Chapter 84

Seeing grandma take out a very professional box and start mixing paints, the two babies couldn't help but look curiously at their little heads.

"Grandma, are you drawing?" Nuonuo had seen pencils, watercolor pens, and crayons, but this was the first time she had seen such specialized paints and brushes.

Seeing her cuteness, Mama Ye smiled and said, "Yeah, can grandma draw a Nuonuo?"

When Nuonuo heard that grandma wanted to draw herself, she was very excited, "Okay, okay, grandma has to draw Nuo Nuo beautifully. Papa even painted Nuo Nuo beautifully."

When Yanyan heard that grandma wanted to draw Nuonuo, she became anxious, "Grandma, can you also draw Yanyan~"

Seeing these two babies, Mama Ye's eyes curled up with a smile, "Okay, grandma draws them all!"

After speaking, he picked up the pen and carefully sketched on the wooden board.

Jiang Cheng looked at Mother Ye, since she wanted to commemorate it so much, why didn't she draw herself in it.

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Mom, how about I paint for you and draw a common oil painting for the four of you. This kind of commemoration is more meaningful."

Mother Ye nodded after listening to Jiang Cheng's words, "That would be great, but, will you?"

It's not that she looks down on Jiang Cheng's skills because she thinks she is noble, it's just that this painting is very important to her.

She intends to hang this painting on the wall, eat with herself every day, chat with herself, and be in a daze with herself.

Ye Qing looked at his mother confidently, "Mom, just let him come. Although I don't know much about your professional vocabulary, I think he can do it!"

Seeing that her daughter said so, Mother Ye couldn't refuse, "Okay then, you come."

After speaking, he got up and gave up his seat.

Jiang Cheng sat down on the waiting chair, and started to draw with a small brush.

Ye Qingjiu sat across from him, couldn't see what Jiang Cheng was drawing, but could only see his seriousness and concentration.

The two babies stood beside Papa curiously and watched, and said a few words from time to time.

"Papa, the drawing is great~"

"Papa, the sofa is obviously white, it needs to be a little whiter."

Ye Qingjiu and his mother were sitting on the sofa, chatting and laughing.

Half an hour later, Jiang Cheng finally finished the painting. He looked at Ye Qingjiu, and then at Ye Qingjiu in the painting.

Yes, Not Bad.

Seeing him get up, Ye Qingjiu said curiously: "The painting is finished so soon? It feels like we haven't spoken a few words yet." After speaking, he came over to take a look.

Mother Ye couldn't wait to see how he drew himself and that pair of babies.

What Jiang Cheng painted was a simple oil painting. The mother and daughter were talking and laughing on the sofa, and the two little babies were playing around them.

Each of the four people is very vivid in their paintings.

Mother Ye in the painting is wearing a cheongsam.

Elegant and noble, Ye Qingjiu next to her had eyes as bright as stars, and the corners of her lips were raised, it could be seen that she was very happy.

The two babies were fighting with their fleshy little hands.

Three generations of grandparents, harmonious and loving.

There is indescribable happiness in the warm orange tone.

Mother Ye looked at the painting in disbelief, and after a while, her eyes got wet, "The painting is really good, I didn't expect you to be able to paint so well."

Without waiting for Jiang Cheng to speak.

The two cheering Wang Xiaobao became proud.

Nuonuo shook his head and Lao Gao said, "My daddy is good at drawing, and our class still has daddy's words."

Yan Yan also nodded, "That's right, the teacher also said that I will ask Papa to draw a picture later and hang it in the school's exhibition hall."

Seeing the two babies defending their papas so much, Mother Ye couldn't help laughing, "Your papas are really so powerful?"

Hearing grandma's doubts, the two babies were obviously unhappy.

"My daddy is the best daddy in the world!" Nuo Nuo rings the pair of small arms.

Tsundere looks very much like his mother Ye Qingjiu.

"Father is even more powerful than Ultraman!"

Mother Ye couldn't help being secretly happy when she heard the two babies' affirmation of Jiang Cheng.

It seems that he must be very kind to the two children, so that he can become their idol in such a short period of time.

Jiang Cheng smiled, "Mom, don't listen to the children talking nonsense, I'm just drawing casually."

Mother Ye is the one who wins prizes and gets soft hands. Can she not see the good and the bad?

Mother Ye pursed her lips and smiled, "Don't be modest, I started learning oil painting when I was 14 years old, and I am 48 years old this year. It's not for nothing that you have worked for 34 years. You have to have at least three years of painting skills. Ten years."

Being praised by his mother-in-law, Jiang Cheng felt a little embarrassed, "Mom, it's really just drawing casually. Just don't dislike it."

"Dislike it? It's too late for me to like it. Quickly move it to the house to cool off, and protect it well. I want to take it back to country M!"

When Jiang Cheng heard this, he hurried to move the easel, Ye Qingjiu cheerfully stood beside him to help.

Hearing her mother's affirmation of Jiang Cheng, she didn't say anything, but felt happy in her heart.


At night, Ye Qingjiu went to his mother's house to sleep again.

The mother and daughter were lying on the bed chatting without saying a word.

Mother Ye looked at her well-behaved daughter, "Jiujiu, have you told your grandparents about the wedding?"

Ye Qingjiu shook his head, "I planned to go to my grandparents' house this weekend, but it's only Thursday, so hurry up if you haven't come yet."

Hearing this, Mother Ye warned, "Well, you still have to discuss it with the old man, after all, they are your grandparents."

Ye Qingjiu nodded, "Okay."

"And about your wedding, after meeting with your grandparents, let's listen to their opinions."


The two fell asleep while chatting.

Early the next morning, Jiang Cheng made breakfast, washed a pot of cherries, and put a small tomato on the table, ready to satisfy the hunger of the two babies.

Before the two babies got up, Mother Ye and Ye Qingjiu got up first.

Mom greeted Jiang Cheng and went to the bathroom.

Ye Qingjiu greeted Jiang Cheng with a smile, "Good morning."

It can be seen that she is still in a good mood today.

Jiang Cheng gave her an aggrieved look, "Is it alright?

Seeing him like this, Ye Qingjiu walked over and sat beside him, with a worried expression on his face, "What is it? Why are you unhappy?"

Jiang Cheng had a bitter face, like a child who felt aggrieved, "Daughter-in-law, you haven't slept with us for two days, do you think I can be happy?"

"Out of shape!"

Ye Qingjiu felt very helpless, this person, if he didn't tease himself a few times a day, he would be unhappy.

"Oh, I don't want anyone to talk about the pain in my heart!" Jiang Cheng pretended to be helpless.

In fact, he just wanted to tease Ye Qingjiu.

Ye Qingjiu looked at his slumped head, and couldn't help feeling soft in his heart, "Then, tell me, how can you not feel bitter in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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