Chapter 185 Controlled Nuclear Fusion

Along with the scientist whose sun never sets, he was "boomed" off in disgrace.

Live on the big screen.

Soon there were hundreds of experts and scholars in the same field, who measured together from multiple dimensions, and finally got a comprehensive evaluation value for the scientist just now:
【33 points】

It's a long way from passing!

It can be said.

Such a score is quite objective.

Who made the new technology of this scientist from the country where the sun never sets has no bright spots at all.

It's just a slight improvement on some past technologies.

Not even optimization.

It is obvious that they are frying cold rice!

To be able to give him 33 points, to a certain extent, is already giving him face!

It can also be seen from here.

How high is the standard of the World Science Congress.

Bringing up ordinary techniques and theories can only be embarrassing!
"Only 33 points..."

After seeing the scores displayed on the big screen, the scientist whose sun never sets was instantly dejected.

The whole person is completely depressed.

In his eyes, there was even more obvious loneliness.

Because he knows it all too well.

This time, he will definitely embarrass the scientific community in the country where the sun never sets!
It is very likely that he, a tenured professor of Jianqiao University, will lose his position in the scientific community of the country where the sun never sets in the future.


Being crazily reviled by many natives!

And this is the cruelty of the World Science Conference!
If a person who speaks on stage cannot come up with enough amazing technology or theory.

Then it is possible, will... be ruined!
of course.

If a speaker's research results can finally get more than 75 points.

The audience was full of praise and applause.


Even if the speaker has never been famous, he can immediately become famous all over the world and win himself unimaginable status and wealth.

You can even win countless honors for your motherland!


that's it.

Under the common expectation of countless human beings.

A dozen academicians from other countries took to the stage one after another to tell the results of their research to everyone present and even countless audiences in front of the live broadcast.

I have to say is.

The standards of the next few are quite high.

At least, it was significantly higher than the first one.

The final scores are all between 55 and 70 points.

The new technologies, new assumptions and new theories they put forward even caused quite a stir in the audience.

And wait for their smooth talk to end.

Tens of thousands of members of the delegation of scientists from various countries responded with varying degrees of applause.

In the major live broadcast rooms around the world, there were also heated discussions about their speeches:

"Sakura Country's overall scientific research strength is really amazing! So far, the only two technical theories with a score of more than 70 are from their Kyoto University!"

"I really didn't expect that the technological progress of the Three Kingdoms over the years is so amazing! The academic standards of the three professors who came up are not generally high!"

"No wonder the outside world is saying everywhere that this year's World Science Congress will definitely be the most exciting and intense one in the history of our mankind!"

"You say, if academician Ye Xuan from Huaguo is on the stage, will he break the historical record of the conference?"

"That's needless to say? Academician Ye Xuan, if you just take out one of his research results, which expert and scholar would dare not give it full marks!"

"I can't guarantee anything else, but I am very sure of one thing. On this earth, no one can compete with Ye Xuan!"

"I just don't know when Academician Ye Xuan from Huaguo will play!"


In a heated debate around the world.

The attention of the entire conference also continued to rise.

Almost all the eyes of countries and walks of life in the world are focused on this highest scientific forum that is destined to be recorded in the annals of history!
And about half an hour later.

That Feng Antu, who changed his name to Jennings Feng, finally couldn't hold back the expectation in his heart, and chose to speak on the stage.

have to say.

Feng Antu, who had a mustache and looked like a running dog, caused an uproar on the domestic Internet as soon as he came on stage.

after all.

Back then, Feng Andu was known as an unimaginable genius in China.

I don't know how many people in the country have placed high hopes on him!
Think that he is at least the least, and he can also become a five-star academician of Huaguo!
But now?

But he was wearing the academician uniform of the Star-Spangled Banner, spoke perfect English, and completely changed his name, becoming an out-and-out foreigner!
Just ask, who can not feel angry!
"This guy is that Feng Anders back then! The bitch who cheated us 170 billion and brought all the research results to the Stars and Stripes!"

"Yes! That's right! It's the bastard! I really don't know how we, XS, raised such a white-eyed wolf!"

"I've read reports that on the day he rebelled against the motherland, several old academicians who devoted themselves to cultivating him almost went blind from crying!"

"It's this white-eyed wolf who makes us lag behind the world by ten years in the research of hydrogen energy! He cheated not only the 170 billion hard-earned money of our people, but also the years of energy and investment of countless scientific researchers... ..."

"The most irritating thing is that this bastard finally jumped out shamelessly and said that we don't deserve to have his research results, saying that our Huaguo can't see hope, saying that our Huaguo deserves to lag behind!"


There was no accident when Feng Andu appeared in front of the live broadcast camera as a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Stars and Stripes.

The eyes of countless Chinese who knew about the events of that year turned red instantly!
I wish I could stone Feng Antu, a white-eyed wolf, to death!

Dean Zhou Hong and others at the scene also had eyes full of resentment.


Feng Andu, who was on the podium, was always talking and doing various demonstrations with a 3D holographic projection device.

What Feng Anders demonstrated is a new type of controllable nuclear fusion device-ITER plus+.

Controlled nuclear fusion.

It has always been one of the major technical fields that all mankind is most concerned about!

Many people are saying that whoever can master controllable nuclear fusion technology can easily conquer the whole world!
These words, although a little exaggerated.

Realizing controllable nuclear fusion is an exciting thing for the entire scientific community.

So far.

The most mainstream controllable nuclear fusion research equipment for mankind is called the Tokmak device.

The general principle is to use an artificial strong magnetic field to restrain the nuclear fusion reactant...

after all.

The reaction body of nuclear fusion can break through hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius!
All the materials currently known to mankind cannot bear it!
(Author’s note: I’m not asking for a monthly ticket today, but I just want to say one thing—Old Man Yuan is an unparalleled scholar! If one day in the future, the breeze blows through the rice fields and falls on the shade under the heap, that’s when Old Man Yuan came back to visit us! )

(End of this chapter)

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