Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 22 Buying Clothes for My Husband~

Chapter 22 Buying Clothes for My Husband~ (Please recommend tickets, please collect)
She curled up, lost in thought.

During these two days of contact, she thought it was because she hadn't been in contact with the opposite sex for so many years, so she panicked every time she touched Jiang Cheng.

But today she suddenly realized that things seemed to be different from what she thought.

She would feel very relieved when she smelled the soap locust smell that seemed to be absent from his body.

Seeing others ask for his WeChat will make my heart sour.

If a woman is near him, she will feel uneasy.

She faced her heart directly, maybe she was indeed tempted by him.

But, does he really like himself?
Or is it just because she is the mother of his child?
Ye Qingjiu thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. At some point, he fell asleep in a daze.

Early the next morning.

When the two babies got up, Jiang Cheng took them to brush their teeth, and Mama Zhang had already cooked breakfast and put it on the table.

Ye Qingjiu came out of the room, sat silently at the dining table, drinking porridge with his head down.

Jiang Cheng walked out with the two babies laughing, and greeted Ye Qingjiu with a smile, "It's so early today?"

"En." Ye Qingjiu nodded.

He carried the two babies into the child seats, set the tableware for them, and served some porridge.

Ye Qingjiu put down his chopsticks before taking a few mouthfuls, "Guess, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Well, be careful on the road."

Ye Qingjiu got into the car, hesitated for a moment, took out the phone, and dialed the assistant, "Qingqing, see you downstairs at IFS in 10 minutes."

IFS is the most high-end shopping mall in Sichuan, not one of them.

The so-called first-line big names here are just crucian carp crossing the river.

"Yes, but Mr. Ye, there is still a meeting to be held this morning..."

This is a group meeting that was scheduled last week. Now that several mobile games are on the market, it is time to study and give feedback.

"I'm talking about it this afternoon, so it's settled!"

Ye Qingjiu's voice conveyed an undeniable sense of oppression.

The assistant was a little nervous, "Okay, okay Mr. Ye."

Assistant Si Qingqing hung up the phone, informed everyone that the meeting was cancelled, and hurried out of the Tengxing Building.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Qingjiu stopped the car, looked at Si Qingqing who was standing at the entrance of the shopping mall, and nodded, "Let's go in."

The assistant was slightly taken aback, "Boss Ye, where are we?"

She couldn't figure out why Mr. Ye called her to the shopping mall for pushing such an important meeting early in the morning.

"Buy clothes!" Ye Qingjiu took off his sunglasses and walked in.

The assistant cautiously followed behind. Since when did Mr. Ye be so indiscriminate.

After getting off the elevator, Ye Qingjiu walked straight to the men's clothing section.


The assistant was surprised, "Boss Ye, you are..."

Her intuition told her that Mr. Ye most likely bought clothes for the child's father.

God, she actually postponed such an important meeting just to buy clothes for the child's father?
In the past, she was a person who insisted on working even if she was holding a bottle.

Today, for the sake of a man, even such a big event as a meeting was canceled? ? ?
To be honest, Ye Qingjiu doesn't know much about men's clothing, but she knows that you get what you pay for, and it must be right to buy expensive ones.

She spent the whole morning choosing more than [-] outfits before leaving IFS contentedly.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the beautiful assistant who was carrying big bags behind him, and said calmly, "Send these clothes to my house."

"Okay Mr. Ye." The assistant nodded.

Ye Qingjiu let out a "hmm", turned around, and when he was about to leave, he found an Apple store in the corner.

How about buying a computer for Jiang Cheng, after all, boys nowadays are game fans.

Buy a computer and play games for entertainment if you have nothing to do.

Thinking about it, Ye Qingjiu turned around and went into the nearby Apple store.

She lowered her eyes slightly, and her eyes fell on a silver computer, "This one seems to be pretty good."

The waiter looked at Ye Qingjiu's limited edition.

He took two steps and looked at her with a smile, "Miss, you have a good eye. This is our latest model..."

Before she could finish speaking, Ye Qingjiu broke his mouth, "Swipe the card!"

Good guy, she just swiped her card without asking the price, she really is a rich person, the waiter hurriedly led her to the front desk.

"Ding ~"

The bank card was swiped through the POS machine.

"Hello miss, here is your card, please keep it."

Ye Qingjiu got a card, turned around and looked at the assistant, "Send this computer back together and give it to him."

"Yes, Mr. Ye."

"I'm going back to the company first." After speaking, Ye Qingjiu left the Apple Store.

The clerk looked at the assistant Si Qingqing, who had big bags and small bags, and couldn't help but enviously said, "Oh my God, I can't wear so many clothes in a year, and your boss Ye is too rich."

The assistant smiled wryly, "Just give me the computer."


In the villa, Jiang Cheng was sitting with two babies in the children's room playing with toys when he heard the doorbell ring.

Then Mama Zhang's familiar voice came, "Oh, why did you buy so many things?"

Jiang Cheng thought it was Ye Qingjiu who came back, so he walked out.

When he saw the assistant carrying the big and small bags, his eyes widened differently, "This, is this a move?"

His wife's assistant is going to move here to work in the future?
The assistant looked at him with a smile on his face, "Boss Ye bought these for you, and there is also a computer."

After speaking, put the things on the ground.

"Sir, Mama Zhang, I'll go back to work first."

"Okay, okay, slow down on the road." Zhang Ma sent him out with a smile.

Jiang Cheng looked at the nearly two dozen bags on the ground.

Buy so much clothes?
This is outrageous! ! !
What happened to his daughter-in-law?
How did you buy so many clothes in such a good way?

Could it be that he disliked his clothes for getting old?
To be honest, my clothes are all left by the original owner before time travel, and I really haven't bought much clothes in the past three years.

Clothes, as long as they can be worn, it is better to have a good meal with that money.

Looking at the twenty or so bags, Jiang Cheng was both moved and amused.

He picked up the phone and dialed Ye Qingjiu, "I said my wife, I can't finish wearing so many clothes."

Ye Qing's wine-colored voice came from over there, "Damn, I'm not very good at buying, I'm afraid you won't like it, so I bought some more..."

Afraid you don't like it?Could his silly daughter-in-law be any cuter?

"Why don't you like it? It's too late for me to be happy that my daughter-in-law bought it."

Jiang Cheng chuckled, and with a sound of "mua~", he gave Ye Qingjiu a big kiss across the screen.

When Ye Qingjiu on the other end of the phone heard the mua, his heartbeat started to speed up again.

"Well, that, I'll hang up first if it's nothing." Ye Qingjiu quickly hung up the phone after speaking.


Zhang Ma and Jiang Cheng took the clothes back to the house, and Jiang Cheng's eyes fell on the brand new notebook.

Just as he was thinking that his game making skills were useless, his daughter-in-law brought him a computer.

He quickly unpacked the box, took out the brand new notebook, and fiddled with it.

Zhang's mother gave him a loving look, "He is the father of the child, and he still looks like a child."

Jiang Cheng was full of pride, "You don't understand, this is a gift from my wife."

After speaking, he patted the computer proudly.

"It's incredible, it's a gift from my daughter-in-law, it's incredible~"

Zhang Ma made a joke while helping him straighten his clothes.

Jiang Cheng also smiled and helped, and after a while, the two of them hung up all the clothes in the closet.

 woo woo woo woo~
  It was a miserable day for the recommendation ticket, and I couldn't cry

(End of this chapter)

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