Chapter 168 Welcome Academicians on Ten Mile Avenue!
After half an hour.

The Bureau of Culture, Entertainment, and General Bureau issued two important decrees:

First, permanently ban Candy Babies.

As long as any one of the Candy Babies appears, all movies, TV shows, variety shows, performances, etc. must be unconditionally suspended or removed from the shelves.

Not to mention any relevant platforms are not allowed to give them the opportunity to show their faces!
The manager of the candy baby is also not allowed to engage in occupations related to entertainment and participate in related activities.

In a word.

From now on, there will be no more candy babies!
No matter how rambunctious those Candy Babies fans are.

None of them will get any chance to appear in public!


That's not far off at all.

Instead, like Xiao Ruyu and others back then, there is no hope at all!


Relevant platforms and enterprises will all enter the stage of indefinite suspension of business for rectification.

Until the thorough rectification is completed, and the permission of the Culture, Entertainment, General Bureau is obtained, the business related to culture and entertainment can be continued.

This means.

The online talent show that helped Candy Baby debut and become famous will be completely over from now on.

All major platforms will also delete all related content.

Never give any chance to re-air!

Aihui Entertainment, behind Candy Baby, can no longer participate in any entertainment activities.

All business projects are suspended!


Two such important decrees came out.

The entire entertainment industry was shaken instantly.

The stock price of Aihui Entertainment crashed instantly.

The boss and all relevant personnel were also taken away, waiting for a thorough investigation in all aspects.

For this reason, there is no accident, the whole audience instantly fried the pot:

"Candy Baby really hurt all the artists of Aihui Entertainment this time! Those hundreds of celebrities probably want to kill them!"

"Have you heard about it? What I just found out, in order to rush to a higher ranking, Candy Baby has been asking his fans to buy a lot of milk at a high price, and use it to scan the code to help! The milk can't be finished, and they even hired People poured directly into the sewer!"

"Damn! It's just a crime! I heard that there are at least several hundred tons of good milk dumped!"

"Another incident was discovered! The boss of Aihui Entertainment, last month, a female college student..."

"This time, the entertainment industry is about to explode! I heard that when Aihui Entertainment was shut down a few minutes ago, 859 yin and yang contracts were found out! God knows how much taxes those artists of Aihui Entertainment have missed over the years!"

"Right now, all the stars of Aihui Entertainment are probably trembling, right? They earn so much, hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, and they still want to engage in Yin-Yang contracts... They are really self-inflicted!"

"I can guarantee that when Candy Baby comes out, those stars of Aihui Entertainment will definitely not let him go!"

"Hahahaha, these sissy candy babies have accidentally bloodbathed half of the entertainment industry!"

"I can only say one thing, these people really deserve what they deserve!"


If in normal times.

The two major decrees of the Bureau of Culture, Entertainment, and General Administration will definitely cause an uproar beyond imagination in the entire network.

Shock everyone's eyeballs!
Max out the circle of friends!
Countless people began to scramble to discuss.

Rushing to the top of the hot search list is a matter of minutes!

But today, from beginning to end, not many people are paying attention to this matter.

The hot search list is not even in the top three.

the reason is simple.

At this moment, almost everyone's eyes on the entire network were focused on the matter of "Academician Ye Xuan's return to his hometown".

The live broadcast rooms of the major front reports were immediately overcrowded.

It caused an unknown number of servers to crash.

I saw it in the live broadcast screen.

On Airport Blvd.

No.1 of Zhanlong Army Group, pushing the wheelchair, escorted Ye Xuan into the special car.

In front of the special car, there is a full 56-rider cross-engine escort team, forming a frontal formation to clear the way.

Every ride has the most dazzling lights.

On the left, right and rear, there are all Teqing escort cars.

There are as many as 24 cars!

It can be said.

This is definitely the highest standard and highest courtesy for welcoming a person so far in the entire Jiangzhou and even Huaguo!
On both sides of the road, there were already people who came to greet them.

It can't be squeezed!
Some people pulled up banners with words similar to "Fortunate to have you, the mountains and rivers are safe".

Some people shouted in unison: "All members of the third class of the second middle school, send hello to Senior Ye Xuan!"

With the aerial photography of the helicopter, it gradually zooms in and out.

The audience soon discovered that both sides of the road leading to downtown Jiangzhou were already full of teams waiting for Ye Xuan!

All the way, stretching to the end of the line of sight!

Shili Avenue, welcome academicians to return home!

"Academician Ye Xuan deserves all these honors!"

"This is the highest standard? But why do I still feel that it is not enough!"

"Did you see it just now? Academician Ye Xuan, you've aged a lot!"

"It's a pity that Jiangzhou is too far away from us, otherwise, I would have to go there no matter what, to welcome Academician Ye Xuan back!"

"Those retarded fans of Candy Babies? Come out and see who is the real star!"


All kinds of bullet screens, constantly swiping the screen.

I don't know how many people watched it, their blood was surging and their hearts were surging!
For a moment, you can't be calm!
I wish I could grow wings and fly directly to the scene to meet Ye Xuan together!

that's it.

Ye Xuan's special car started slowly.


Under the escort of the highest standard, the special car drove forward along Shili Avenue.

"Welcome Academician Ye Xuan home!"

"Welcome Academician Ye Xuan home!"

"Welcome Academician Ye Xuan home!"

"Welcome Academician Ye Xuan home!"


In such waves of cheers.

Facing the warm sun through the car window.

People could see more and more clearly that Ye Xuan's face was obviously much older than before.

Anyone can feel the haggard look on his face!
And feel it all happen.

The No. 1 Zhanlong Army Group who had been guarding Ye Xuan's side gradually had a moist light in his eyes.

The emotion in his heart is beyond words.


Only he will know how much effort Ye Xuan has put in to get to this point...


What no one knows is.

In a dark place in downtown Jiangzhou.

Malik, who had just arrived, watched everything that happened in the live broadcast, and a heart-shattering grin soon appeared on his face!

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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