Chapter 220 God must be from China!
With such a topic arises.

In Ye Xuan's fan group, which was full of 3000 people, a heated discussion immediately took place:

"I feel that soon there will be a major event no less than the space company's launch of the Super Starlink project!"

"One hundred thousand bases! I can't even imagine what kind of crisis we will encounter when we already have the astral system, so we need to carry out such a large-scale defense!"

"Anyway, in a word, I believe Academician Ye Xuan's judgment [-]%! Since Academician Ye Xuan made such a choice, there must be his reasons!"

"Weakly ask, are you sure now? The sudden construction of so many defensive bases was all proposed by Academician Ye Xuan?"

"Anyway, I have already confirmed that it is really a project of Academician Ye Xuan and the National Defense Department!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to pack up and move bricks to Academician Ye Xuan's construction site!"

"@Upstairs, boss, don't go! Take me! I want to go too!"


no doubt.

More and more people have guessed it.

In the past few days, the [-] defensive base projects that have suddenly started on a large scale on the land of Shenzhou have an absolute relationship with Ye Xuan!
In other words, these projects are all Ye Xuan's projects!

Although so far, no one knows why Ye Xuan built such a terrifying number of defense bases in a short period of time.

However, there is one thing that is beyond doubt——

Countless Chinese people started to rush like crazy to sign up to build those defense bases!
Even if you don't get a penny of salary!

Even if it's just doing some of the most trivial and hard chores on the construction site!
Especially, after a day.

After Yangshi News and many other official media informed everyone and confirmed all this.

The whole network is completely boiling!

"Holy shit, shit, shit! There was a lot of discussion in the group yesterday, and I still can't believe it, but today it actually happened!"

"Have you heard of it? Now all over the country, all the defense base projects belonging to Academician Ye Xuan have been overwhelmed by all kinds of people who have signed up to work! Even the ones in Da. exception!"

"Anyone who is too big will come out and tell me, how can I go to work on the construction site of Academician Ye Xuan! It doesn't matter if you don't need money!"

"@Upstairs, I advise you to give up! After the Yangshi news announcement this morning, all those projects were completed within half an hour, and they were completely full to the point where they couldn't be full, almost five times the normal full capacity!"

"Let me tell you something more interesting. We have a guy here. In order to be able to work on Academician Ye Xuan's construction site, he asked people to find connections... It's been a long time!"

"Has everyone read the news? There are many, many contractors who have directly shut down their construction sites! Just to use the raw materials on their construction sites to support Academician Ye Xuan's project! Even if they do this, it is very likely Hundreds of thousands will be lost!"

"The news this morning really made my eyes turn red! Really, it's so touching! Whenever this happens, we Hua people can always be twisted together!"

"Although I don't study much, as long as I can help Academician Ye Xuan, I will spare anything!"


Countless comments, like the rolling tide of the Milky Way, surged in.

From these comments, it is easy to see.

What kind of people's love and support for Ye Xuan has reached!
So many foreign media commentators couldn't help exclaiming:
"With such people and academicians, it's hard for Hua Guo not to stand on top of the world!"

Samba country.

A well-known political program, a hot hostess, at this moment, is introducing the jaw-dropping scene in Huaguo to the audience through photos and short videos:
"Did everyone see it? It's such a remote mountainous area. 3400 people came overnight!"

"Moreover, the vast majority of them solemnly stated: as long as they can be allowed to work for Academician Ye Xuan, they don't need a penny of salary!"

"Please sit still first, and then take a guess, how many projects like this are there in Huaguo now?"

"One hundred thousand!!!!!!"

"Yes, you heard me right!"

"Hua Guo is carrying out [-] projects like this at the same time!"

"In addition, let me tell you one more scary thing, all these projects, they only plan to use a short period of one month..."

When the hostess, with a completely unbelievable expression, almost knelt down to worship, finished broadcasting the news.

The audience in the Samba Kingdom undoubtedly exploded in an instant:

"I suspect that something is wrong with my ears. How could people on earth have a country that can start such [-] projects at the same time!!!"

"If it weren't for the photos and videos of the scene to testify, I even suspect that Hua Guo is making a sci-fi movie!"

"In one month, one hundred thousand projects like this can be completed? My God, these Chinese people are simply too scary!"

"If there is a God in this world, then this God must be a Chinese!"

"In our place, in a month's time, not to mention arranging [-] such projects, even installing ten cable TV boxes is laborious!"


Similar situations happen all over the world.

Almost every corner of the human world is completely shocked by what is happening in China!
of course.

Under Ye Xuan's proposal, Huaguo launched such a large-scale project in a short period of time, which naturally aroused extensive discussions in the entire human world.

All kinds of speculation, that is, there are different opinions.

Especially the White Palace of the Star-Spangled Banner Country, where all the agents were dispatched to investigate desperately what Ye Xuan wanted to do!

They can't find anything at all!

Only Ye Xuan knows about this matter!
Ye Xuan, on the other hand, has long since disappeared from everyone's sight!
Only a few people know where Ye Xuan is now!


Keep moving forward.

In a blink of an eye, it was several days later.

The major schools in Huaguo have ushered in the opening day!


Ye Xuan's former alma mater, Jiangzhou No. [-] Middle School Junior High School, at this moment, many freshmen in the first year of junior high school are seriously attending classes.

In a classroom with bright and clean windows.

"Everyone carefully read the ninth paragraph of the text "A Good Academician of the People"."

A senior old Chinese teacher who wears glasses and has extremely rich teaching experience is giving a lecture vividly:
"The word 'bright' in the first sentence is very well used."

"Which classmate can tell me, what are the advantages of these two words?"

"What kind of spirit does it reveal about Academician Ye Xuan, and what kind of theme does it reflect?"

(End of this chapter)

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