Chapter 206 Wedding (The Finale)

Three days later, the venue was set up, and Jiang Cheng went to have a look.

It was the way he wanted, thousands of white tables were neatly arranged around the circular square.

In the square, there is a love door made of lilies, which is indescribably romantic.

The road paved with white carpet leads all the way to the gate of the park, both sides are full of photos of Ye Qingjiu and her own wedding dress, the most eye-catching place is the picture of a mermaid drawn by Jiang Cheng.

really beautiful.

Three days later, the wedding was held as scheduled, Ye Qingjiu got up at [-]:[-] in the morning, the makeup artist was doing her makeup at home, and the photographer was following along to take pictures.

Jiang Cheng looked a little pitiful, he quietly prepared a meal, and took his two treasures to eat.

Nuonuo and Yanyan both know that today is the day when their parents get married, so they are very well-behaved.

Two people sat at the table and ate egg custard.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two treasures, "Let's change clothes later, shall we?"

Hearing this, Nuonuo raised her head, "Dad, why do you want to marry Mom?"

This question frightened Jiang Cheng.

"Ah? Of course mom and dad are going to get married, and Nuonuo will also get married when she grows up."

Hearing this, Nuonuo looked puzzled.

"Why do you want to get married?"

She doesn't understand, for her, she has her father and mother, and the two of them will be by her side every day, that's enough.

Why do they have to get married?
Jiang Cheng patted Nuonuo's head, "Honey, mom and dad can be together forever after they get married, don't you want mom and dad to be together forever?"

Nuonuo nodded half-understanding, "Oh, it turns out that only when you get married can you be together for the rest of your life."

Hearing this, Yan Yan became excited, "Then let's go get married together, so that we can be together for the rest of our lives."

Jiang Cheng was completely speechless.

How to explain this.

Children are too young to tell the difference between family affection and love.

How to explain this.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "You are still too young now, only adults can get married, as old as my mother and I."

Sorry, I feel like my explanation is not quite right.

"It's about marrying the person you like."

Now Yanyan's high IQ was also fooled by Jiang Cheng, "Then we also like mom and dad, and mom and dad like us too, why can't the four of us get married?"

How to explain this!

He sat on the stool and began to think about the difference between family affection and love.

Thinking about it, he suddenly realized that he couldn't tell whether it was family affection or love for Ye Qingjiu. He only knew that he liked her, loved her, and wanted to be with her forever.

Maybe the two have been together for a long time.

Emotions will be upgraded from the very beginning of love.

I just think of Jiang Cheng, who has love and family affection.

He looked at the two babies, "Then let's go get married together, and you have to change your clothes! Don't make trouble, you know?"

Hearing that they got married together, the two babies were excited.

"Okay Baba!" After finishing speaking, Nuonuo climbed off the stool and pulled Yanyan with her fleshy little hands, "Hurry up and change clothes, we are going to get married too!"

Yan Yan jumped off the stool, "Okay!"

Two meatballs quickly ran into the house.

Mother Ye is putting on makeup for herself. After all, it's her daughter's big day, so she still needs to clean up decently.

The two babies hugged Mother Ye's legs, "Grandma, hurry up and change our clothes! We are going to get married too!"

Mother Ye smiled, "Okay, grandma will change your clothes now!"

She changed the clothes for the two babies, tidied up herself, and then went to the living room to wait for Ye Qingjiu.

Jiang Cheng also changed his clothes now.

Just after he came out of the bedroom, he saw Ye Qingjiu's door open.

She was wearing a custom-made wedding dress from country M. Although she was pregnant, she couldn't tell at all.

The proportion of the waist is still so perfect.

A pair of charming Ruifeng eyes are like stars.

The touch of bright red on her mouth showed her temperament to the fullest.

She should be the phoenix above the nine heavens.

For a moment, Jiang Cheng was a little stunned.

Ye Qingjiu smiled, "Don't look, hurry up and ask Xu Zhe how they are doing!"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Oh."

Sheng Xinyan's side is the same as Ye Qingjiu's, but she is at her own home.

She signed the household registration upside down and stayed with Xu Zhe. Father Sheng was going to buy another house that day, so he opened the household registration book casually and saw Sheng Xinyan's household registration moved out, almost died of anger.

On the same day, he called Sheng Xinyan home and asked her what was going on.

