garage.

The villa is very big, but it is still inferior to Ye Qing's restaurant, the main body is a three-story English style building.

Standing at the door, Sheng Xinyan saw that Ye Qingjiu had indeed brought Jiang Cheng along, and she was overjoyed.

Such a handsome man, one more look counts, even though he is a best friend's husband.

But it's not illegal to look at it.

When she looked at Ye Qingjiu who got off from the co-pilot, she widened her eyes like copper bells, "Oh my god, you are... a young girl, not a lot of women, Huai Chun?"

Jiang Cheng burst out laughing, never thought that a cold and strong woman like Ye Qingjiu would have such an open-mouthed friend?
Ye Qingjiu glanced at her, "With your level of speaking, it's no wonder that novels are not popular."

Sheng Yan smiled instead of being annoyed, "No, your pink body is too dreamy, and you said it wasn't Huaichun?"

Seeing that she was not finished, Ye Qingjiu said angrily: "Say more! If you say more, I'll go back!"

Sheng Yanxin shook her head, secretly sighing in her heart, love is really contrived.

It turned the Wannian black, white and gray Ye Qingjiu into pink.

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk, go in, they are all here."

"By the way, don't talk nonsense." Ye Qingjiu told her.

This kind of celebrity circle is originally a circle of right and wrong. It's not surprising that she doesn't want to expose her news.

"Okay, okay, I understand everything." Sheng Xinyan agreed.

Under the leadership of Sheng Yanxin, the two went to the basement floor.

This floor was transformed into a [-] square meter bar by Sheng Yanxin.

There are bar counters, scattered seats, booths, and even stand-up microphones.

In short, there is no shortage of all bar configurations here.

Bai Fumei, who are in their early twenties, have one pair of legs longer than the other, all with D plus, some with sweet looks, and some with temperament Yujie.

It's almost like a beauty pageant.

Seeing Ye Qingjiu, several people enthusiastically stood up, "Jiujiu, you are here."

"I don't come out every time I call you. If it wasn't for Xinyan's arrangement, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you yet."

Ye Qingjiu smiled, "How could it be?"

If it wasn't for Sheng Xinyan, I'm afraid she really wouldn't have any interaction with these people.

These few people are all born with love brains. Apart from unswerving love until death, and unswerving right and wrong until death, there is really nothing they are interested in.

She went straight to the sofa and sat down.

"Wow, this handsome guy is so handsome, Xinxin, where did you find him?"

Without waiting for Sheng Xinyan to explain, the beauty sitting on the sofa wearing a red suspender skirt walked up to Jiang Cheng with her mobile phone full of nympho, "Handsome guy, add a WeChat~"

Jiang Cheng smiled politely, "Sorry, I didn't bring my mobile phone."

This sentence caused a lot of sighs, "Handsome guy, your excuse is too obvious, isn't there anyone who doesn't carry a mobile phone these days?"

"How could such heartless words come out of such a handsome you?"

Hearing this, Ye Qingjiu couldn't help but glanced at Jiang Cheng's face.

Jiang Cheng smiled politely at the beauties, "People with wives don't need mobile phones." After speaking, he gave Ye Qingjiu a meaningful look.

At this glance, Ye Qingjiu's heart was raised in his throat.

"Hey, it's so boring." The beauty was a little disappointed.

Sheng Yanxin clasped her hands together and said angrily: "Okay, okay, I called you here to tell a story, not to see handsome guys!"

"Come on, let's have a drink first." The beauty in the red suspender dress suggested.

Hearing to drink, Ye Qingjiu took a cup of tea silently, drink?
Stop doing!

Drunken sex can only happen once!
Everyone picked up the wine glasses in front of the table cooperatively, only Ye Qingjiu was holding the tea cup, "I'm sorry everyone, I have a meeting tonight, so I won't drink."

"Jiujiu, you are so heartless."

"Hey, he's a very busy person with wine, the CEO, he's different from us." Several beauties teased.

Ye Qingjiu smiled slightly, "There are many opportunities, so don't rush this time."

 This time it really withered~
  Please help me to steal tickets~
  Pass tea to the big guys~
  Good life is safe~
(End of this chapter)

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