Chapter 54 Let me tell you a story (please collect, please recommend tickets)

Sheng Xinyan looked determined, "Just tell me, how did you fall in love, and Jiang Cheng, how did he become so good, this is completely the hero in the novel, it's just a natural thing to let everything go wrong." If you write about the two of you, it will be popular!"

It's really hard for her to say anything, even if it's her best girlfriend, she can't say it.

Ye Qingjiu shook his head, "Why don't you ask him."

Sheng Xinyan hesitated for a moment, "Okay, then I won't make things difficult for you, but you must ask your husband to tell me the truth! The success or failure of this book depends entirely on you!"

After finishing speaking, he went to the kitchen. Jiang Cheng had finished feeding the two babies and was washing the pot with his head down.

She leaned against the door, looked at Jiang Cheng's back, "Handsome guy, your wife said it, I want you to tell me about it!"

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng looked confused.

Is his daughter-in-law stupid enough to agree to such a thing?
He put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, "Why do you have to listen to stories?"

Sheng Xinyan pouted, begging, "Brother, please help me, I really want to write a good novel!"

It's really important to her.

Jiang Cheng sighed softly, after all the daughter-in-law has already spoken, so I can help.

He thought for a while, "You just want a strong hero and a sweet love story, right?"

Sheng Xinyan said firmly, "Yes!"

"Have you seen Douluo Dalu?"

Jiang Cheng didn't read many love stories, most of them were fantasies about cultivating immortals, so if he were to tell them, it would have to be the hero.

"Nope~" Sheng Xinyan shook her head, there is no Douluo Dalu in the parallel world, she wants to see it, there is no place.

Seeing her shaking her head, Jiang Cheng was full of disdain, "I haven't read this yet, and you still want to write a novel?"

Sheng Xinyan was a little confused, "But, but I've never heard of this name, and I really haven't seen this book."

Jiang Cheng hooked his lips, "Okay, you won, there is a love story of a hero, do you want it or not."

Back then on Earth, he had watched it five times!A full five times, nothing else, just love!

"Yes, I want it!" Sheng Xinyan nodded her head like a cat. To her, as long as it was a good story, it didn't matter whether the hero or heroine was the heroine.

"How about this, after I clean up the kitchen, I'll come out and tell you, but the story is for you, write the details yourself!"

Sheng Xinyan's excited eyes lit up when she heard this, "Don't, don't, how can you do it yourself? I'll clean up the kitchen, go and have a rest, don't get tired."

OK, wink.

Jiang Cheng clapped his hands, took off his apron and handed it over, before he left the kitchen.

Sheng Xinyan finished her work in the kitchen and walked out impatiently.

She glanced at Ye Qingjiu on the sofa, "Don't be dazed, get a pen!"

Ye Qingjiu reluctantly walked into the room and took a pen and paper, "You have too many things to do, you can't write this time, hurry up and inherit the family business!"

Sheng Xinyan took the pen and paper, and sat down at the table in an orderly manner, like a primary school student.

Jiang Cheng coughed twice and began to speak.

After talking happily for two hours, he looked at Sheng Xinyan dry-mouthed, "Either you go back and write first, we will continue another day."

Sheng Xinyan touched her tears with a sad expression, "Xiao Wu just sacrificed like this, woo woo woo~"

He took Sheng Xinyan's notebook and marked a few key points for her.
"Okay, that's all for today, you can go back and write, and talk about it another day when you are free."

"Well, good." Sheng Xinyan sobbed, and greeted Ye Qingjiu next to her, "Jiujiu, I'm leaving~"

After speaking, he hugged his bichon and went out.

She left, Jiang Cheng looked back, good guy, why did he tell his wife to cry.

In her pair of beautiful Ruifeng eyes, there seems to be a thick mist hidden, and the eyelashes are wet, and she looks very cute.

Jiang Cheng wiped the tears off her face, "I never thought that the first time you cried in front of me was because of a story."

Ye Qingjiu said with a strong nasal voice, "Why not? Is it okay to cry when you bully me?"

Her arrogant look is like a kitten who will never admit defeat.

Jiang Cheng patted her head, "I dare not bully you, don't worry."


Sheng Xinyan cried all the way home.

When they arrived at the villa, the nanny saw her, her eyes were almost swollen from crying, and she hurriedly chased after her and worried: "Miss, what's wrong with you, miss."

"It's okay, you go to rest, I want to be quiet."

After speaking, he entered the study.

She swears that she must write this story well, otherwise she will be sorry for Xiao Wu.

She sat in the study all night, writing furiously at the computer.

The little bichon chow crawled motionless at her feet.

Time passed, and the next morning, I checked the word count, and found that there were more than 3 words, so I clicked to publish the book.

Only then did he go back to sleep, and it was after three o'clock in the afternoon, and he was dreaming that he was Xiao Wu, when the cell phone rang unexpectedly.

She picked up the phone weakly, "Who is it?"

The other party reported his family name, "Hello, I am the founder of, is this Ms. Sheng Xinyan?"

When Sheng Xinyan heard about Chuangshi Chinese website, she immediately lost her composure. What she posted this morning was Chuangshi!
"Hello, hello, I'm Sheng Xinyan."

"It's like this. We saw the Douluo Dalu that you published on our website, and want to discuss signing with you."

Oh my god, Sheng Xinyan's heart is about to fly out!

You should know that usually you contact the editor by email, and you have to take the initiative to add an editor to QQ after the submission.

Unexpectedly, the story Jiang Cheng told had only written [-] words, and an editor had already contacted him?
This is too dreamy! ! !
"Yes, no problem." Sheng Xinyan laughed excitedly.

"In this way, you can send me both WeChat and QQ, and we will keep in touch at any time. I will send you the contract. If there is no problem, let's sign the contract as soon as possible."

Sheng Xinyan was like a dream, you know, for someone who is on the street, it is such an honor to receive a call from the editor.

A heart is about to fly out.

Ye Qingjiu was discussing the details of King of Glory with Manager Luo when he received a call from Sheng Xinyan.

"Hey, Jiujiu, an editor has contacted me, and it's a phone call, do you know the phone call!"

It seems that Jiang Cheng's story is quite useful, Ye Qingjiu twitched his eyebrows, "Congratulations, you can inherit the family property two days later."

"I hate it, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to type. When I finish writing this paragraph, I will continue to go to your house for dinner, okay~"

After finishing speaking, Sheng Xinyan hung up the phone.

Ye Qingjiu shook his head, and glanced at Manager Luo, "The styling should be more refined. In this game, every detail must be impeccable. Do you understand?"

This is Jiang Cheng's hard work, and she must carry him forward.

"Alright Mr. Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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