Chapter 243 Quantum Body
the same instant.

Dazzling lights emerged from Ye Xuan's body surface.

Attracting the entire experimental center, it seems that the sun is descending, and the auspicious color is shining in the sky!

Under the seemingly endless glare.

Yang Rongsheng and the others subconsciously crossed their arms and closed their eyes because the glare was too dazzling.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, is always like a god, bathed in such glare.


He raised his eyes to the sky.

Step by step, float up!

Everything on the upper floor of the exclusive experimental center flew into the air with Ye Xuan, and all turned into particles and scattered in the void.

Give people the feeling.

No power can stop Ye Xuan!

"Ye, Academician Ye Xuan, this is..."

Seeing Ye Xuan getting up from the wheelchair in such a state, and then ascending into the air, he brought a radiant light.

Everyone present opened their mouths.

Completely, dumbfounded.

It seemed that what appeared in front of their eyes was not the extremely old and frail Ye Xuan in ordinary times at all.

Instead, a real god!

"Old Nie, me, me, me, am I delusional? Is this the Academician Ye Xuan we know?"

"Who can tell me what's going on!"

"Academician Ye Xuan has clearly... he, he, he, how could he still stand up from the wheelchair, and even take off!!!"

"Could it be that Academician Ye Xuan wants to counterbalance that space battleship with his own strength?"


Looking up at Ye Xuan in the mid-air, Minister Yang Rongsheng and others all entered the most astonished and shocked state for a while.

I was so shocked that I even stopped breathing!

There is a blank in my mind!

They have no way to imagine what kind of state Ye Xuan has entered now!
And as time goes by.

Ye Xuan, whose whole body was overflowing with endless glare, soared into the sky without any hindrance.

In the end, his figure stabilized in mid-air.

I saw Ye Xuan at this moment, standing proudly out of thin air.

Body surface, infinite brilliance!
Mastery does not know how far away.

It even seems to have pierced the sky!

Whirring whirring.

A gust of breeze blows.

The blow made Ye Xuan's robe flutter endlessly.

And Ye Xuan's figure was always suspended in the midair steadily.

His expression was always as calm as water.

A pair of eyes revealed an indescribable depth.

It seemed that nothing in the world could escape his pair of eyes!
Even if it is hundreds of millions of miles away, he can understand it in an instant!

And this is exactly the ability that Ye Xuan's brain domain development has recently awakened after fully autonomously evolving to 90%.

Its name is Quantum Body!
Enter the quantum body state.

Ye Xuan can manipulate all matter, all energy, all physical rules, and all probabilities in the real world in a short period of time...

In a word.

Under the state of the quantum body.

Ye Xuan, within the scope of the real world, is completely invincible!
There is no force of any kind that can stop any of his actions!

of course.

Such a terrifying state of the quantum body is definitely not how Ye Xuan wants to open it, and can open it however he wants!
The reason is very simple.

Turning on the quantum body state once is enough to instantly drain all of Ye Xuan's body energy!
As a result, Ye Xuan's vitality was completely exhausted.

Immortals are hard to save!

You're welcome to say.

Before the final life level transition is completed.

Whenever Ye Xuan activates the quantum body state, it will lead to the end of his life!
And the occurrence of all this is irreversible!


Even knowing all of this.

But Ye Xuan's gaze was still full of firmness.

Even if you go and never return, you will never return!
Even if I die, I will go on!
"Huh? You, look quickly!"

"That, that, that seems to be Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Oh my god, it's really Academician Ye Xuan!"

"Academician Ye Xuan, actually... stood up? Moreover, how could he still be suspended in mid-air!"

"This time, I really believe it! Maybe, oh no, maybe, Academician Ye Xuan is a god! He is the patron saint of our country!"


A moment later, with more and more people from the country, they saw Ye Xuan standing in midair.

Almost all of them, like Minister Yang Rongsheng and others, opened their mouths wide and showed the most astonished eyes.

As if, saw the most incredible scene in the world!

Gradually, the entire Yanjing, and even the whole country, no matter whether they could see Ye Xuan or not.

There are more people who take to the streets, and then look up to the sky with full of admiration.

Look in the direction where Ye Xuan is!

Although Ye Xuan didn't say a word.


Everyone's expressions are full of infinite respect!
People who were desperate because of the imminent fall of the space battleship.

It was also at this moment that he became calm again, with peace of mind.


This is the power of the national warrior!
"This Ye Xuan, what exactly does he want to do??????"

In the unfinished world-global-supreme-brain-level video conference, after seeing the live broadcast of Ye Xuan standing in the air, all the leaders-level-level people-things were stunned. .

Also looked silly.

His face was full of question marks!

"Does he think that, until now, we still have a chance to stop that space battleship?"

"No! Absolutely impossible! I'm afraid even if God comes now, there is no way to stop that space battleship from falling!"

"Ye Xuan, isn't he a dying person? How did he do all this?"

"Do we really have hope?"

"It's too late, everything is too late! That space battleship is about to enter the final stage of accelerated fall!"

"Although I very much hope that Ye Xuan can do it, but there is really no chance! The crash of such a space battleship, even a god, can't stop it at all!"


During the video conference, all leaders, leaders, people, and things expressed their truest thoughts.

And at the same time.

The bald man in the core cabin of the space battleship had the most surly and penetrating smile on his face.

It was even more as if the vengeance was about to be avenged, and he began to shout wildly:
"All of you, give me a funeral!!!!!!"

Just as the baldness was screaming wildly.

The space battleship, which was still in the ultimate explosive state, fell rapidly towards Yanjing!
The scene of covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and the surging wind and waves appeared in the sky above Yanjing!
all of a sudden.

I don't know how many places in Yanjing have been plunged into boundless darkness.


Desperation hangs over the hearts of countless people.

Anyone can imagine it.

A few seconds later, when the space battleship carried unparalleled kinetic energy and repulsion, it finally fell into the world.

What kind of doomsday catastrophe will the earth encounter!
But right now.

The dazzling Ye Xuan only raised his right hand calmly.

Point straight at the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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