Chapter 246 Reluctant to leave you

No matter who clicks to visit.

On the homepages of these websites, there are only huge and ultra-clear photos of Ye Xuan working in rotation.

Ye Xuan was in the process of repairing the tokmak device without interruption for several days.

I was so tired that my lips were cracked and turned white, and my whole body was severely dehydrated, but I always relied on my willpower to stick to the front line.

Only for the country to avoid huge losses.

Also for the country in related fields, not half a step behind others!
There is Ye Xuan in the extremely hot and scorching summer, mosquitoes everywhere, and the poor soil rice research base in the mountains where the living conditions are extremely harsh.

Wearing the simplest clothes every day, staring at the scorching sun, holding anti-heat medicine, walking among the rice fields.

Just for the sake of my own motherland, never to be stumbled by a grain of grain again!
What's more, Ye Xuan was sitting on the hospital bed extremely weakly, his whole body was covered with tubes and data cables.

However, he still continued his research without stopping, as if working hard.

Only for his most beloved motherland to truly raise its head in front of the world in that almost blank field!

The photos one after another are clearly presented in the eyes of every visitor.

I don't know how many people watched, weeping, it's hard for me.

In the middle of the bottom of all these photos, there is a line of text as follows:
"Ye Xuan, 1999-2021"

As for the top of the photo, there is a unified black and white title——

【Reluctant to leave you, Academician Ye Xuan】


It can be said.

All of this is to prove one thing to everyone——

Ye Xuan, the only nine-star academician in the history of China and the winner of the Supreme Medal of the Republic, has indeed passed away.

All the year round, 21 years old!
There is no suspense.

The news of Ye Xuan's death was completely unstoppable in a short period of time, and it completely spread to every corner of the land of China.

God knows how many people are watching short videos, visiting post bar forums, playing games, and watching Moments.

Seeing such a piece of news, I was stunned on the spot, and then trembled in my heart.

The whole person was shaking violently uncontrollably because of the grief!
Indescribable despair!
As if, suddenly lost the most important thing in life!
of course.

There are many, many people who, no matter what, are unwilling to believe that this is true.

Unwilling to accept that Ye Xuan, who was worthy of their love for a lifetime, has passed away.

So ever.

They immediately used all the methods they could think of to conduct multi-party verification, hoping that someone could tell them that these were all rumors!

All of this is not true!
Ye Xuan, still alive!


In the end, they couldn't wait for that scene to happen!

When looking at Baidu Encyclopedia, Ye Xuan's profile picture and profile information all turned into black and white.

When I saw one TV channel after another, they were all urgently broadcasting the news of Ye Xuan's death.

When I saw that in my circle of friends, a large area was almost full of words remembering Ye Xuan.


Countless people, unable to hold back their emotions anymore, burst into tears.

Even if it's some big and thick guys on weekdays.

At this moment, I couldn't help but want to find a quiet place and cry a lot.

The entire network was completely plunged into endless grief:

"Didn't you say, Academician Ye Xuan, there should be a few months left!!! Why!!!!!!"

"I haven't cried for more than 20 years, but just now, I really can't hold back!"

"I have never regretted anything in my life! I only regret that I was too busy to go to Jiangzhou Airport to meet Academician Ye Xuan because I was too busy a while ago!"

"Really, I really really want to see him now!"

"Academician Ye Xuan, go on forever!"

"If I remember correctly, Academician Ye Xuan is only in his 20s! But, for us, he has turned into an old man! I have never dared to look at the photo of Academician Ye Xuan! Look! Once, my heart hurts!"

"Damn it, I just saw a screenshot of a chat group where there are a few idiots celebrating the death of Academician Ye Xuan, and saying that they wish Academician Ye Xuan would die soon! I really want to kill those few Stupid thing!"

"@Upstairs, hurry up and send the screenshots of those people's accounts! Just send them a pair of silver handcuffs!"

"The national scholar is unparalleled, and will always be remembered."



With the space battleship and alien life, under the common witness of people, they were completely annihilated.

Countless people are ready to celebrate and revel.


Ye Xuan's death made all the people in the country no longer have the mind to do anything else.

In my heart, there is only unspeakable grief left!


Weep and cry!

And over time.

One after another, major news appeared in people's sight:

[Yangshi News and many other official media jointly announced: At 10:[-] tomorrow morning, a farewell ceremony for Academician Ye Xuan will be held at Jiubaoshan Cemetery.The specifications are - the highest level ever, a state funeral! 】

[In the next 20 years, the country will organize the construction of more than 1000 squares named after Ye Xuan, more than 5000 streets named after Ye Xuan, more than 500 primary and secondary schools named after Ye Xuan, and more than 10000 statues in memory of Ye Xuan... ...]

[Academician Ye Xuan's legacy announced: All together, it's only 79845 yuan.Because the wages, bonuses and academician allowances that Ye Xuan has received in the past few years are not as good as the daily income of some celebrities]

[All. Global. All. All. Heads of countries, without exception, all publicly expressed their infinite grief and condolences for Ye Xuan's death at the first time. At the same time, all countries solemnly announced that tomorrow morning At 10:[-], the flag was lowered to half-staff for Ye Xuan]

[Multiple first-level functional departments confirmed: From now on, the day of Ye Xuan's death will be designated as Ye Xuan's Day.Every year on this day, the whole country has a three-day holiday, focusing on the memory of Academician Ye Xuan]


This one big news after another has seen countless people in the country, and they can't control their emotions more and more.

Again and again, crying out loud!

And without any suspense.

The time of Ye Xuan's farewell ceremony was determined.

Countless Chinese people rushed to Yanjing in desperation!

Just to be able to personally send the recipient of the Supreme Medal of the Republic that they love the most in their hearts tomorrow, for the last time!
Even if you will skip classes and fail a class because of this, and you will be deducted a large amount of salary because of absenteeism, you will not hesitate!


What no one knows is.

At this moment.

Ye Xuan's body did not gradually become cold.

And in his brain space, one neuron after another in a "sleeping state" is constantly being activated!
(End of this chapter)

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