Chapter 59 Oh, Wife, Come Pick Me Up

After finishing speaking, he walked over quickly, it was terrible, why did the daughter-in-law come here.

It's a shame to throw it at grandma's house.

If the daughter-in-law finds out about this, she might scold him, he is the father of two children, and he is still so unstable!

He patted his head guiltily, "Daughter-in-law, I would trouble you to make a special trip for such a trivial matter."

Ye Qingjiu was worried, "How are you, do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup?"

Jiang Cheng looked at her with a smile, "Is there anything wrong with me, don't worry, there is nothing wrong."

"You really don't need to check?" Ye Qingjiu was still not at ease.

Jiang Cheng didn't expect her to react like this, and his heart warmed up, "It's really unnecessary..."

Before she finished speaking, Ye Qingjiu's phone rang, and she took out the phone and put it to her ear.

He couldn't hear what the other party said, but saw Ye Qingjiu's face suddenly changed, he couldn't be colder anymore.

The tone was also very excited, "Tell Mr. Wang that this person must be fired, otherwise Tengxing will never cooperate with them, not only will he be fired, but his salary will also be deducted! Double the deductions for me! Write a review, and hold a review meeting for me !"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Jiang Cheng had never seen Ye Qingjiu so angry before, he hurriedly coaxed, "Which blind person bullied my wife, tell me, my husband will vent your anger on you?"

He wasn't joking, whoever dares to bully his wife, he can fight him desperately!
She is the dignified Tengxing CEO, if you want to bully her, you have to be able to do it, "Bully me? How is that possible."

After saying this, Jiang Cheng was even more puzzled, "Why are you so arrogant when no one bullies you? This old saying is good, being angry hurts the body. A beautiful daughter-in-law like me is not beautiful when she is angry."

Ye Qingjiu pouted, and gave him a resentful look, "It's not because of you!"

It's not for you, it's for you!
Ye Qingjiu is not very good at dating, let alone dating.

All she knew was that whoever bullied her husband was bullying herself, even if she dug three feet into the ground, she had to dig him out and let him know the consequences of bullying her husband!
So when I asked about the person's name and job, I asked the assistant to check his specific unit.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng felt a warm place in his heart, and couldn't help hugging him.

Although he is a man, although he has a strong appearance, he also hopes to be cared for, cared about, and loved.

He looked down at her, "Daughter-in-law, you are so kind."

Ye Qingjiu grabbed him with a shy face, "There are so many people watching."

Xu Zhe, who was standing next to him, was forced to show his face by the two of them.

When I encountered this kind of scene just after breaking up, I really wanted to cry without tears. It was like eating dog food to the head and face, without any regard for other people's feelings.

He also wants such a cute girlfriend! ! !

Jiang Cheng watched the smile on Xu Zhe's face gradually disappear, and then remembered to introduce, he pulled Ye Qingjiu, "By the way, this is my buddy Xu Zhe."

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Hello."

Xu Zhe smiled, "Mr. Ye!"

Ye Qingjiu, whom Mr. Ye called out, was a little embarrassed. She glanced at Jiang Cheng, her eyelashes trembling, "Um, don't call me Mr. Ye, just call me Qingjiu."

My husband's friend is my friend, called Mr. Ye, too distant, no good.

Xu Zhe didn't expect that Ye Qingjiu, who was domineering and calm on TV, would actually be a bit of a woman in front of Jiang Cheng.

I was almost envious of his good brother. In the final analysis, Jiang Cheng's incident was caused by him, and I still felt a little guilty.

"Guess, look, this is such a mess, why don't I treat you two to dinner."

Ye Qingjiu was a little embarrassed, "Mainly I'm very busy with work, and I have to go back and deal with some things."

She didn't lie, she was really busy, very busy, afraid that Xu Zhe would be wrong, so after thinking about it, she changed her mind and said, "Come to our house some other day as a guest, Jiang Cheng's cooking is delicious."

"No problem, that's a good deal!"


After saying goodbye to Jiang Cheng, he drove back to the company.

Jiang Cheng and Xu Zhe found a barbecue stand, drank two bottles of beer, ate something, and started chatting.

Who knows, halfway through the conversation, it suddenly rained heavily.

Looking at the pouring rain, the two of them lost all interest in drinking.

They had to take a taxi back home.

Halfway through the journey, the rain was so heavy that he couldn't see the road. Jiang Cheng sat in the car, hearing the sound of heavy rain hitting the roof of the car.

Although the windshield wipers were kept on, it was still impossible to see the road clearly.

The taxi driver was exhausted by the road conditions, "Hey, this shitty weather, it's raining if you say it's raining, you should go home and rest after the delivery."

Although Jiang Cheng drank some wine, he was very sober. He wondered if the three of them, mother and daughter, had fallen asleep, or if they were awakened by the sound of rain.

Half an hour later, Jiang Cheng finally arrived home.

Opening the door, the light in the living room was on. The two babies looked at Jiang Cheng, who was wet, and rushed over, Yan Yan looked worried, "Baba, it must be raining heavily outside."

Nuonuo was also very worried about him, "Yes, Papa, you are very scared on the road."

Jiang Cheng touched the little heads of the two babies, "Father is not afraid, where is mother?"

He glanced at the living room, saw Zhang Ma, but did not see Ye Qingjiu.

Nuonuo pouted, "Mama hasn't come back yet."

"Grandma Zhang said, Mama is working overtime today, and she won't be back until very late~"

Hearing that Ye Qingjiu hadn't come back yet, Jiang Cheng was a little uneasy, "Then you follow Grandma Zhang first, okay, Papa will pick Ma Ma back."

The two little guys also missed their mother very much. When they heard that Papa was going to pick her up, they said in unison: "Okay."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Good boy, let's go."

After speaking, he took out a black double umbrella from the hall cabinet, turned around and walked out.

Ye Qingjiu sat in the office, looking at the heavy rain outside, not knowing what to do.

She remembered that the day her father left, it was also raining heavily, so heavy that the car could not move.

Grandma passed out from crying, and grandpa also had a heart attack.

She stood in the mourning hall looking at the picture of her father, as if lost in the heavy rain.

The feeling was so clear that whenever it rained heavily, she would be out of breath.

She really wanted Jiang Cheng to pick her up, but it was so late, they should have already slept, and they didn't know how to speak.

The assistant came in and asked concerned: "Boss Ye, are you still going back?"

Ye Qingjiu had a cold face, "You go first, I still have something to do."

The assistant nodded, "Okay, then go back early, your health is important."


Her tone was still light, and her face was still calm.

It's just that the depression in her heart didn't spare her just because of her superficial cover-up.

After the assistant left, Ye Qingjiu was left alone in the entire office building.

The sound of the rain was exceptionally clear, and she curled up on the huge office chair, like a lost child.

In addition to anxiety, the eyes are more sad.

(End of this chapter)

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