Chapter 7 Let's Have Ice Cream~
He is about 1.8 meters tall, with sharp edges and corners.

Simple white T sports pants, clean.

Just looking at it is fascinating.

Seeing Jiang Cheng, Sheng Xinyan immediately straightened her body, and stretched out a slender hand with a sweet smile.

"Hello, I'm Qingjiu's girlfriend, my name is Sheng Xinyan, you can just call me Xinyan."

Jiang Cheng shook her hand politely, "Hello, Jiang Cheng."

Nuonuo and Yanyan lay on Ye Qingjiu's lap, with a baby voice, "Mommy, Baba brought us to accompany you for dinner~"

Ye Qingjiu was full of doubts, did he let him come?

Jiang Cheng put the bento box in his hand on the coffee table opposite the desk, and said casually, "I heard that you eat very late every day, which is not good for your stomach."

As he spoke, he lightly supported Ye Qingjiu's shoulders with both hands.

The moment Ye Qingjiu felt two warm and strong hands pressing on his shoulders, his heart suddenly missed a beat, followed by a blank mind.

Let him push himself to the sofa and sit down.

Jiang Cheng opened the lunch box, and a unique aroma of seafood wafted out.

Jiang Cheng said in a low voice, "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good if it gets cold."

Ye Qingjiu tried his best to calm himself down.

He, he dared to touch himself?
Who let him touch it?
What's more terrible is why I still have a little fun in it!

O destroy!

Jiang Cheng put the rice in front of her, and thoughtfully poured a glass of water beside her.

When the two babies saw the lobster, they immediately rushed over, "Papa, I want to eat it too, I want to eat it too."

Looking at these two eager little things, Jiang Cheng smiled all over his face, "Okay, Dad will peel it off for you~"

Seeing that Ye Qingjiu was still sitting still, Jiang Cheng gently pushed her, "Don't stand still, eat quickly."

Sheng Yanxin stood aside, looked at the happy appearance of the family of four, coughed twice, "Then I'll go first."

After speaking, he picked up his little white bag.

Only then did Ye Qingjiu regain his senses, "How about having some together?"

Sheng Yanxin smiled badly, "Forget it, I just ate a lemon, it's sour~"

Although it smells really good, but not being a light bulb is her principle of life.

She smiled and waved at the two babies, "Nuo Nuo Yan Yan, Auntie is leaving first, you have to be good~"

Nuo Nuoyan looked at her innocently, "Auntie, my papa cooks super delicious food, please stay and have a taste."

Sheng Xinyan waved her hand, "Auntie still has things to do, see you another day~"

After speaking, he rushed to Jiang Cheng and said, "Treat my Qingjiu well."

Jiang Chengzhen removed the red shell that was attached to the meat for the babies.

Hearing Sheng Yanxin's words, she nodded repeatedly, "It must!"

Seeing that his attitude was so good, Sheng Yanxin walked out. Seeing how loving the two were, she was so envious that she wanted to have a child.

Jiang Cheng put a piece of shaved meat in Ye Qing's wine bowl.

Only then did two more pieces be shaved and put in the mouths of Nuonuo and Yanyan.

Nuonuo chewed it a few times, and her eyes lit up, "Baba, eat well~"

Yan Yan was also shocked by the smell, nodded repeatedly, his cheeks bulging.

Only Ye Qingjiu, silently pawing the rice in this bowl, his heart is in a mess, he can't taste the taste at all.

Seeing her with her head lowered, her long eyelashes fluttering, and her little face as red as an apple, she was extremely cute.

Jiang Cheng couldn't help but patted her head, "Eat well."

Unexpectedly, with this touch, Ye Qingjiu's scalp instantly went numb, and he accidentally bit his tongue.

It was so sour, so painful that tears came down in an instant.

She opened her small bright red mouth, trying to breathe in some cool air, but Tiangong was not beautiful at all, and the weather in August was unbearably hot.

After exhaling for a long time, Ye Qingjiu's tongue still had a dull pain.

Seeing Ye Qingjiu's tears falling down in big tears.

Jiang Cheng was in a hurry, pinched her chin and raised it slightly, trying to show her if it would be better.

At this moment, Ye Qingjiu raised his chin slightly, with a small bright red mouth, the lips were raised, and the eyes seemed to be hidden with tiny stars twinkling.

Looking at this harmless appearance, Jiang Cheng's blood spurted instantly, and his scalp was half numb!
Ye Qingjiu was stunned, completely forgetting about the pain.

Jiang Cheng hastily withdrew his hand, swallowed, pretending to be calm, "It doesn't hurt now, the Jiang family's unique trick!"

Ye Qingjiu was rendered powerless by his series of operations today.

He lowered his head, said with a blushing face, "Okay, it really doesn't hurt..."

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Then let's eat quickly, or it will be really cold."

After speaking, he continued to feed the two babies who were waiting to be fed.

After 15 minutes, Nuonuo burped, "Dad, Nuonuo is full."

Yan Yan licked his small mouth, "Yan Yan is also full~"

Jiang Cheng held the last piece of lobster meat in his hand, "Then give this piece to Mom." After speaking, he put it in Ye Qingjiu's bowl.

From the beginning to the end, he had never eaten a bite himself, and a three lobster might weigh a pound with his bald head.

In fact, there wasn't much meat, Jiang Cheng couldn't bear to eat it.

Ye Qingjiu had long lost the desire to eat, "I, I'm full too..."

Seeing that her mother didn't want to eat, Nuonuo had a long and round mouth, "Papa, give it to Nuonuo."

Such a delicious dragon, even if he was full, he couldn't help but want to take another bite. Jiang Cheng put the meat into his daughter's mouth.

Put away the lunch box on the table, "Go ahead, I'll take them back first~"

Ye Qingjiu thought for a while, "Forget it, let's go back together."

After all, it was his first day with the child, so he was a little worried.

Ten minutes later, a family of four sat on the phantom. The two babies were a little sleepy after eating, and fell asleep on the way.

When getting out of the car, Jiang Cheng carefully hugged Nuonuo, Ye Qingjiu hugged Yanyan, and knocked open the door.

Seeing the young lady holding the child, Mama Zhang hurriedly picked it up, and sent the children back to the room with Jiang Cheng.

Ye Qingjiu changed his shoes, went to the kitchen, took an ice cream, thought about it, and took another one.

Walking in the door every day is the most comfortable moment.This moment must be celebrated with ice cream.

She folded her legs and stepped on the sofa with her bare feet. Her beautiful legs were long and tender, and they were as white as shelled eggs.

After taking a few mouthfuls, Jiang Cheng came out and saw another ice cream on the upper left, opened it and ate it without any hesitation.

Melt in the mouth, the milky aroma is accompanied by the taste of chocolate and hazelnut sticks, and the aftertaste is long.

"Well, not bad."

Jiang Cheng praised.

This is Ye Qingjiu's favorite ice cream, she looked at Jiang Cheng with satisfaction, "Capannair's ice cream is really delicious."

She specially ordered someone to buy it from Chicago, pack it up and send it over, and freeze it all the way.

Shipping costs alone cost a lot.

Jiang Cheng knew that this brand of ice cream cost about one thousand and two, so he fed himself another bite,
"It's exaggerating, the most expensive ice cream I've ever eaten is only thirty, Haagen-Dazs~"

Ye Qingjiu glanced at him, "You can't do that~"

What she wanted to express was that yours can't be better than mine.

But who would have thought that the taste changed in Jiang Cheng's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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