Chapter 210 Heroes return!

I have to say is.

Hades at this moment looks extremely tragic!

no way.

The technical research he conducted was extremely difficult.

He almost racked his brains, he almost wanted to vomit blood, and finally came up with a feasible plan.

This is not finished.

The most terrifying thing is.

This technology, in the research process, is dangerous beyond imagination!
Hades would suffer a physical injury no less than bombardment from a giant cannon at every turn, as well as ultra-high temperature flame shock, ultra-low temperature freezing and condensation, and high-concentration aqua regia corrosion...

It can be said.

This time, Hades really did not hesitate to risk most of his life!

It is absolutely not too much to say "tragic"!
I saw that his whole body was covered with scars.

I was devastated by the inevitable injuries that occurred during the research process!
It was as if he had just experienced one of the top ten tortures in ancient times.


In order to avenge Ye Xuan, in order to realize his dream of enslaving all mankind!

In the end, relying on his indomitable physique and indomitable will, he persevered!
The perseverance to endure even though the steel teeth are broken is really moving!
As the saying goes: Heaven pays off.

Just today, his research finally had a major breakthrough!


While carrying out the final technical clearance, Hades laughed wildly in the empty research hall:

"This planet will soon surrender under my feet!"

"Ye Xuan!!!!!!"

"There are also those professors from Sakura Country who came up with bad ideas to torture me, and those who look down on me..."

"All of you, just wait for me!"

"At that time, I will let you all feel hopeless one by one!"


Just when Hades firmly believed that his research was close to being completed and no accidents would happen again.

Just when he fantasized about the future happily, he thought that no one would be able to stop him again.


In the research hall, another shocking explosion occurred.

Tens of thousands of degrees of high temperature, red, special metal substances similar to magma, like rainstorm pear blossoms, "hit" Hades' whole body.

The sourness caused Hades to fall to the ground on the spot, groaning and moaning.

The screams were so intense that they were comparable to pig slaughtering in the countryside during the Chinese New Year.

"This guy, it's a bit miserable, but..."

After sensing these tragic experiences of Hades, Ye Xuan did not have any sympathy, but suddenly looked serious:
"Next, his threat is really not small!"

no doubt.

Although until today, Ye Xuan discovered the traces of Hades and the shocking secrets of Area 51 in Area 51 through his "super perception" ability.

But he has already realized what the research Hades is doing!
That is a super technology that can only appear in advanced civilizations!
You're welcome to say.

That super technology is enough to fight against his astral system!

Even in the end, it poses an unprecedented threat to all mankind!
Just ask.

How could Ye Xuan not feel vigilant!
This is not finished.

What shocked Ye Xuan even more was that the underground base (space battleship) where Hades was located was actually equipped with multiple super weapons!

Those super weapons, obviously, do not belong to the earth.

It is not even possible to appear in any low-level civilization!
Although Ye Xuan has no way of estimating their true power, what level they can reach.

However, there is one thing that he is extremely sure of——

Once any of those super weapons is injected with enough energy, and launched.


It can definitely exceed the power of a nuclear bomb by thousands of times!

Not to mention that it can directly destroy the earth, but it is absolutely easy, and it can bring catastrophe that is close to destroying the world to all mankind!
realize here.

Ye Xuan only felt a little lucky!
Fortunately, he has been relying on his "super sensing" ability these days to find the trace of Hades who suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, he never gave up, and finally discovered the secrets of Hades and Area 51 in advance!

Fortunately, Hades's brain power is not that strong, and the research progress is not so fast...

and so.

He is still intact, and has the opportunity to deal with all possible disasters!

"Dean Zhou, I want... to return home immediately!"

After the final group photo was over, Ye Xuan put forward his thoughts to Dean Zhou Hong almost immediately.


Dean Zhou Hong was slightly taken aback, feeling a little surprised.

after all.

According to the usual practice, scientific delegations from various countries will hold a grand dinner together today to exchange feelings with each other.


After a brief moment of stupefaction, Dean Zhou Hong sensed Ye Xuan's seriousness from Ye Xuan's expression.

That was an emotion that Dean Zhou Hong had never seen on Ye Xuan's face!

Even at the beginning, when the Super Starlink system completed the global network, he never felt that Ye Xuan had such eyes at this moment!

So ever.

Dean Zhou Hong replied immediately:

"No problem, Academician Ye Xuan, I will arrange a special plane right away!"

"It's just that I don't understand why you are in such a hurry to return home?"

"Is... did something bad happen?"

In this regard.

Ye Xuan did not give a detailed explanation, but nodded very seriously.

that's it.

Not long after, Ye Xuan was escorted by the Zhanlong army, boarded the special car, and headed for the airport to fly to the motherland.

Looking at Ye Xuan's leaving back.

Dean Zhou Hong clenched his fist helplessly, and immediately began to mutter:
"Academician Ye Xuan's body has reached this point..."

"He should have enjoyed the most relaxing time in his life!"

"But, now, we seem to be able to just watch him helplessly, fighting for us!"

"I, the dean, really... feel ashamed of our national scholars!!!!!!"



blink of an eye.

Another new day.

this day.

I don't know how many Chinese people are at Yan. Jing. Da. Xing. International. International. Airport, waiting to welcome the return of their most admired Academician Ye Xuan!
The entire pick-up hall was already packed!
But there are still a steady stream of people, towards that direction, keep pouring in!
Just to be able to see the return of the greatest hero in their hearts!
"You say, why did Academician Ye Xuan choose to come back early? Did something serious happen? Or is there something wrong with Academician Ye Xuan's body?"

"Bah, bah, bah! You crow mouth, don't say anything if you don't speak! Academician Ye Xuan will definitely live a long life!"

"Damn it!!!! Isn't this scene a bit too spectacular? How many people must be crowded! The airport was smart enough to open up a VIP channel and pick-up hall for Academician Ye Xuan early on. !"

"I have nothing else to ask for, I just hope that Academician Ye Xuan can take a good rest and live the best life in the world!"


(End of this chapter)

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