Chapter 194 Brain Domain Development Degree, 60.1%
This scene.

But Feng Antu and the eleven white-eyed wolves were completely dumbfounded.

To know.

Even though they haven't had time to show the powerful strength of a fully mutant human yet.

But in their minds, at least they still have the advantage in numbers!
Based on their judgment, at this moment, the No.1 of the Zhanlong Army Group should be directly in front of Ye Xuan, and be extremely vigilant against them.

It is absolutely impossible, just like going out for a walk, it is indescribably relaxing and freehand!
"Hey, these idiots, how come they even have the same lines when they come here."

And under the blank gazes of Feng Antu and others, the No. 1 of the Zhanlong Army looked particularly calm and casual from the beginning to the end.

Looking at the eyes of Feng Antu and others, it's like looking at a group of poor people who are about to be trampled to death!
no way.

Last time, after witnessing Ye Xuan's strength with his own eyes.

This No.1 Zhanlong Army Group already regards Ye Xuan as an omnipotent god!
Not to mention his eyes, there are only eleven white-eyed wolves now.

Even if an army of millions is coming, he will not feel panic at all!

As for Ye Xuan himself.

Faced with such a group of "experienced babies" who came to his door, he certainly would not let it go!
"It seems that they are several times stronger than Malik's group last time?"

Feeling the life energy level of Feng Antu and others at random, Ye Xuan had a faint judgment in his heart:

"Could it be that their genetic modification technology has improved again?"

Just when Ye Xuan was muttering.

The eleven white-eyed wolves, who seemed to be ignored, showed ferocious expressions, and then rushed towards Ye Xuan like a storm.

That speed, that burst, that impact...

Almost equivalent to a hundred tons of boulders, rolling down from the mountains.

Gives a strong feeling of being unstoppable!

all the way.

The wind howls, and the ground trembles!

"Are you in such a hurry to kill me?"

Looking at everything that happened in front of him lightly, Ye Xuan's expression was as usual, and he only slightly raised his right hand.

Buzz, buzz.


At this moment, the rolling gravitational force was released violently from Ye Xuan's palm.

In an instant, it swept over the eleven full-body mutants rushing forward!
Only see the next moment.

Eleven complete mutants including Feng Antu were absolutely controlled by gravity, and they were all frozen in midair.

Completely, completely immobile!
No matter what level of power they have now, it is enough to surpass those giant creatures in ancient times.

It's no problem to tear the fighter by hand.


In the presence of omnipresent, unparalleled gravity.

Their strength is not worth mentioning at all!
"Why can't I move??????"

In an instant, Feng Antu and the others were all dumbfounded.

It's like my scalp is numb!
In his eyes, endless horror was written!

Like lambs waiting to be slaughtered!
They have no way to imagine, this, what is going on!

Only in my heart, I screamed wildly:

what is this!
Our bodies have clearly broken through the sky!

Lift dozens of tons of heavy objects, all by hand!

One punch is enough to penetrate a steel plate more than ten centimeters thick!
It is simply a humanoid nuclear weapon!

How could it be played by others!

And set the dozen or so white-eyed wolves behind the mid-air.

Ye Xuan didn't communicate with the killer immediately, but... began to read minds!

Following Ye Xuan's gaze, he slowly swept across Feng Antu and the others.

It didn't take long.

Ye Xuan read all the recent memories of Feng Antu and others!
Ye Xuan knew everything that happened in that mysterious cave base.

"It really is that Hades!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, a look of pain quietly flashed across Ye Xuan's expression.


For Ye Xuan, reading the memories of so many full-body mutants at one time can be regarded as an extremely exhausting task.

At least, not easy!
And a moment later.

Ye Xuan's expression turned cold, and he didn't even bother to look at Feng Antu and others any more, and slowly pressed down with his right hand.


I saw the next moment.

Under the absolute control of gravity, the bodies of Feng Antu and other 11 people were "pressed" by Ye Xuan to a depth of hundreds of meters underground.

Completely disappear from the world!

And in this fleeting process.

Ye Xuan raised the gravitational force acting on Feng Antu and other 11 people to the limit that he could control.

That is almost equivalent to 10000 times the gravity of crushing!
Even the degree of mutation of Feng Antu and others has reached the fourth level of the perfect body.

But under such gravity, the blood vessels all over his body burst instantly, and his bones and muscles were shattered.

Can't die anymore!

Just the next moment.

Before Ye Xuan's eyes, a series of reminder texts appeared:
[Current brain development degree: 56.8%]

[Current brain development degree: 57.3%]

[Current brain development degree: 57.9%]



Ye Xuan's brain development rate is fixed at - 60.1%!


At this moment, Ye Xuan felt it very clearly.

After his brain development rate broke through the 60% mark.

Almost every ability of his has ushered in a dramatic improvement!

He even felt a little... scary about the magnitude of the increase!
But at this time.

Ye Xuan completely uncontrollably spat out mouthfuls of blood.

All over his body, he began to experience severe labor pains.

It was as if tens of millions of long needles pierced every part of his body!
The pain made him almost pass out!
"Academician Ye Xuan!!!"

Seeing Ye Xuan vomiting blood, his whole body became extremely weak in an instant, and the face of the No. 1 Zhanlong Army Group next to him changed wildly in an instant.

But Ye Xuan stretched out his hand, signaling him not to be impatient, and not to alarm anyone.

As long as he bears with it, he can get through it!

Ye Xuan can infer that this is the physical condition that will inevitably be encountered after the development of the brain domain exceeds 60%!


This is the countless neurons in Ye Xuan's brain, using such an extremely painful way to remind him of one thing——

His current body is completely insufficient to support him with that amount of neurons!

In a short time, he might be able to hold on!
But if it takes a long time, he will definitely die!

that's it.

I don't know how long it took.

All this pain finally ushered in the end.

The No. 1 Zhanlong Army Group at the side, seeing Ye Xuan's extremely emaciated appearance at this time, felt indescribably sad.


No one knows better than him how much Ye Xuan has paid along the way!
And just when he wanted to take Ye Xuan back to the manor immediately.

Ye Xuan shook his head lightly:

"No, let's go to another place!"

(The author's words: ask for a monthly ticket!)

(End of this chapter)

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