Sheng Xinyan saw that the paper couldn't contain the fire, and she couldn't hide it anymore, so she had to tell the truth to Dad Sheng.

Father Sheng is really angry

But angry, his daughter is now pregnant, and he has all the documents, what else can he do.

Had to reluctantly agree to the marriage.

The two parents met, followed by buying a house and a car, and settled everything.

He is always married to his daughter, so he must be divided.

Xu Zhe got up early in the morning, packed himself and changed his clothes, and now he is following the motorcade to pick up the new bride at Sheng Xinyan's house.

On the way, I received a call from Jiang Cheng.

The two communicated with each other for a good time.

Half an hour later, Ye Qingjiu got into the wedding car.Sheng Xinyan inside also boarded the wedding car.

The two people headed towards Senling Park in a mighty way.

On the way, Ye Qingjiu held Jiang Cheng's hand, feeling unreal in a trance.

This marriage went from a one-night stand at the beginning to being a baby daddy at home, to being together, to being pregnant with a second child at the end, and to the current wedding.

It seems that they are all made by themselves.

But only she knows, but it's not.

All of this seemed to be destined in the dark, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Not only did he not want to resist, but he also enjoyed it very much.

Jiang Cheng took her hand, and he was also full of thoughts at the moment, remembering the first time he saw her in Tengxing, she looked arrogant, who would have known that she turned out to be a little girl who didn't pay attention.

Fate is something that is really unclear and unclear.

Mysterious, but full of charm.

Half an hour later, it fell to the gate of the park.

Jiang Cheng opened the door, Ye Qingjiu slowly got out of the car.

At this moment, many employees have already arrived. After all, it is the wedding of Mr. Ye and Mr. Jiang, and no one dares to be late.

They were looking at the photo of the mermaid when they saw Yeqing walking in from the door in a white wedding dress that swept the floor.Really, how beautiful it is.

And Jiang Cheng next to him, wearing a custom-made suit, with his chest up and his head high, looks extremely handsome.

The two didn't take a few steps.Then I heard the voices of Yanyan and Nuonuo, "Mom and Dad, wait for me!"

Nuonuo and Yanyan were in the same car with their grandmother, so they were 2 minutes behind Ye Qingjiu and the others.

The two babies were so anxious when they saw their parents getting married first and not waiting for them.

Yan Yan also shouted, "Dad, Mom, we are going to get married together!"

The childish voices of the two babies are extremely cute. At this moment, everyone who heard their voices couldn't help laughing, they are so cute, they are so cute.

Sheng Xinyan and Xu Zhe were about to arrive at Senling Park in the car, but, to be honest, they were still a little confused.

How did you get married?

Get married before you have had enough of the two-person world?

Sheng Xinyan only met her mother-in-law once, and she didn't even recognize Xu Zhe's family.

She looked at Xu Zhe, "You won't treat me badly in the future, will you?"

Hearing this, Xu Zhe took her hand, "How is it possible, you both have my children, and we are going to get married soon, how can I treat you badly!"

Hearing this, Sheng Xinyan frowned, "Then you mean, because I have your child, that's why you treat me well, right?"

Xu Zhe was about to cry.

What is this girl thinking?
It is said that pregnant women are sensitive. It has only been a month, and has it started to be so sensitive?
"I like you first, and then I have a child. In fact, you have no sense of security, but you think we are married with a child, right?"

Don't say it, he's right!

Sheng Xinyan thought so!

She nodded.

Then he looked at Xu Zhe with an innocent face, "Although I married a child, it's true that I like you. It's true that I want to spend my whole life with you."

As she said this, without knowing why, her tears came down.

Xu Zhe hurriedly wiped it off for her. Today is a wedding day, so you can't cry.

After pouring the place, Ye Qingjiu and the others have already greeted the guests for more than ten minutes.Seeing Sheng Xinyan, she hurried over, "What's wrong with you? Why are your eyes still red on the big day?"

Sheng Xinyan smiled, "I just feel that I got married too suddenly, so I'm a little worried."

"What are you worried about? Don't you want to be like me, sir, two children, and take care of them for three years, and then go to find the father of the children?"

Hearing this, Sheng Xinyan shook her head.

She didn't want to, Xu Zhe was so kind to her.

She doesn't want to take the baby alone.

At this moment, the host slowly came to the stage, "Two couples are invited!"

