Chapter 176 The director who doubts life
"Now over there, it must be too hot, right?"

With such an idea in mind, a group of creative staff soon came to a small lake in Jiangzhou University.

It is the filming location of "Pretty Boys Over Flowers".

have to say.

The scenery here is indeed very good.

Green grass, small bridges and flowing water.

Don't have a charm.

In addition, this place itself is located in the middle of the teaching area and the dormitory area...

and so.

There are so many college students coming and going.

"Why, how could this happen!!!!!!"

However, as soon as they arrived, the group of Ah San who originally had a good vision froze in place collectively.

The expression on his face was completely frozen.

One of them was directly distorted.

Pairs of eyes are even more rounded.

As if, just been struck by lightning!
No wonder these people have such exaggerated reactions.

Really, they were all dumbfounded by what happened in front of them!

What they were expecting, the scene of a bunch of college students screaming frantically and watching frantically, did not happen at all.

Every college student who passed by completely ignored the group of popular Korean stars who were filming.

Just treat them as ordinary passers-by, and keep walking forward on their own.

Give people the feeling.

Those Korean artists are nothing more than air!

Occasionally, a few college students who recognized those Korean stars just glanced at them casually, and then left straight away.

No one even stopped to watch, took out their mobile phones, and took a photo or video!
As for the eighty-odd bodyguards specially invited by the crew?
One by one, they all showed absolute bewildered emotions.

They stared at each other with big eyes, and their expressions seemed to be saying:
This time the money is so easy to earn!

Such a scene.

Naturally, seeing those three main creators of the Three Kingdoms, they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Me, me, am I hallucinating?"

"Didn't you say that the young people in Huaguo are extremely crazy about these Korean stars? Where is the madness?"

"This is not scientific at all! Why didn't they respond at all?"

"What's the situation? Why do these college students in Huaguo have such an attitude when they see big stars?"


There is no suspense.

These few main creators have begun to seriously doubt life.

"I think it must be because the filming has just started, and the news of the arrival of these Korean stars has not been fully spread yet."

A veteran-looking main creator deliberately pulled the big guys out of the camera, and then used a strong curry-flavored accent to brainwash everyone:

"We'll just have to wait!"

"It is estimated that after waiting for a while, when the news is completely spread, many college students from Huaguo will definitely come over!"

"At that time, we still have time to laugh at them!"

I have to say is.

These people from the Three Kingdoms are indeed very good at self-comfort.

After this relatively mature creator proposed.

They all agreed with that point of view, and felt that no one cares about it now, it must be because the news of the arrival of the Korean star has not yet fully spread.

As long as they wait patiently, they will definitely see the picture they imagined!

Then, they can unscrupulously start all kinds of ridicule to their audience, saying that the young people in Huaguo have no dignity, only crazy to please some celebrities, and even worship foreigners...

So ever.

These guys, with such a thought, quickly returned to the camera and started an awkward chat.


Into a long wait.

Waiting for the time they want to appear!

Just wait and wait.

After waiting for about an hour.

The situation has not changed at all.

In front of the filming of "Pretty Boys Over Flowers", from the beginning to the end, I didn't see any college students come to watch.

Everyone passing by, at most, glanced at it casually, and then went about their own business.

Don't pay any more attention or post a circle of friends at all!

Not to mention, anything like screaming blah blah blah blah!

There were a few college students who looked disgusted when they passed by, as if they felt that the arrival of this crew had affected the good atmosphere of their school.

All of this made the gang of Asan Kingdom creators unspeakably collapsed.

It also made the director of "Pretty Boys Over Flowers" completely confused.

He kept muttering in his heart:
what's the situation?
Are the Korean stars I invited all out of date?

Should not be!

They were obviously red and purple, so they definitely wouldn't cool down so quickly!

Why is this place in Jiangzhou so evil!
If this is the case, isn't my film destined to suffer a blood loss?
Also, these eighty-odd bodyguards today were hired for nothing?

no doubt.

Those who doubt life now are not just the creators of Asan Kingdom, but also the director of "Pretty Boys Over Flowers" who is counting on several Korean stars to make a lot of money.

After a while, nothing changed.

The director of "Pretty Boys Over Flowers" arranged for the scene and set up a sign nearby.

On the sign, such a line of text is clearly visible:
[Recruitment of extras, 75 yuan/person (have the opportunity to have close contact with well-known Korean actors An Junxi, Kim Xianya, etc.)]

Saw such a sign.

The eyes of the main creators of the Three Kingdoms are all lit up, and the people are completely refreshed!
The reason is very simple.

In their minds, they could soon see a large group of young people from Huaguo frantically coming to sign up for a reward of 75 yuan.

At that time, they can completely laugh at the young people in Huaguo in front of the camera...

So ever.

After a while, the group of Asanguo's main creators widened their eyes and stared at every student passing by.

Ready to start mocking Huaguo at any time.

And only ten seconds later.

There were two male students who passed by the filming location and caught a glimpse of what was written on the wooden sign.

But what made the main creators of Ah Sanguo feel overwhelmed was that these two male students did not show any emotion of wanting to sign up as soon as possible.

Instead, he walked away with a look of contempt.

There were even more words in his mouth: "That director is probably an idiot."

follow closely.

Another three female classmates passed by here while chatting.

After seeing the text on the wooden sign, they were full of books and couldn't help laughing on the spot.

At the same time, he obviously quickened his pace, and walked far away in a blink of an eye.

It gives people the feeling that the people who dislike this crew are too stupid.

Getting closer will affect their IQ.

(Author's words: Big brothers, give me a little monthly ticket!!!!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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