Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 38 Preparing to Receive a Certificate

Chapter 38 Preparing to receive a certificate (seeking collection, recommendation ticket)
Although Tengxing, Youchen and Linmu are the largest compared to the two, they are all based on the diversification of Tengxing.

As Mr. Feng said, Tengxing is indeed among the top companies in terms of technology, but when it comes to marketing methods, the latter two companies may have advantages over Tengxing.

Moreover, joint auctions will inevitably raise the price to the top. Things that were originally planned to be won for 3000 million yuan may cost 6000 million yuan or even 8000 million yuan once they are auctioned.

This is simply another joke!

"Luo Siming, I just want to say, you must find this producer for me, otherwise you can go home and retire to my home!"

Hearing this, Manager Luo fell into an ice cellar, "Yes, but the author's information is completely protected, I, we can't find out."

Ye Qingjiu's eyelashes trembled, "I can't ask, if I can't ask, I've hacked Steam, I have to find their customer information!"

Sure enough, it was Mr. Ye, there was no way she couldn't think of.

Manager Luo was excited, "Okay, okay Mr. Ye, I'll go right away!"

After Ye Qingjiu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

After the two babies ate, their sleepy eyes became a little straight.

Seeing Ye Qingjiu come out, Jiang Cheng dragged her to Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, "Damn, you saw it too, so we'll take the child back first."

When Jiang Ma and Jiang Pa heard that Ye Qingjiu was going to leave, they both felt a little bit reluctant.

Although I really want to keep them at home for a few days, but the space is limited after all.

Father Jiang also nodded, "Go back, go back, it's okay for the children to come and play more."

Jiang Ma looked reluctant, "That's fine, I won't keep you, Mom will send you."

Jiang Cheng glanced at his mother, "Don't send it off, it's only two steps away, and it's not like I won't be back."

Jiang Ma smiled and scolded him, "You think I'm giving you off, but I want to give you green wine, I can't bear it!"

Everyone married a daughter-in-law and forgot their mother. His mother, with a daughter-in-law, forgot his son!
"Okay, okay..." Jiang Cheng smiled and shook his head.

Several people went downstairs talking and laughing, and Jiang Cheng drove his family of four towards the villa.

Jiang Ma saw that everyone had left, so she reluctantly walked back.

As I was walking, I ran into some old neighbors.

These old men and women are out in the sun when they have nothing to do, which is a common occurrence.

"Oh, Jiang Cheng's mother, that was your daughter-in-law just now!"

It was the neighbor Aunt Li who spoke.

Mother Jiang was full of joy, "Yeah, Jiang Cheng is finally willing to bring his daughter-in-law back to me!"

"I saw you when you entered the door. I think that girl is so handsome and filial. The big and small bags I carried for you are almost too big to walk."

"There are also those two children who have grown up and completely inherited their advantages."

Jiang Ma listened to her praise, and smiled, "Yes, yes, my two babies, you don't know, they are cute, I am happy when I mention them."

Aunt Li looked at her enviously, "I really don't know what kind of virtue you have accumulated in your previous life. Your son is getting more and more handsome, let alone your daughter-in-law. She looks like a big star and is so filial. Grandson and granddaughter Also cute."


Ye Qingjiu sat in the passenger seat, and the two babies sat in the safety seats.

The sun shone in warmly, making people feel drowsy.

The two babies fell asleep again as soon as they got into the car, Ye Qingjiu was also a little confused.

When they got home, the two carried the child back to the bed.

The two babies were soundly asleep, and they didn't even realize they were carried from the car to the bed.

Jiang Cheng looked at the listless Ye Qingjiu, and said softly, "You should also take a rest." He turned around and prepared to go back to the house.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Ye Qingjiu suddenly said, "Damn, let's sleep together."

After finishing speaking, she couldn't help being shy, "You, don't think too much, I'm just afraid that they won't be happy to see you not here!"

For some reason, she has become more and more dependent on him.

In fact, it is only one aspect that she is afraid that the children will be unhappy when they wake up. The more important thing is that she just wants to be with him.

I just wanted to smell the faint saponin smell on his body.

Jiang Cheng looked at Ye Qingjiu, at this moment, she had a soft voice, a shy expression, and the corners of her beautiful eyes were slightly drooping.

Just looking at it is enough to make people lose their minds.

He looked at her, inexplicably, his heart beat faster.

"You're not afraid of me anymore?"

She's not scared, she's just nervous.

Obviously at a loss, but couldn't help but look forward to it.

She looked up, "I'm not..."

Before he could finish speaking, his chin was slightly lifted, followed by a warm and soft lips.

In an instant, the self-control she had always been proud of collapsed instantly.

Her mind went blank.


After 30 seconds, Ye Qingjiu pushed Jiang Cheng away, "Nei, uh, the children are here."

Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile, "Okay."

He understood what she meant.

"Well, go to sleep."

After finishing speaking, he picked up Ye Qingjiu and carefully placed him on the bed, "Go to sleep, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep again when I'm here."

After finishing speaking, she hung the tip of her nose, turned and walked out.

Ye Qingjiu lay on the bed distraught.

Jiang Cheng went back to the house, took a shower and lay down, looking at the ceiling with his arms on his pillow.

While reminiscing about the kiss just now, the phone rang, and it was from Steam.

He picked up the phone, "Hi, hello."

A beautiful female voice came from over there, "Mr. Jiang, I'm from the steam company. That's it. So far, nine companies have expressed interest in the game Glory of Kings. We plan to share it with you the next morning There is an auction on the fifth floor of the Elite International Building."


"I'm calling this time to confirm whether you need to attend."

In fact, he was still a little curious, after all, it was a game he had been working on for a few days, it was fake to be indifferent, he had to go!
"go with!"

"Okay, Mr. Jiang."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng hung up the phone.

In the evening, Jiang Cheng prepared a meal as usual.

During the meal, Ye Qingjiu told him that there was still something to do in the company, so she went out first.

Jiang Cheng didn't think too much, and nodded.

After Ye Qingjiu left, Jiang Cheng took the two children to play in the garden for more than an hour before going upstairs to drink milk, watching Peppa Pig for a while before going to sleep.

Early the next morning, Jiang Cheng gave the two treasures to Zhang Ma early and took them out to play.

After all, today is the day to get the certificate.

On Ye Qingjiu's side, she was also well-groomed, with her high ponytail looking youthful.

The white lace skirt outlines the perfect figure.

With a pair of white high heels, the whole person looks fresh and refreshing, with a light and familiar feeling.

Pack yourself up, and don't forget to check Jiang Cheng, after all, you are going to get a certificate, it's a big day!
Jiang Cheng had already been sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

Originally, I wanted to find fault with him, but I don't know why, recently I saw Jiang Cheng, the more handsome he looks, I feel like there is light in him.

She kept looking at Jiang Cheng from top to bottom, and the more she looked at him, the more she couldn't help but feel her heart flutter.

I had no choice but to ask shyly, "You, are you ready?"

Jiang Cheng came over and took his hand, "Are you ready?"

"Me?" Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Yeah."

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly, "Then let's go."

"Okay." Ye Qingjiu lowered his head.

Thinking that I will soon be a certified person, I can't help being a little excited.

The two of them went out, and the car drove all the way to the Certification Bureau.

There are a lot of people getting married today. When they arrived at the Certification Bureau, they called a number first, then sat in the row of chairs and waited.

The two sat on the stool, watching the people coming and going, feeling a little nervous.

Who is not getting married for the first time, don't be nervous?How can it be!

(End of this chapter)

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