Sheng Xinyan took Ye Qingjiu's hand, and the two brides walked towards the stage supporting each other.

Jiang Cheng and Xu Zhe walked up one after the other.

A year later, in Chuancheng Hospital.

He, Ye Qingjiu, was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, while Nuonuo and Yanyan sat beside their mother with distressed faces.

"Mom, what do you want to eat? Or should I go to Aunt Xinyan's ward and bring you an apple? Her apples are delicious, Yanyan and I ate one just now!"

"Yes, Mom, if you don't want to eat fruit, you can also eat cake, I saw it in her drawer!"

Jiang Cheng hugged the third child with a smile, looked at Nuonuo and Yanyan, "You two are getting more and more skinny now, let your Aunt Xinyan know that you steal delicious food every day, and see if she beats you up you."

"Daughter-in-law, what do you want to eat, I'll make it for you later." Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu with concern.

Ye Qingjiu thought for a while, "I want to eat spicy chicken!"

"Spicy? That's not okay, the doctor said you have to eat lightly, otherwise it will be bad for your health." Jiang Cheng took the third child along to study confinement recipes these two days.

My daughter-in-law is in confinement, so she must be clear about it.

Ye Qingjiu frowned when he heard he couldn't eat spicy chicken.

If she doesn't eat her favorite, she won't be able to think of anything delicious.

Still hesitating, I saw Xu Zhe walking in with the child in his arms, "Brother Cheng, what are you going to give my sister-in-law for lunch?"

Seeing his thief-like appearance, Jiang Cheng knew that he was here for a meal.

I want to let myself take his wife and get it done.

By the way, I can also make a living by myself, it is not too good to kill two birds with one stone.

Jiang Chengbai glanced at him, "What's none of your business? Why don't you go back and cook for your wife!"

It’s okay not to say, Xu Zhe almost didn’t cry when he said it, “She just wants to eat what you made. If I can make it, I’ll go back and make it.”

After all, she is Ye Qingjiu's best friend.

Ye Qingjiu couldn't sit still right now, "Honey, you can make something for lunch, I just happen to be able to eat with her in her ward!"

Hearing this, Xu Zhe immediately gave a thumbs up, and smiled flatteringly, "Good sister-in-law, it really is good sister-in-law!"

Ye Qingjiu gave birth naturally, and after all, he has the experience of the first two births, so his body recovered better.

Sheng Xinyan was not so lucky. After all, it was the first cesarean, and she had no experience at all.

It was only now that the nurse had finished massaging her stomach and patting her lochia, and it was excruciatingly painful.

There was an incision on the stomach, so I was still lying on the bed and couldn't move.

Otherwise, the two babies would always go to eat that thing in her room.

Jiang Cheng got the order, so he had to give the child to Zhang Mama, and went back to cook by himself.

When I got home, I boiled crucian carp soup and copied some vegetables before returning to the hospital.

Ye Qingjiu was dozing off right now, Jiang Cheng saw her in a daze, walked up to her and said softly, "Daughter-in-law, get up and drink fish soup."

Ye Qingjiu opened his eyes and sat up listlessly.

He fed her sips of hot fish, Ye Qingjiu smiled at him, "Honey, I want to be with you forever."

Jiang Cheng looked at her tenderly, "But, I still want to be with you in the next life."

After drinking the hot fish, Ye Qingjiu fell into a deep sleep.

In a trance, I had a long, long dream.

In the dream, the three children have grown up and have their own homes, with their own children and grandchildren playing around.

She took Jiang Cheng's hand, looked at her children, her grandchildren, and countless thoughts were flying in her heart.

ps: This is the end of this book. Thank you to everyone who has been with me here. First of all, I would like to say sorry to everyone. Because the author is a newcomer, I don’t understand many things.

There are many poisonous points in the written things, and they are not cool enough.

The thinking is not careful enough, it seems that I just scribbled when I took it for granted.

Many people have been saying that the male protagonist is useless, the male protagonist is useless, maybe because of lack of experience and not being able to write cool articles, the male protagonist has a bit of a breakdown.

There is also the heroine, how should I put it, she is afraid when she is scolded, and she doesn't feel like writing after being scolded. As a result, the more she is scolded, the worse her writing is, entering a vicious circle.

The description in the later period is not detailed enough, and there are many problems.

In short, I would like to sincerely thank every reader who accompanied me here.

Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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