The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 207 We have more experience than you in this matter

Chapter 207 We have more experience than you in this matter

The sound like a thunderbolt shook Hades' mind.

Especially the last sentence "Where did you come from, where are you going back?" is like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

It caused Hades to completely collapse!

at this moment.

Hades seemed to be completely intimidated by Ye Xuan, and no longer dared to meet Ye Xuan's gaze.

Immediately, his entire body staggered backward extremely weakly.


He fell directly under the gaze of everyone in the audience, like a dead dog.

Perhaps it was because he was too severely stimulated and could not bear such a desperate mental blow.

When he first arrived, he was still full of spirits, thinking about him who was destined to ruin Ye Xuan's reputation this time, his eyes became completely empty.

There was even black blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Puff puff, puff puff.

Not only was black blood continuously overflowing from his mouth, but also strands of white foam kept bubbling.

It looked as sad as it could be.

It was as if he had just been pressed to the ground, and his tears and snot flowed wildly from the beating, and no one walked.

Coupled with Hades' ugly appearance...

At the scene of the huge symposium, there were too many representatives of international students who couldn't help but feel emotional:
"Hades shouldn't just hang up like this?"

"I just want to say that this time, he was stimulated a little bit harder!"

"Anyway, this time, Hades and his theory of immortality are mentally handicapped, it can be regarded as being completely hammered by Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Do you still remember how menacing they were when they first came! Now... Maybe they have to be sent directly to the hospital for emergency treatment?"

"It made me worry for a long time, thinking that the Star-Spangled Banner Country has produced a super scientist who can stand shoulder to shoulder with our Academician Ye Xuan! Hahaha, after a long time, it is not enough for our Academician Ye Xuan! Like this kind of thing, another ten So what's the matter!"

If so, after a pass with emotion.

Seeing the scientific delegation of the Star-Spangled Banner and various media people, they still stayed at the scene in a daze.

Thousands of representatives of international students at the scene, with full admiration for Ye Xuan and the joy and excitement in their hearts, began to shout repeatedly:
"Where did you come from, where are you going back!"

"Where did you come from, where are you going back!"

"Where did you come from, where are you going back!"


One after another, such loud and clear shouts resounded through the huge venue, almost directly overturning the zenith.

In front of the live broadcast, every audience can hear clearly!
Every Chinese person is even more excited to hear it!

I can't wait to fly to the symposium site immediately, and shout a few times, so happy!

Under such circumstances.

The ashen-faced members of the Star-Spangled Banner scientific delegation felt completely ashamed.

The media people who came here specially to witness Ye Xuan's ruin with their own eyes also felt an indescribable breakdown in their hearts.

Just ask, how could they think of it.

They came here full of ambition, full of confidence at first, thinking that Ye Xuan would definitely be nailed to the pillar of shame in history tonight!
Since then, her reputation has been ruined, and she can only die in depression!

But the result?

After only a few minutes, they ushered in the most tragic ending!

They are really...desperate!

"let's go!!!!!!"

In the end, the president of the Star-Spangled Banner National Academy of Sciences gritted his back molars and said such a sentence.

And this is almost declaring to the whole world that their Star-Spangled Banner scientific delegation has completely lost in their confrontation with Ye Xuan this time!

Don't mention how embarrassing it is to lose!

It can be said that they were ruthlessly crushed into scum by Ye Xuan alone!
It was not long after these people, with Hades, who was still foaming at the mouth and blood, rolled out of the symposium in disgrace.

Dean Zhou Hong announced the continuation of the symposium in the most excited tone.


Another tall, temperamental girl wearing glasses got up and asked Ye Xuan:

"Academician Ye Xuan, I would like to ask, is it that we humans will never be able to achieve immortality?"

It seems that such a problem has been expected for a long time.

Ye Xuan hardly thought about it, and under the witness of countless people around the world, he gave his own answer:


"It's just that Hades' mentally handicapped theory cannot achieve eternal life."

"Based on my personal current judgment, there are at least eleven ways to finally ignore the fundamental will of the universe's constant entropy increase and realize the kind of immortality we think."

"It's just that any one of these methods requires a long period of deduction..."

Ye Xuan's answer came out.

The major live broadcast rooms can be described as instant fryers:
"Ten, eleven ways to achieve eternal life?"

"Academician Ye Xuan of Huaguo must be God himself!"

"I can only say that Academician Ye Xuan is awesome!!!!!!"

"Fortunately, that ugly monster Hades has fainted from anger, otherwise, after hearing what Academician Ye Xuan said just now, he would not have died suddenly!"

"You may not believe it. I feel that Ye Xuan started to conceive the eleven methods that can truly achieve immortality after Hades' theory of immortality came out! I simply can't imagine how powerful Ye Xuan is. Horror! He really can't be a human!"


It can be said.

What Ye Xuan said just now completely detonated the whole world.

It also made countless people have a common consciousness——

If there is a god in the world, then the name of that god must be Ye Xuan!

Only a god can casually say that he has thought of at least eleven ways to achieve eternal life in an understatement!

"Stop playing!!!!!!"

The five-star hotel where the Sakura Country delegation was located, Ito Minami, who originally expected Ye Xuan to be ruined tonight, couldn't bear the psychological gap, so he turned off the computer and fell into deep thought.

What he was thinking about, of course, was why the gap between people is so big!
And his well-meaning colleagues are in a group chat formed, communicating with each other constantly:
"Have you noticed that Hades is also foaming at the mouth, with empty eyes, very similar to Ito-kun's situation at that time!"

"I think, out of the spirit of international humanitarianism, we should go to have a good condolences to Hades!"

"Yes, yes, yes! After all, we have rich experience, and we can definitely give Hades the best recuperation advice!"

"Let's go! Let's go visit Hades and let him feel the love of our people in Sakura Country!"


Just after these well-meaning colleagues of Ito Minami decided to set off to condolences to Hades, about half an hour later.

Hades himself was lying on a hospital bed, his eyes were kicking wildly, his palms were clenched tightly, his whole body was bruised, and he was yelling crazily in his heart:

"Ye Xuan!!!"

"This matter is endless!!!!!!"

Just as Hades was thinking excitedly about how to deal with Ye Xuan next.

Those kind colleagues of Ito Minami finally arrived!

In the ward, there was a series of voices like this:

"Doctor, come, give him ten injections of sedative first, the thickest booster injection!"

"Don't ask why!"

"We have more experience than you in this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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