Chapter 24 Simultaneous Voices
This is beyond doubt.

In a short period of time, so many "big news" happened, which caused an uproar in the public opinion.

Then, those major media are destined to come out and inform the public about the reason!
So ever.

For a time, countless people who eat melons flocked to Douyin, WeChat official account and other major voice platforms.

Almost everyone is waiting for an official response!

of course.

Inevitably, there will be some Xiao Ruyu's brainless fans rushing to the comment area and directly scolding:
"Just ask you, why did Douyu block Xiaoyu's live broadcast room!"

"Give us the Yu Family Army a reasonable explanation, why did Xiaoyu have to be banned from the entire network! Where did Xiaoyu make a mistake? Where did she violate the rules?"

"Fuck! It must be that Ye Xuan has some kind of strong backer! Bullying our Xiaoyu, right? Are you guys like this?"

"Brothers and sisters, we must fight to the end for Xiaoyu!"


The fighting power of some of Xiao Ruyu's brain-dead fans is still extremely fierce.

But, no matter how much they toss.

From beginning to end, the media did not give any response.

It seems that they don't bother to pay attention to these people who have lost their basic sanity!

And just when countless people scratched their heads and couldn't figure out why.

On this day, around 5:22 pm.

The media released the same short message at the same time:
[At 18 o'clock, a special news is announced]

In the media industry, there has always been a saying that "the shorter the word count, the bigger the news".

and so.

There was no surprise at all, the eleven-character news was pushed crazily by all platforms.

Platforms with extremely high traffic, such as Douyin, Weibo, and Toutiao, even set up a topic directly at the first time, and set it as the only hot search today!
So ever.

The heat is so high that it can almost be said to go straight to the sky!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"I've learned a lot this time!"

"Special news? Am I right? That's the highest-level news!"

"I won't eat dinner today, and I won't go to pick up girls! I'll just sit at home and wait for the news!"

"Damn it! It's been a long time seeing you today!"

"Is there any insider to come out and say, what special news is there at 6 o'clock? I can't wait to read it!"


Countless comments flooded the comment area like mountains and seas.

at the same time.

Just now in the hotel, with a small peripheral model, Qin Zitao after the cloud and rain.

Finally, I remembered that I had just promised Xiao Ruyu that I would contact Douyu boss and help Xiao Ruyu unblock her live broadcast room.

"This little bitch is annoying! When I play for a while, let her go!"

Curling his lips indifferently, Qin Zitao took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Douyu's boss: "Hey, Mr. Zhang, I have something to trouble you."

"Tell me, what's going on! You can't be looking at some anchor from our family, right?"

The boss of Douyu replied with a sense of ridicule, and he had a very good relationship with Qin Zitao at first glance.

"Check for me, is Xiao Ruyu's live broadcast room blocked? If so, unblock her?" Qin Zitao directly stated his request.

Qin Zitao, who knows almost nothing about what is going on in the outside world, still naively thinks——

Based on his relationship with the boss of Douyu, asking the boss of Douyu to do such a "small favor" is absolutely easy and effortless.


Hearing Qin Zitao's request, Douyu boss was silent.

"What's the matter? You are the president of Douyu, so you can do such a small job? Is it hard to do?" Qin Zitao couldn't help feeling a little confused, and asked repeatedly.

"Little busy??? Qin Zitao, is your head convulsed???"

After being silent for a while, the boss of Douyu suddenly seemed unable to control his emotions, and directly cursed: "I tell you, I helped you with this little favor, and the Douyu I managed to manage will be finished soon!"

"You actually said that this is just a small favor!!!"

"Don't call me in the future, I don't have a stupid friend like you!"

"Also, you should be Xiao Ruyu's boyfriend, right? You must have helped him a lot in the past few days."

"I'll give you a word, eat more of what you like, and in the future...maybe you won't have the chance!"

"Beep beep..."

The phone has been hung up directly.

And Qin Zitao was in a daze.

What does it mean to eat more of what you like?
For the past two days, I just helped Xiao Ruyu get rid of that Ye Xuan, can something happen?
Qin Zitao insisted not to believe in this evil!


He immediately turned on his phone and began to read various news.

Qin Zitao came across news such as "Huangtu Entertainment was seized".

Qin Zitao's face became more and more ugly.

The whole body also began to tremble unconsciously, trembling...


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was already 17:57 in the evening.

There are only the last 3 minutes left before the forecast time.

At this moment.

Almost [-]% of the Internet users are waiting for the release of that "special news".

Due to the sudden surge of too many people, the servers on many platforms were on the verge of collapse.

"There are still 3 minutes, hurry up, hurry up!"

"Is there any insider who knows what the special news this time is!"

"Fuck! Weibo's server seems to be overwhelmed! I've been stuck!"

"It's the same with Douyin, the server can't handle so many people online at the same time!"

"Calm down, okay? It's normal for the server to be overcrowded for such a rare thing in a century!"


In the eager anticipation of countless people, at 18 o'clock, it finally arrived!
(Author's words: 360° rolling in the ice and snow, begging for a monthly ticket, begging for a reward!)
(End of this chapter)

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