Chapter 19

"I, I, I, I won't be dazzled, will I?"

"Who can tell me, what kind of big shot lives in this compound! Unexpectedly, so many people with high status can come to visit together!"

"What a trough! I really learned a lot today! I have to post it on Weibo!"

"I must have opened my eyes today! If this is posted in Moments, it will explode!"


All of a sudden, many media workers were amazed.

It was as if he had seen the most spectacular scene in his lifetime.

Most of them, including the existing patients and caregivers in Xiehe Hospital, have already taken out their mobile phones, cameras, etc. at the first time, and started to shoot frantically.

no way.

For any ordinary person, the scene in front of them is really...shocking!

Anyone who sees it will never forget it for life.

What's more, it will become the biggest talking point in their life at the wine bureau.

Say the last sentence to everyone: "You may not believe it when you say it. I saw dozens of top-equipped Coaster at close range in Xiehe Hospital that year..."

Under the warm sunshine.

Everyone on the scene held their breath, but their eyes never left the Coaster official cars.


Everyone really wanted to know who the important people who got out of the car were!

that's it.

Under the gaze of an unknown number of people, the automatic doors of Coaster official vehicles opened one after another.


An accompanying guard with a gun, protecting more than 800 academicians of the Academy of Sciences, stepped out of the car one after another and entered everyone's sight.

"Holy shit, shit, shit! It's actually Academician Sun Guodong! This year's winner of the Republican Medal!"

"The one over there seems to be Academician Liu Shuping!!! Time Magazine once commented that he is a world-class aerodynamicist who is worth eight divisions!"

"Oh my god! Academician Hong Feiyun is here too! That's a scientific master who can't even be interviewed by CCTV news!"

"I'm not mistaken! That is last year's Nobel Prize winner in physics, academician Wang Xusheng!"

"What! Even academician Chen Tianhai is here!!! If I remember correctly, he is the highest-ranking six-star academician in Huaguo! Even the students of his students have now become academicians! With his status, Would you actually come over to visit others in person?"


When many academicians got out of the car one by one and the crowd of onlookers immediately erupted into shocking cries.

No one can keep calm!

Because everyone knows it all too well.

Everyone they saw just now, without exception, belonged to the kind of characters that could be written into textbooks!
Just move your feet casually, and the entire scientific community in Huaguo will be shaken up!
"He, he, each of them is an academician of our Huaguo Academy of Sciences!"

Among the completely boiling crowd, a reporter looked at the group photo of the Huaguo Academy of Sciences that he had just found on his mobile phone, and finally uttered such a wild cry.

As soon as the words came out.

Immediately, it was like a thunderbolt hitting the ground, blasting everyone's minds with a bang.


No one can imagine what kind of person is hospitalized and can attract more than 800 academicians to visit together!

Such treatment, they dare not even dream about it!
Under the gaze of countless exclamations and the burning eyes of witnesses.

All the academicians of the Academy of Sciences, headed by President Zhou Hong, finally came to the first sentry post deployed by the full-time guards of the National Defense Department.

"We are here to visit Mr. Ye Xuan."

Dean Zhou Hong immediately explained the purpose of his visit.

Although this sentence is only a dozen or so words short.

However, there was no suspense. When these words came out, all the onlookers at the scene fell into deathly silence.

The scene that was originally like a frying pan suddenly became strangely silent!

Almost every media worker opened his mouth wide at this moment.

A pair of eyes, even more widened to round.

As if, I heard the most incredible news in my lifetime!
after a few seconds.

They are still all sluggish, as if struck by lightning!

no way.

The shock that Dean Zhou Hong's words just brought to them was too strong!
It was so intense that they couldn't digest it for a while.

"Please come in!"

The full-time guards obviously recognized Academician Zhou Hong and the others immediately, so they almost let them go.

Most of the waiting academicians have already entered the campus.

The crowd around the audience gradually came back to their senses.

"Who are you to slap me! I feel like I just had an auditory hallucination!"

"What did Dean Zhou Hong say just now? They are here to visit Ye Xuan?"

"This joke, isn't it a bit big?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Or is it the same name?"


Although they have come to their senses, many people still have a blank head.

They exclaimed in a daze, and at the same time began to swallow their saliva desperately, in order to relieve the shock in their hearts.

Hundreds of full-time guards are closely guarding!
More than 800 academicians came to visit together!
And this person is actually... Ye Xuan who has been exposed by the crazy Internet these days!

Everything is completely beyond the limit of their cognition.

So much so that they didn't dare to imagine how terrifying Ye Xuan's identity was!

One thing, they are all very sure.

That is——Xiao Ruyu this time, even the gods can't save her!


the same time.

In a most confidential place in Yanjing, in a solemn office.

There was an old man who was carefully reviewing the documents at hand.

The careful secretary next to him quickly noticed that tears welled up in the old man's eyes.

In his expression, there was even more anger that was almost never seen in normal times!

And what the old man read was the joint letter signed by more than 800 academicians of Huaguo Academy of Sciences just now.

And, [-] organizations, including the Huaguo Medical Association, successively submitted petitions hoping to disclose Ye Xuan's achievements and restore Ye Xuan's reputation.

After reading all these documents.

The old man's eyes froze, and then he raised the pen at hand and wrote a paragraph of approval——

【We are ashamed of the national soldiers】


Seeing such an approval document, the secretary already knew what he was going to do next!

After about half an hour.

In a lecture hall, important officials from Huaguo arrived.

"What kind of event happened? Secretary Qin actually called me personally and asked me to come to a meeting?"

Everyone present was a little confused at the moment.

(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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