Chapter 171 The Clown Is Ourselves
Although everything that happened in front of me can only be described as "unbelievable".

According to ordinary people's understanding, it only exists in film and television novels.

But he was only stunned for less than half a second.

All the elites of Zhanlong Army came to their senses.

They all realized how dangerous the current situation was!

So ever.

In the next moment, the messenger of the Zhanlong Army Group in the helicopter began to call for emergency support.

And the elites of the Zhanlong Army who protected Ye Xuan and never left him every step of the way also gave a chill.

Immediately, everyone pulled the special machine guns in their hands.

The heavy-duty bullets that were strong enough to penetrate thick steel plates rushed towards the eight monsters more than [-] meters away like a rainstorm of pear blossoms.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.


The bullets were so dense that they could not be described in words, and with a roar that tore through the air, they poured on every monster transformed into a mutant.


Wait until the smoke clears.

Every elite of the Zhanlong army saw a horrifying scene!

Those eight monsters, under the cover of such firepower, unexpectedly, none of them were injured!

In some, even the slightest scrape on the skin never showed up!
"Why, how could this be?"

All the elites of Zhanlong Army were dumbfounded.

They simply couldn't imagine what kind of a group of lives appeared in front of their eyes!
Unexpectedly, the body can be so tyrannical!
And they can also imagine it.

Next, once these monsters attack them, what will happen.

Then, it must be an easy massacre!

"Quick! Take Academician Ye Xuan and withdraw!"

The No.1 of the Zhanlong Army immediately gave the most urgent instruction in his life.

And at the same time as he gave such an order, he rushed to the front of everyone in the first time.

His expression was filled with the most determined look.

Anyone can feel it.

He is ready, and wants to use his human body to buy time for Ye Xuan's evacuation!
Not just the No.1 of the Zhanlong Army Group.

The elites of the other several battle dragon armies also made exactly the same actions.

They took a step forward one after another, and then stared firmly at the monsters in front of them!

No one backs down half a step!
"Even if we are destined to die, we will die before Ye Xuan!"

It can be said.

At this moment, there is only one last thought left in their hearts——

Do everything possible to keep Academician Ye Xuan alive!

"I said, this time..."

The giant black toad transformed by Malik suddenly began to speak ferociously:

"Even if God comes, Ye Xuan will die for me!!!!!!"


The half-human, half-lion monster let out a heart-shattering roar:

"hold head high----"

The roar is so strong that it almost directly shatters the eardrums of ordinary people.


Under the moonlight, this half-human, half-lion monster exploded at an astonishing speed, rushing towards Ye Xuan's direction.


Feeling the terrifying bursting body energy of this half-human, half-lion monster, the eyes of all the elites of the Zhanlong Army present showed the most desperate look in their eyes.


They can fully feel that such a monster cannot be dealt with by the means they can call at present!

But right now.

An unhurried voice suddenly reached everyone's ears:

"Is it?"

The person who spoke was Ye Xuan!
And the next moment.

I saw Ye Xuan slowly raised his hand, and that half-human, half-lion monster was about to be slaughtered in front of everyone.

The whole body hovered in an extremely strange manner.

as if.

It's like being hit by a fixing spell!
Not only that.

In the last moment of hovering.

Everyone could hear that the body of the half-human, half-lion monster began to emit waves of vibrations that can only be heard when bones burst.


Accompanied by the heart-piercing howls of the half-human, half-lion monster.

His two-meter-high body seemed to have "collapsed" under the utterly inconceivable gaze of everyone.

In a short period of time, all the muscles and muscles in the whole body were broken, the bones were broken, and the internal organs were all damaged...

Even though the body of this half-human, half-lion monster is comparable to titanium alloy steel casting.

The vitality is even more terrifying.

But still, after holding on for less than a few seconds, he died completely.

And all this happened because Ye Xuan used his own thoughts to force thousands of times of gravity on this half-human, half-lion monster!

Ye Xuan now, more than ever before, looks weaker and more powerless.

But in fact?
He has already become as powerful as a half-god!
55% brain development and incomplete high-dimensional life evolution.

What it brings to him is that he can almost control the gravitational force and the change of the magnetic field as he likes within a certain range...

Taking care of these mutants is no different than trampling on a few ants to death!


What surprised Ye Xuan was that.

After the half-human, half-lion monster completely lost its vitality, in less than half a second, a line of extremely eye-catching golden words appeared in front of Ye Xuan's eyes:

[Current brain development degree: 55.2%]


Ye Xuan suddenly fixed his eyes.

In the expression, there was an absolutely uplifting look.

"Killing this kind of genetically mutated life, unexpectedly, can help me improve my brain development?"

Realizing this, Ye Xuan's heart couldn't help but jump.

To know.

Originally, he almost thought that he had no chance.

You can increase your brain development to 100% before the end of your life.

Thus completing the final leap of life level!
But now, he seems to have found a hope to survive!
"It's really... a group of 'good people' with dedication!"

The way Ye Xuan looked at Malik and the others changed completely in an instant.

And I have to say yes.

At this moment.

All the elites of Zhanlong Army Group were dumbfounded.

Everything that happened just now exploded in their minds like a nine-day thunderstorm.

They were so blown that their minds went blank until now.

They couldn't imagine what all of this was all about!

Those tyrannical half-human, half-lion monsters were finally dealt with by academician Ye Xuan raising his hand a little?

Is this really what the weak Academician Ye Xuan can do?

After playing for a long time, the clown is actually ourselves?
(Author's words: Ask for a monthly ticket!!!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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