Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 36 Let's Go Sleep with Mom~

Chapter 36 Let's Go Sleep with Mom~ (please collect, please recommend~)

Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile, with a touch of casual mockery in his tone.

Ye Qingjiu's pretty face was blushing almost to the point of bleeding, "Then you don't even know how to be shy!"

Looking at her shy look, Jiang Cheng smiled and rolled his eyes.

"You are my daughter-in-law, and I am your husband. I have to get a certificate. Why are you shy?"



What he said is obviously very problematic, but why does it seem that there is no problem at all!

So what's the problem?
Ye Qingjiu felt that his proud intellectual defense collapsed in an instant, and his brain was completely empty, without a single word.

Now she just wants to escape!

She wants to be quiet!

Ye Qingjiu pulled the escalator up the steps, the water on his body wet the marble floor under his feet.

Looking at her embarrassed back, Jiang Cheng wanted to laugh.

Is this gone?

Why is she so cute, no, I can't let her go.

Jiang Cheng chased after him, "Daughter-in-law, don't leave, you won't be ashamed to see me~"

His words made Ye Qingjiu want to run away even more.

Just as he stepped forward, the sole of his foot slipped suddenly, and then he fell towards Jiang Cheng.

Three seconds later, both of them fell to the ground.

It's just like a girl on a man...

The moment Ye Qingjiu stuck to Jiang Cheng's body and touched his chest, his whole body burned up uncontrollably. It is no exaggeration to say that his heartbeat almost stopped.

When she regained her composure, she realized that touching his chest was nothing at all.

What's worse, he actually put his hand on his butt! ! !

Is this a hint?
What is he going to do! !

OMG! ! !

Thinking about it, Ye Qingjiu's whole body tensed up, "Let me go!"

Jiang Cheng was worried that she would fall into the water and wanted to hug her, but he didn't expect that his hand touched her buttocks.

He looked at Ye Qing's wine-red face that couldn't get any redder, and said in a teasing tone, "I'm a bit reluctant."

"You, you are a hooligan!" Ye Qingjiu was going crazy.

Jiang Chengxiao frowned, "How can I be a hooligan when I touch my wife?"

Seeing Mom and Dad fell to the ground, the two babies were so anxious that they were about to cry, and they swam over with their little feet.

"Mommy, get up quickly, you're holding Papa~"

"Papa must be in pain~"

Ye Qingjiu: "!!!"

Don't you feel sorry for yourself?This is the son I have worked so hard to raise for three years?

After 30 seconds, Ye Qingjiu quickly ran towards the back door of the villa.


The two babies looked at their mother's back with innocent faces, and Nuonuo said softly, "Papa, why did Mama go away?"

Of course they don't understand, mother is ashamed and wants to bury herself.

Yanyan looked at Nuonuo with the appearance of a little adult, "Mama must be angry, thinking that we don't love him anymore."

Jiang Cheng is in a good mood at the moment, I don't know why, it's always good!
He looked at the two babies with a smile, "Mama is angry, what should I do?"

Nuonuo pouted and crawled on the swimming ring, "But Papa, why is Ma Ma so angry?"

Jiang Cheng hung up her little nose, his eyes were gentle, "Let's give a simple example, if Dad only eats cherries for Yanyan, but not for Nuonuo, will Nuonuo be angry?"

Nuonuo looked at Jiang Cheng angrily, "Yes! Dad doesn't love me, he only feeds my brother!"

Jiang Cheng looked at his daughter's little appearance who was deeply involved in the drama, and Jiang Cheng carried her out of the water, "Yes, then you are worried about Dad, Mom, what do you think Mom will think?"

Hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Nuonuo was so wronged that she was about to cry, "But I obviously love Mama very much!"

She really loves her mother.

Yan Yan looked hesitant, "How about we go to sleep with mom at night, so mom won't be angry."

Who said sons are not cute!

Nuonuo looked at Jiang Cheng seriously, "Papa, can I sleep with Mama?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Why not, she is your mother."

With Jiang Cheng's affirmation, Nuonuo's immature face showed a firm expression, "Then let's go find mom now."

After speaking, he took Yan Yan's hand and ran towards the house.

Jiang Cheng looked at the two babies running around with bare feet, and couldn't laugh or cry, "If you don't even wipe the water, you will get sick!"

After speaking, he took the bath towel and chased after him.

Ye Qingjiu had just taken a shower, and finally calmed down, when he heard the sound of deep and shallow footsteps in the living room.

Then two chubby heads came in, "Mama, Nuonuo came to sleep with mom."

Yan Yan followed behind, "I want to sleep with my mother too!"

Two babies just come in,
Jiang Cheng followed in, still holding a bath towel in his hand, "If you haven't wiped it dry, you will get sick!"

Ye Qingjiu looked at the two soft meatballs, and his heart immediately softened.

She squatted down and looked at the two wet babies, "Mom will put water for you, can you take a bath?"

Hearing that you can take a bath, the two babies clapped their hands happily, "Okay~"

After finishing speaking, he followed his mother into the bathroom.

Jiang Cheng went back to the house. After all, he had just swam. Although the water in the swimming pool was very clean, he decided to take a bath too!
He showered and dried his hair.

As soon as I put down the hair dryer, I heard the earth-shattering cries of the two babies.

Mom, what's the matter?

Jiang Cheng was startled, turned his head and ran towards Ye Qing's wine room.

At this moment, Ye Qingjiu was sitting on the bed looking helplessly at the two little guys.

The two little guys held her hand, tearful, looking very sad.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying like this?" Jiang Cheng walked over and looked at the two babies worriedly.

Seeing Dad, the two babies turned around and rushed towards him, full of grievances, "Papa, why are you here?"

"Papa, we miss you so much..."

Seeing the two babies crying so sadly, Jiang Cheng almost broke his heart.

He hurriedly held the two meatballs in his arms, looked at Ye Qingjiu, "What's going on?"

Ye Qingjiu blushed, "I..."

Nuonuo touched her tears, and said first, "Papa, I want to sleep with you and Mama, but mom doesn't agree."

Yanyan also nodded, "Why don't Baba and Mama sleep together? Yanyan can't bear to part with mom, and also can't bear with father..."

Hey, that's what happened.

Jiang Cheng thought it was a big deal.

He put the two treasures on the bed, then sat down and looked at Ye Qingjiu.

Originally, I wanted to say that he would leave when the child fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qingjiu quickly turned off the lights, turned his back to Jiang Cheng, and shyly said: "Sleep!"

"Okay, mom and dad are sleeping with us." Nuonuo smiled through tears.

"Sleep quickly, children will not grow taller if they don't sleep well!" Ye Qingjiu said coldly.

After an unknown amount of time, the two babies fell asleep.

The moonlight is a little hazy.

Ye Qingjiu heard Jiang Cheng's breathing, very light and even.

There was an inexplicable sense of relief listening to it, but I couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

 Thank you for your monthly tickets and recommended tickets, thank you very much!I hope everyone will vote more for tomorrow's PK
  I'm so nervous I can't sleep
(End of this chapter)

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