Chapter 181 Ye Xuan is here!

all of a sudden.

Around the airport, countless people from the media, who were hostile to China and just waiting to see China's jokes, were all moved after hearing the news.

All of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and their eyes were shining brightly!

Everything was ready, when many members of the Huaguo scientific delegation walked out of the airport passageway.

They swarmed up, asked questions frantically, and even made some verbal ridicule.

For example:

"How do you have the courage to send so many people to the meeting?"

"In the past ten years, the number of Nobel Prize winners in your country is only one-tenth of our Stars and Stripes country. What do you think about this?"

"I heard that many scientists from your country of Hua came to our Star-Spangled Banner country and never went back. Does this mean that your Hua country is not suitable for scientific talents except for the luck of Ye Xuan? long-term development!"


It can be said.

These media people have prepared a series of tricky and vicious questions.

Just wait for the Huaguo science delegation to appear, and then block it, embarrassing the entire Huaguo science delegation.

after all.

It's been a long time since.

Because of Ye Xuan's existence, they were about to be tortured crazy!

every time!
Every time, when they feel like they're on the safe side, they start reporting and celebrating, proclaiming to the world the greatness of their Star-Spangled Banner.

Ye Xuan would always appear in an invincible posture, and then slap their faces fiercely!
As a result, these media professionals who have long been accustomed to all kinds of black countries have serious psychological shadows!
It is also because it has been suppressed for too long.

and so.

This time.

They decided that whatever they said, they would get all of this back!
Don't embarrass the Hua Guo delegation to the extreme, they will never stop!

Just when all these unscrupulous media people were about to make a move.

The huge special plane that the Huaguo scientific delegation was on has come to a complete stop.


Under the common focus of countless eyes and countless lenses.

The hatch opened slowly.

Academicians of Huaguo Academy of Sciences one after another, soon walked out with relaxed and freehand smiles.


"This, this seems a bit unscientific!"

"Aren't they supposed to be very anxious?"


For a moment, I don't know how many people couldn't help frowning slightly.

in their imagination.

The members of the Hua Guo delegation who came this time should all be very self-aware and able to realize what kind of targets they will encounter in the next few days!
and so.

According to their estimates, the members of the Hua Guo delegation should be sullen and ugly now.

It is absolutely impossible to show absolute calm and laughter like now!
"No, it's not that guy coming, is it?"

Not far away, Ito Minami, who was forcibly pulled over by well-meaning colleagues to attend the meeting, at this moment, his upper and lower eyelids twitched wildly.

The saliva in the mouth is swallowing wildly.

An extremely bad premonition surged in his heart!

It made his whole body tremble unconsciously.

follow closely.

I don't know how long it took.

Under the common witness of all.

Hundreds of academicians of the Huaguo Academy of Sciences who came to participate in the meeting, as well as countless accompanying staff, all stood still at the door of the cabin.


With absolute respect in both eyes, always looking forward!

"Could it be..."

Seeing such a scene, the members of the Star-Spangled Banner media suddenly realized something, and their expressions changed wildly.

Just then.

No. 1 of Zhanlong Army, pushing Ye Xuan's wheelchair, entered everyone's sight amidst the exclamation of many media people.

"Yes yes yes, Ye Xuan is here!!!"

"Didn't you agree not to come? Don't play with us like this!"

"Then what should we do now? Are we still going to besiege and interview the Chinese delegation?"

"Are you brainless? Ye Xuan is here, what the hell are we doing! Pack up quickly and get ready to go back to the company!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over! As soon as Ye Xuan comes, our Star-Spangled Banner delegation can't compete with Huaguo at all!"

"Oh my God! Today is definitely a sad day for our Stars and Stripes scientific community!"


Almost at the next moment, those media people who were scrambling to contain and ridicule the Huaguo science delegation all died down.

It seemed that they were all wilted, and there was only moaning and sighing.

His face was full of breakdowns!

I also completely lost the courage to go around and interview the Huaguo science delegation!
Because they all know it all too well.

With Ye Xuan around, their behavior is nothing more than humiliating themselves!

no way.

Who made Ye Xuan really leave them with too serious a psychological shadow for a long time!
Not to mention seeing Ye Xuan himself appear.

Just hearing the word "Ye Xuan", many of them couldn't help but tremble in their hearts!
Even straight legs weak!

For many Stars and Stripes.

Ye Xuan, that was their nightmare!

Even Ye Xuan, who is in the wheelchair at this moment, looks so old and weak.

Even if they knew very well that Ye Xuan was about to reach the end of his life, it was almost impossible to survive this year.

But Ye Xuan was still ten thousand times more terrifying than the legendary devil Satan in their minds!
that's it.

Soon, those members of the Star-Spangled Banner media who were originally high-spirited, all left in disgrace.

Ito Minami seemed to have been severely stimulated, and was carried away by his well-meaning colleagues...

"Academician Ye Xuan! It's Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Damn it! We'll see Academician Ye Xuan himself soon!"

"It's a bloodbath! To be able to see Academician Ye Xuan with his own eyes!"

"Hahahaha... I must try to take a photo with Academician Ye Xuan, and then post it on Moments! I'm so envious of those students in China!"


It was less than half a second after Ye Xuan appeared.

The local international students who had rushed over to meet the Huaguo scientific delegation fell into a carnival.


One by one, they surged up at the fastest speed.

Just to be able to take a close look at Academician Ye Xuan, who was extremely great in their minds!
There was indescribable excitement on everyone's face!
after all.

They are in a foreign country, they know better than anyone else.

What a blessing it is to have a national scholar like Ye Xuan!

And Ye Xuan has already arrived in the country of the Stars and Stripes, preparing to participate in the World Science Conference.

Soon it reached the ears of the white-haired old man in the White Palace.

"Say it again? Ye, Ye Xuan is here?!!"

The white-haired old man who had just heard the news was in a turmoil.


Already terrified!
(Author's words: Shout out your throat and ask for a monthly pass!!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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