Almighty Daddy: Meet the female president at the beginning

Chapter 86 Buying gifts for grandparents~

Chapter 86 Buying gifts for grandparents~

I didn't expect to meet my favorite song.

This is also a lucky thing.

Jiang Cheng picked up the microphone, and as he remembered the music, he spoke slowly, his voice sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched.

Today, I watched the snow drift by in the cold night.

Flying far away with a cooled heart~
Chasing in the wind and rain, unable to distinguish traces in the fog.

The sky is vast, you and I, can it change~
How many times, faced with cold eyes and ridicule, never gave up the ideal in my heart~
For a moment, in a trance, if there is a feeling of loss, it fades unconsciously, and love in my heart.

Forgive me for being uninhibited and indulgent, I love freedom, but I am also afraid that one day I will fall, oh~

The two babies were fascinated by what they heard, their little heads flicked.

The little meaty hand couldn't help clapping the beat.

Mother Ye didn't expect her son-in-law to have such a talent, she leaned towards Ye Qingjiu with a look of surprise, "Jiang Cheng's singing is so good."

Ye Qingjiu also looked intoxicated, "Yes, Mom."

From the first day he came to the company to apply for a job until now, he seems to be able to surprise himself every day.

He is like a book that can never be finished, the more you read it, the more exciting it becomes.

"This is too nice to hear." Mama Ye sighed.

Today is a weekday, and there are not many people coming to the mall, but it is by no means a small number.

The moment everyone heard Jiang Cheng's voice, they almost searched around, and then gathered from all directions.

How many people born in the [-]s and [-]s like this song, it is a symbol of their era.

"Daughter-in-law, you don't know, this song is a classic in my heart, how about it, it sounds good." Passerby A couldn't help showing off to his wife next to him.

"I'm going, what day is it today, and you can still meet the God of Songs when you come shopping?"

Someone took a mobile phone and couldn't help taking pictures of Moments, "I didn't expect to go shopping today, and I was lucky enough to hear the reappearance of the classics. What a surprise!"

What's more, I can't help but sing along, one person takes the lead, and the others can't help it anymore.

This scene is spectacular, it is completely a small concert.

The hosts on the stage were stunned. She hosted hundreds of small events like this, and almost all of them had dozens of spectators.

But today, when Jiang Cheng opened his voice, he seemed to gather the popularity of the entire shopping mall.

It's unbelievable.

After Jiang Cheng finished singing a song, he cleared his throat and passed the topic to the host.

"Thank you."

Seeing that he was about to leave, everyone shouted anxiously, "Brother, play another song."

"This is simply the God of Songs, the God of Songs, here comes another song and another song of Glorious Years."

"Yeah, let's do another song, in the glory days!"

Jiang Cheng listened to everyone's call and smiled, "Everyone, this is a competition, let's follow the rules."

Although the voices were louder and louder, Jiang Cheng only wanted to see the two little bears.

"Comparison, brother, is there still a need for comparison? You are the number one. How can a generation of song gods compare with them!"

"Yeah bro, there are a lot of thieves in my shopping card, I'll find you two for two thousand!"

"Here's a song, brother, you see how enthusiastic everyone is. They came here to buy things, but after being conquered by one of your songs, they immediately became your fans!"


The shouts were louder and louder, and Jiang Cheng stood on the stage with a smile on his face, "I'm really sorry, everyone, my daughter said she wanted the bear, so I came here for the bear."

Hearing what Jiang Cheng said, someone asked curiously: "Brother, who is our daughter? My family runs a toy factory. Although there are no high-end robots, but if you want to talk about plush toys, I will pull a cart for you tomorrow!"

Ye Qingjiu looked at the enthusiastic faces, and looked at Jiang Cheng on the stage with a smile, "Why don't you just sing."

She was really happy to see her husband recognized by so many people.

Nuonuo also clapped her hands, "Papa singing is the best, Nuonuo still wants to hear Papa singing~"

Her voice attracted the attention of passers-by, especially the buddy who drives the toy. Seeing Nuo Nuo's big watery eyes, like a little princess, he couldn't help but love her.

"Hey! This girl looks so cute, let Dad sing one more song, how about uncle giving you a cart of toys tomorrow."

Nuonuo looked at him, and said in a cute voice, "I just want something from Papa."

"What a good boy."

Mother Ye stood aside with a smile in her arms. Although she didn't say a word, her face was full of pride. Her son-in-law is so outstanding!

Jiang Cheng saw that his daughter-in-law had spoken, so he didn't refuse. He looked at the host, "Then can I play another one?"

The host had never seen such a spectacular scene, and he was still immersed in the excitement of being able to become famous overnight.

When Jiang Cheng said this, she burst into joy, "That's great, that's great, I'll arrange what you want to sing right away."

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, "Then let's play another song called Glorious Years."

"Okay okay."

Jiang Cheng sang another song, The Glorious Years, and everyone listened mesmerized.

directly pushed the whole activity to its climax.

After the song was sung, everyone was still unsatisfied and wanted to play another song.

Jiang Cheng looked at everyone helplessly, "I'm sorry everyone, I'm here to accompany my wife to go shopping today, so let's stop here today."

Hearing his refusal, everyone was reluctant to part.

The host concluded on the spot that it is impossible to sing better than him in the entire ce mall today.

He directly took the microphone and announced, "I announce that the winner of this round of singing is this gentleman."

After speaking, he took a thousand yuan shopping coupon and two cute plush bears to Jiang Cheng.

"Sir, I wonder if I can take a picture with you."

This was the most successful time in her hosting career, and she wanted to take a group photo to commemorate it.

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng looked puzzled, "For a group photo, you have to ask my wife, after all, there is a jealous jar at home."


Is he crazy? To say that he is jealous in front of so many people is shameless!
Before the host could speak, Ye Qingjiu's eyes widened, and he tried to defend himself, "How could I, he wronged me!"

She looks so cute seriously.

Everyone looked at such a loving couple and couldn't help but envy them.

A young lady next to her was holding her boyfriend's hand with envy on her face, "Wow, look at them, they are so loving."

The man also laughed, "Yes, a man and a woman are a natural match."

The host laughed, "What a loving couple."


The game was over, Jiang Cheng handed a teddy bear to Nuonuo, "Hey~ the bear you want."

Nuonuo pouted, "There's one more and one more."

Jiang Cheng smiled and patted her head, "This one, give it to mom, okay?"

When Nuonuo heard that Papa was going to give to her mother, she stopped earning, and nodded obediently, "Good things, we must learn to share, one for mother, one for Nuonuo!"

After speaking, he couldn't help but kissed the little bear in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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