Chapter 236 How Can This Be Like This!

After comforting himself for a while.

Zhibal extremely unbelievingly pressed another button at his hand.


The next moment after the bald palm fully touched the button.

An extremely violent tremor erupted from the huge space battleship that covered the sky and the sun.

It seems that some earth-shattering power is about to burst out of it!

"Huh? What's going on here?"

And with countless human beings all over the world, through the live broadcast, they discovered this huge movement of the space battleship.

People's hearts that had just been sacked were suspended again!
Even, quite a few people were more terrified than at the beginning!
His face suddenly turned pale!

The reason is very simple.

They could all foresee that the wave energy weapons just now were just the most conventional means of attack for that space battleship.

For a lowly civilized world, it may be a doomsday catastrophe, and it is an irresistible force.

But, to them, it's just some of the most common offensives!

There is no loss at all!
And now?

The space battleship has undergone such a mutation.

Obviously, this means, those extraterrestrial beings, seriously!

Those extraterrestrial beings will undoubtedly use some more terrifying super technological weapons!

realize here.

Just ask.

How many people can still remain calm?
"If more powerful technological weapons are used to attack the country of Hua, will our country of cherry blossoms suffer?"

"The scene just now must have angered those aliens!"

"This time, Huaguo is really doomed! I really don't believe that this time, Huaguo can still bear it!"

"You, look at it! This is simply, terrible!!!"


Just as countless people around the world have set off the most intense discussions.

I saw that space battleship, amidst the earth-shattering roar, slowly opened a hatch that was so huge that it could not be described in words.


Countless people opened their mouths uncontrollably.

In complete stupefaction, I witnessed with my own eyes that inside that extremely wide and long hatch, there was a super super super super super giant mecha warrior that seemed to be completely made of transparent crystal!
The size of this mecha warrior is simply exaggerated!
Just a single height is thousands of meters tall!

Standing up, it is definitely a huge mountain standing upright!
Anyone can imagine it.

Once such a mech warrior is activated, it will enter the human world.

Then, what a terrifying sight it will be!
"Can we really fight against such a mecha fighter?"

And realized that next, those extraterrestrial beings are about to send out such a super super super giant mech warrior to deal with Huaguo.

I don't know how many people's hearts are tense to the extreme.

Also panicked to the extreme!

People simply can't imagine what means are there to deal with such mech warriors!

With people's normal reasoning and judgment.

I'm afraid that a nuclear bomb attack falling on such a super super super super giant mech fighter is no different from scratching an itch.

In other words.

This ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra giant mech warrior is simply invincible!
Everyone can only watch it, sweeping all directions, slaughtering everything!

In the core cabin, Zhibal smiled coldly, his expression filled with complacency:

"Ye Xuan, let me see what else you can sing this time!"

"This is our No. [-] War Mech!"

"Known as the ultimate nightmare of all low-civilized worlds!"

"Unless, you have really completed the research on that super weapon, and... made it reach a level above seven!"

"Otherwise, you will die for me!!!!!!"

I can tell.

Zhibald is extremely confident in his choice this time.

in his mind.

No matter how talented Ye Xuan is, he really completed that super weapon.

But in the face of his War One, there is only despair!
The reason is very simple.

He knew very well that that super weapon was divided into levels from one to ten.

Based on his cognition, he wanted to reach the level of dealing with War One.

Then, that super weapon must reach level seven or higher!
And reach level seven?
Even in the advanced civilization they are in, it is extremely difficult to do it, and a huge price must be paid before they can hope to succeed.

and so.

Even if you beat Zhitu to death, you wouldn't believe it. This time, Ye Xuan and Huaguo can still withstand War One!
Click, click, click.


When the bald face showed an obvious sinister look, the ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra giant mech warrior named "Battle One" broke away from the space battleship, and then soared into the sky.

call out------

Its speed is astonishing compared to the most advanced rockets in the human world!

Can be imagined.

War One, what level of technology is it!

It simply surpassed the imagination of countless people!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is "the ultimate nightmare of the lowly civilized world"!

Just this one statue is enough to destroy the entire Hua Kingdom in a short time!


After being fully activated to War One, it hovered steadily in outer space and began to look down on the earth.

Soon, its eyes locked on Huaguo!
at the same time.

A very, very, very terrifying energy began to gather in its chest!

Almost comparable to a... a weakened version of a gamma ray burst!

no doubt.

When this wave of energy was gathered, it was finally blasted out from the chest by War One and blasted straight into China.

What kind of devastating blow will it bring to Huaguo and even the entire earth.

You're welcome to say.

The final blow is definitely no less than the power of the hundreds of thousands of Death's Edges just now!


Just when the energy in War One's chest had just been condensed and was about to be blasted out immediately.

A huge group of incomparably dark light and shadow suddenly appeared, and immediately enveloped the entire War One!
Just an instant later.

Under the common witness of countless people.

The incomparably vast War One, together with the energy of the gamma ray burst on its chest, unexpectedly disappeared directly in outer space...out of thin air!
Disappeared completely!
As if, it never existed at all!

It also seems that it has been brought to another dimension of time and space.

"That's right!!!!!! It's really..."

Seeing such a scene repeated, countless human scientists couldn't help but start to raise their arms and scream.

The excitement in the eyes is beyond words!
As for the core compartment.

Zhibal's expression that he thought he was as stable as an old dog had completely frozen at this moment.

The mind is even more muddy.

Only the depths of my heart remained, and I kept muttering:

"How can it be like this, how can it be like this!!!!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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