Chapter 4 Add a friend

Zhang Ma looked at Ye Qingjiu, and after getting her affirmation, she took Jiang Cheng to the kitchen. On the way, she was worried,

"My lady likes spicy food, but she has a bad stomach. The chili can just enhance the taste, so please don't put too much..."

"No problem." Jiang Cheng nodded.

While talking, the two went to the kitchen, and Jiang Cheng looked at Zhang Ma with a smile, "Go and rest, as long as I'm here."

Zhang Ma pointed to the refrigerator, "The dishes are all there."

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Alright!"

After Zhang Ma left, Jiang Cheng silently said "System!"

"I'm here."

"I can understand the god-level cooking skills, what is this space for?"

"Things can be stored in the space. There are spiritual fields and spiritual springs. The spiritual fields can be planted. After drinking the spiritual spring water, you can strengthen your body, beautify your skin, and refresh your mind..."

"Then how do I get in?"

"You just need to meditate on the space."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng said silently, "Space!"

Sure enough, he instantly entered the space.

The space is not big, a piece of golden land, not far away is a spring.

He walked to the edge of the Lingquan, took some spring water with his hands, and drank it all in one gulp.

The cold and sweet feeling permeated between the lips and teeth.

Good guy, it really is sweeter than Nongfu Spring.

Jiang Chengmo said "out", then opened the refrigerator door and took out some vegetables and a whole chicken.

He took a basin, entered the space again, scooped a pot full of water from the spiritual spring, and then came out.

Boil the water, divide the chicken into two, cook half of the chicken in soup and stir-fry the other half, just right.

With god-level cooking skills, Jiang Cheng found that he could even cut vegetables very smoothly.

Add the chopped chicken pieces to the Lingquan water, add two red dates and wolfberries, and turn on the fire to simmer.

Heat oil in another pot, fry the onion, ginger, and garlic, and put half of the chopped chicken into the pot.

Fry until golden in color, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, then add some fried dried chili shells.

After being fried in this way, the chili is only fragrant but not spicy, and the taste is light. It is most suitable for people like Ye Qingjiu who have spicy food and have a bad stomach.

Finally, there is another refreshing and delicious stir-fried choy sum.

After having a god-level cooking skill, I am really a little genius in cooking!Jiang Cheng hesitated whether to open a restaurant or not.

An hour later, he came out of the kitchen with the dishes, "Come on, often the child's father's cooking."

Ye Qingjiu who was drinking water almost choked himself to death.

Something is wrong with this person!
Either the child's mother or the child's father!
It seemed as if he kept reminding himself of what happened that night.

It's so terrible.

Ye Qingjiu sat at the dining table with a red face.

Jiang Chengsheng prepared the meal and placed it in front of Ye Qingjiu, "Shouldn't the babies get up and eat?"

Ye Qingjiu glanced towards the bedroom, "It's almost time to get up."

Just as he was talking, Nuonuo ran out, raised his little toes, hugged Jiang Cheng's leg and looked up at the table, "It smells so good, Nuonuo wants to eat it."

Yan Yan also rubbed his eyes and followed, "Ma Ma, Yan Yan is hungry."

Jiang Chengxi smiled and hugged the two babies on the dining chair.

The mother-in-law hurriedly fetched the tableware for the two treasures and served them a good meal.

Ye Qingjiu looked at the spicy chicken nuggets on the table, and couldn't help but take a bite.

His eyes lit up in an instant, "Mmmmm~"

Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "How is it?"

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "It's delicious."

Jiang Cheng served her a bowl of soup, his eyes full of anticipation, "Are you trying this?"

Ye Qingjiu took a sip, widened his almond eyes, and said in disbelief: "How can it be so delicious?"

She is also a frequent customer in high-end restaurants. What delicacies have you never tasted?

But Jiang Cheng's soup looked nothing special, but it was delicious.

Jiang Cheng looked at him with a smile, and he thought to himself that divine cooking skills are different.

Nuonuo looked at Jiang Cheng aggrieved, "Why is there only numbness in Papa's eyes, Nuonuo is so hungry."

Yanyan stuffed the empty children's training chopsticks into Nuonuo's mouth, "Sister, don't pounce (cry) Yanyan feeds you."

Ye Qingjiu looked at the two cute babies, and couldn't laugh or cry.

He obviously learned how to eat, and his father even had to feed him when he came. I really don't know who inherited this drama gene.

Seeing that the childcare sister-in-law was going to feed the children, Jiang Cheng hurriedly waved his hands, "It's okay, I'll do it."

Nuonuo looked at his father with a smile on his face, "Great, Dad can feed Nuonuo."

"Yanyan also needs to be fed." Yanyan was afraid of falling behind her sister, so she followed softly.

Seeing the three of them enjoying themselves happily, Ye Qingjiu suddenly felt sore eyes.

Probably this is the blood of close relatives. In less than a day, the two children have begun to rely on their father very much.

Children are like this, they love to act like a baby in front of the person they like the most.

Jiang Cheng made some soup for them, picked a few pieces of stewed meat and vegetables, and said warmly: "You can't play tricks, you have to learn how to eat by yourself, you have to eat meat, and you have to eat vegetables."

Seeing that the plan failed, the two babies blinked, pouted and obediently picked up the training chopsticks, and carefully picked up the meat and vegetables in the bowl.

"Wow, it's delicious~" Nuonuo smacked her mouth.

Seeing Nuonuo's face full of intoxication, Yan Yan became anxious, and the meat he had finally picked up fell back into the bowl.

Jiang Cheng looked at his son's cute appearance, and put the taste of fast meat into his mouth.

Yan Yan's eyes sparkled, "Papa cooks delicious food."

The two little babies were very satisfied with the rice cooked by their father. They ate up the rice in the bowl in two bites, and their faces were covered with rice grains.

Jiang Cheng looked at the cute looks of the two babies, and his heart warmed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, [one pill of washing marrow]"

It feels so good to be rewarded for taking care of my own children.

Ye Qingjiu finished his meal here, put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth, Zhang Ma came over to clean up the dishes.

"The child-rearing sister-in-law will take them in the afternoon, you go back and tidy up and prepare to move here." Ye Qingjiu said lightly.

Jiang Cheng: "No problem!"

Hearing that they were going to be separated from Jiang Cheng, the two babies were reluctant to part with it, Nuo Nuo pouted, "No, no, Nuo Nuo, don't separate from Papa!"

"No, no words and no words!"

Hearing the protest of the two babies, Jiang Cheng was moved, "Why don't I take them."

Ye Qingjiu watched the two children he brought up with his own hands forget about him in less than a day, and became friends with Jiang Cheng.

It is sad and moved.

Jiang Cheng took out his mobile phone, clicked on the WeChat QR code and handed it to Ye Qingjiu, "Let's add it to WeChat, even my wife doesn't have WeChat, so it's not nice to say it~"

Ye Qing instantly blushed.

It's the child's mother and his wife's, how can this person not be upright!

What's more terrible is that I don't feel disgusted at all.

She blushed, picked up her phone and quickly scanned Jiang Cheng's QR code, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

After speaking, he quickly walked towards the gate of the villa.

Looking at her shy figure, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, thinking that he has a wife and children, his heart is sweeter than honey.

An hour later, Jiang Cheng took the two babies in his arms and took a taxi back to his small apartment with one bedroom and one living room.

When he arrived at the door, he put down two cute babies, "Hey, Dad will open the door for you."

(End of this chapter)

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