Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 25 Going to the Zoo and Buying a Bubble Machine

Chapter 25 Going to the zoo and buying a bubble machine (please collect, please recommend tickets~)
Ye Qingjiu looked at these two treasures with guilt on his face.

She really didn't take them there, on the one hand, she was really busy, on the other hand, she didn't want to go.

She was afraid to go, and the two babies saw that other people were accompanied by their fathers, so they chased her and asked her for a father.

However, now that they have a father, she no longer worries that they will ask her for a father.

Ye Qingjiu patted the heads of the two babies, "Okay, let's go to the zoo together today."



The two babies were very happy when they heard that their parents were going to accompany them to the zoo.

Nuonuo was full of anticipation, "Papa Mama, when are we going to leave!"

Seeing his daughter's cute appearance, Jiang Cheng smiled and doted on her face.

He turned around and looked at Ye Qingjiu next to him, "Well, why don't we start now?"

Ye Qingjiu smiled, "Okay."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and sent a WeChat message to her assistant: I won't be going today, call me if you need anything.

She looked up at Jiang Cheng, "Well, I'll change clothes first."

She is wearing a tailored suit with small high heels. She looks good, but she is not suitable for walking.

Activities like going to the zoo should be done at leisure.

Jiang Cheng raised his chin, "Go, I'll take them to clean up."

Taking advantage of Ye Qingjiu's time to change clothes, Jiang Cheng washed the faces of the two babies, and combed Nuonuo's hair.

Looking at Nuonuo's soft and smooth yellow hair, Jiang Cheng couldn't help showing a knowing smile, this hair was exactly like her mother's.

Put on the shoes and hats for the two babies.

Ye Qingjiu changed his clothes and walked out.A light yellow long dress, looks extraordinarily gentle.

Her long hair was thrown back, and a pearl barrette was tucked into her ear.

The slightly raised lips look pink, making people want to take a bite.

Jiang Cheng looked a little dazed.

Ye Qingjiu was embarrassed by him, "Look what I'm doing."

Jiang Cheng grinned, "I only see you if I like you!"


He actually said that he likes himself! ! !

Ye Qingjiu glanced at him, and quickly escaped out the door.

Jiang Cheng picked up the two babies and put them on the safety seat at the back before getting into the car.

Along the way, Ye Qingjiu lowered his head and sat silently on the co-pilot.

When they arrived at the gate of the zoo, the two babies were full of excitement.

"We're here, we're finally seeing the big lion!" Nuonuo clapped his little hands happily.

"There are big tigers!" Yan Yan added.

Jiang Cheng stopped the car, and Ye Qingjiu carried the two babies down.

The four bought tickets together and passed the security check.

The family of four walked along the gravel road to where the lion was.

Yan Yan's eyes lit up when he saw the lion, "Baba, Ma Ma, there is a big lion!"

Nuonuo also ran over with small steps, her fleshy little hands on the railing, "Papa, look at it, it's so majestic~"

Jiang Cheng walked up to them and squatted down, "Stay far away, this is the only way to be safe, if the people behind hit you, they will fall~"

When he said this, the two little babies were startled, and they both hurriedly took a step back.

Three seconds later, Nuonuo tilted her head and looked at Jiang Cheng, "Father, you also back off a bit, it's not safe~"

Yan Yan was also nervous, "That's right, Dad must protect himself."

Ye Qingjiu was a little moved when he saw their loving appearance.

Jiang Cheng touched the heads of the two babies, "Let's go, there are still many animals behind."

The weather is fine today, the sun is just right, and the breeze is not dry.

Many mothers made an appointment to take their children to the park together.

When they looked at the man with sharp-edged peach blossom eyes and two lovely babies, they couldn't help but start to envy him.

"Hey, look, that man is so handsome, he is so handsome and can take care of children, it's too warm, what kind of fairy husband is this?"

"Look at those two babies, they have inherited his advantages, they are too cute."

"Oh, this is how good my husband should be."

"The one in the yellow dress at the back is their mother, who has given birth to two children, and she has such a good figure. She has fair skin, a pretty face, and is as beautiful as a star."


The mothers said something to each other, and looked at the family of four enviously.

Since taking the Xisui Pill, Jiang Cheng's figure has become more and more stylish, his already handsome face has become sharp and angular, and even his eyes have become more profound.

Along the way, he attracted the attention of many people.

Ye Qingjiu couldn't help being secretly happy when he heard everyone talking about Jiang Cheng.

Look, Jiang Cheng is really good, everyone is praising him.

The zoo is very large, and there are many vendors selling snacks and toys on the side of the road.

A middle-aged woman selling bubble machines held a camera-shaped powder bubble machine in her hand, and yelled at passers-by, "Buy one for your child, it's very fun."

She yelled and flipped the switch.

Countless colorful bubbles fly out in an instant, and the big and small bubbles are especially dreamy in the sun.

Nuonuo stared at the sky full of bubbles, her eyes straightened, "Papa, which one do I want~"

Yan Yan also looked longing, "Look so good, that bubble is colorful, Yan Yan wants it too~"

Ye Qingjiu's family education has been strict since she was a child. When others come out to play, she always studies at home.

Seeing the sky full of bubbles, I also really like it, and couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Seeing the liking in her eyes, Jiang Cheng walked towards the woman who bought the bubble machine.

"The boss gave me three!"

When the boss heard that he wanted three, he hurriedly agreed, "Okay, okay, I'll get you some new ones."

After speaking, he immediately took out a few new bubble machines and handed them to Jiang Cheng, smiling all over his eyes, "I'm so happy, I gave birth to twins, and my wife is so beautiful."

Jiang Cheng scanned the QR code, nodded with a smile, "Yes, I also feel very happy."

Yanyan raised her small face and looked at him, "Papa, Yanyan is also happy."

Not to be outdone, Nuonuo tugged at Jiang Cheng's trouser legs, and acted coquettishly, "Nuonuo is also happy, and Nuonuo is the happiest~"

The bubble machine seller looked at these two cute babies and couldn't help laughing, "This kid is so cute."

Jiang Cheng leaned down and handed the bubble machines to Yanyan and Nuonuo respectively, "Go and play~"

The two little babies received the gift, they were so happy that they were about to fly, and they couldn't wait to install the switch.

In an instant, colorful bubbles flew all over the sky.

Jiang Cheng held the last bubble machine, turned to look at Ye Qingjiu, "Here~ yours."

Ye Qingjiu didn't expect to have his own, a little surprised.

After all, I am a mother, will I be laughed at when I play with these children's toys?

Seeing that she was hesitant, Jiang Cheng took her hand and stuffed the bubble machine into her hand, "The little ones have it, and the big ones must have it too, take it!"

Under the sun, Ye Qingjiu was holding the bubble machine that Jiang Cheng gave him in his hand, and there was light in his eyes.

Two babies ran over and took their mother's hand.

Nuonuo acted coquettishly, her chubby body swayed, "Ma Ma, let's play together."

 The big guys are urging more fresh ones

  Look at today's tickets and finally cry out wow
  so sad

(End of this chapter)

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