The identity of my nine-star academician was exposed by Internet celebrities

Chapter 223 1 to go without a chapter, then 1 to go without a chapter

Chapter 223 Even if you go and never return, you will never return

I saw on the wing of the Mi〓G-15 fighter jet, which was old but carried the honor of countless Air Force Heroes.

Surprisingly, a few brainless fans used a paintbrush to smear the names of traffic stars one after another.

Under the sunshine that was originally full of warmth.

All this, it seems, is so dazzling!

How sad!
And such a thing, if it happened in the past.

The few students who were walking in the park would either act as if they hadn't seen anything and didn't care at all.

Or, they would follow the example of those fans of traffic stars, and smear words on the fuselage of that meritorious fighter that resembled so-and-so loves so-and-so, and so-and-so came here for a visit.

But now, with more and more students, they have the awareness of protecting heroes.

They simply have no way to accept that such a fighter plane that has created countless brilliance has been so defiled by the brainless fans of a few traffic stars!
So ever.

They immediately found the management of the park, and posted all the photos on the Internet.

Originally these days.

The people of the country were very angry because of Huang Dongsheng's incident.

and so.

It was no surprise that when such a photo of a meritorious fighter with the name of a traffic star smeared on it was frantically reposted on social platforms such as Weibo and Moments.

Then, at an extremely fast speed, it squeezed into the top three on the hot search list.

Countless people in the country were full of indignation and participated in the discussion:

"Why do these idiots always come out to show their lower limit?"

"Are they chasing stars so much that they lose their minds? Do you know what that fighter plane means?"

"Patriotic education, you really can't relax for a moment! But having said that, there are indeed fewer and fewer idiots like this now!"

"The honor of the country, the hero's fighter, cannot be harmed, cannot be desecrated!"

"Since they like those celebrities so much, why don't they engrave those names on their faces?"

"Youths in fresh clothes and angry horses!"

"There is no peace in the world, but the blood of the martyrs."

"I heard that those students who reported this matter have been praised by the whole city! I am so relieved! I really want to mail them a few exercise books!"


no doubt.

At this juncture, such a thing happened, indeed, it aroused the extreme anger of countless people in the country.

Looking at the photo, the meritorious fighter plane was so smeared.

I don't know how many people have a fire in their eyes!

It's as if, it is everyone's most beloved thing, being ruthlessly defiled by others!
It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

And with the further fermentation of the incident.

A number of functional departments immediately launched a joint investigation.

Just a few hours later.

All those brainless fans who smeared the names of traffic stars on the fighter planes were all found.

Then, these guys were taken away directly.

It is expected that in the next six months, they will all receive the most profound patriotic education in an extremely remote labor education center.

The school they were in even gave them the most severe punishment.

To put it simply, it is one sentence——

If these guys return after half a year, they don't realize their mistakes deeply and make substantial changes.


Their student status will be permanently canceled...

In this regard.

Even the parents of those brainless fans expressed their absolute support!
in an interview.

The father of one of them, with red eyes, said:
"My daughter, I am ashamed of everyone this time!"

"I, I, I, I really don't know what to say!"

"In these years, I only remember to give my daughter the best life, but I forgot to tell her why there is such a happy life..."


It was less than half an hour after this incident.

Countless people have expressed that they are willing to contribute money and effort to the maintenance of this meritorious fighter!
The phone number of the park was once blasted by people who wanted to donate money!
that's it.

In just a few minutes, all maintenance costs were raised.

A maintenance team of no less than 50 people has been formed!

Those professionals and volunteers said in an interview that they will make every effort to ensure that "repair the old as before" and restore everything!

received the news.

Many people who have followed the news for a day now have gratified smiles on their faces.

And to this night.

Yangshi News and many other official media jointly released a short video.

Countless Chinese people brushed it at the first time.

The name of the video is - "If you go and never return, you will never return".

With the melodious background music sounded.

The first thing people see is a photo of a graduate who did not know how many years ago.

Almost all of the dozens of practitioners in the photo were marked with a "cross" for death.

A beautiful female voice, as a narrator, began to tell affectionately for everyone who saw this video:
"These people in the photo, now few people remember their names."

"However, decades ago, like many of us, they were in the prime of life, with a bright future!"

"They are either descendants of famous families, or the children of wealthy businessmen, or returned to the country. Overseas Chinese, or are descended from high-ranking officials."

"Among them, there is Lin Heng, the third younger brother of Lin Huiyin, and the youngest son of the principal of Nankai University..."

"And they all share a common identity—Hua. Country. First. First. Generation. Pilots!"

"This is their graduation photo."

"From graduation to sacrifice, on average, it only takes half a year."

"The average age at the time of sacrifice was only 23 years old."


"The third from the left in the second row is called Chen Huaimin."

"In one battle, he was one against five, and finally, when the fuel tank was on fire, he resolutely drove the plane towards the enemy plane, and both died."

"At that time, he was only 22 years old."

"He is also No.1 in the history of world air combat, colliding with enemy planes."

"The eleventh from the left in the third row is named Shen Chonghai. He graduated from Tsinghua University and is the proud son of heaven."

"When the fighter plane was damaged, he confirmed that he would never be able to return."

"Without hesitation, he turned the nose of the plane and crashed into the battleship of the Sakura Kingdom, and both died..."

"The one in the first row, seventh from the right, is named Yan Haiwen."

"He was surrounded after parachuting, shot to the last bullet, and shouted at all the thieves in the Sakura Kingdom——"

"Hua Guo, there will be no captured air force!"

"Immediately, kill yourself with a bullet!"

"That is, he is only 21 years old."

"When all the students were dead, their coach wrote in his pre-war diary: My students are all dead, now it's my teacher's turn!"

"Even if you go and never return, you will never return!"

(End of this chapter)

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