Chapter 255 Episode [-]: An eye for an eye!

"Soo Hee, Soo Hee, we love you forever!"

"You are the only one in our hearts!"

"We will always be your little Xibao!"

"Love you forever!"


Die-hard fans of Kim Soo Hee shouted frantically in the vast airport reception hall.

As if, I want to express my love for Kim Soo Hee with such a uniform sound of mountains and tsunami!
And anyone can see it.

At this moment.

These diehard fans have been completely fascinated by Kim Soo Hee's arrival and have completely lost their minds.

As if, in their consciousness, only Kim Soo Hee was left!
Everything else is not important!

Many people even planned to rush to Kim Soo Hee's side desperately, and then find an opportunity to touch the idol in their hearts.

Oh no, let alone a touch.

Just let them kneel on the ground and lick Kim Soo Hee's soles.

Many of them, probably nine out of ten, will scramble to be the first to fight until their faces turn red!

And feel the madness of so many fans.

Kim Soo Hee himself, on the surface, has always maintained the image of a modest and gentleman male god.

under the protection of bodyguards.

While raising a harmless smiling face, he greeted all the fans present.

it looks.

He is indescribably polite, and at first glance, he is the kind of high-quality idol with high quality and self-cultivation.

But actually?
In his heart, he kept laughing:

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a bunch of despicable women from a despicable country!"

"Seeing me is like seeing the king coming!"

"Hmph, this time, I have to make a lot of money!"

"If you don't earn hundreds of millions, you will definitely not go back to China!"

"Those seniors are absolutely right, they are completely gold-absorbing caves for us Koreans!"

"You can squeeze as much out of them as you want!"

"In the future, I can bring more brothers over here, and we can earn enough together."

"By the way, we can also play with various free girls here..."

"Oh, by the way, I heard that a young man was born just now, and he actually wanted to leave before me."

"We must let Zaihao and the others teach that kid a lesson!"

"I also need to give him his identity information, and expose it all!"

"Let my fans scold him until he can't lift his head up!"

"Let's see in the future, is there anyone who dares to give way to me honestly!"

no doubt.

Let the group of assistants and bodyguards forcibly stop all the passengers on another flight.

Basically, it was what Kim Soo Hee meant!
Who made him feel extremely good about himself, thinking that he was the emperor aloft!

Even if the people on the whole flight stand in place and wait for him for a few ten minutes.

He also took it for granted!

I don't even think that anyone dares to resist him!
The manager next to Jin Xiuxi, including several assistants, also had similar thoughts.

At this time, they looked around at the crowds of people around them, and the crowds were surging.

I personally experienced the fans of Kim Soo Hee, the almost crazy pursuit and screaming!

They could hardly restrain the ecstasy in their hearts, and laughed out loud every minute.

"This wave, we are definitely going to make a lot of money!"

The agent was thinking about the wonderful life that would lead to a lot of money in the future.


at this time.

A team of more than 80 people rushed to this pick-up hall like lightning.

follow closely.

They directly surrounded Jin Xiuxi and everyone else.

Just when Jin Xiuxi thought that these officers must be sent here to protect his safety and maintain the order of the scene by the way.

The leader, the captain, came to Jin Xiuxi with a serious expression.

Immediately, he took out a "repatriation order" very simply and neatly, and displayed it in front of Jin Xiuxi and others.

"According to the instruction just received, all of you must take the original flight and leave the country within 24 hours!"

The team leader who didn't care what kind of star power Kim Soo-hee possessed, immediately said indifferently:

"During this period, you are not allowed to leave the airport for half a step."

"And from now on, you are not allowed to enter the country for any reason."

"And, participate in any kind of activity."

"In addition, there is enough evidence to show that you are suspected of seriously disrupting the order of the airport..."

"Please go back with us immediately to accept the investigation."

"If you refuse, no matter what the reason is, we will take compulsory measures against you!"

After finishing these words in a righteous and stern manner.

The team leader also repeated it to Kim Soo-hee and the others in English as usual.

At last.

He ordered on the spot to take Jin Xiuxi and others away!

Not one left!
And the reason why this team leader is so resolute in his execution.

Not even a bit of face was left for Jin Xiuxi.

that is because.

He just received a call from the idol he admired the most in his life, Yang Rongsheng!
In that phone call.

"If an actor from Korea insults our soldiers!"

"Tell me, what should I do!"

His answer was only four words:
"An eye for an eye!!!!!!"

And I have to say yes.

The moment the captain of the engine team finished speaking.

Kim Soo Hee was completely dumbfounded.

The harmless smile on his face, which was originally pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, has long since froze.

The rest is only resignation... collapse!
Just ask.

How could he accept the fate of being taken away for investigation, or even deported!

This means that he and his brokerage company will directly lose money to grandma's house in this wave!

"You guys, did you recognize the wrong person?"

Kim Soo-hee, who was full of unwilling eyes, obviously couldn't accept such a fate, and immediately began to make the final struggle:

"I didn't do anything!!!!!!"

The manager next to him relied on the fact that there were countless diehard fans of Kim Soo Hee.

So he plucked up his courage and confidently questioned the leader of the team:
"Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Our family, Xiuxi, is here for the [-] fan meeting tonight!"

Faced with such a question.

The expression of the engine captain did not change at all.

He just glanced at Jin Xiuxi and the others in front of him lightly, and then ordered in a deep voice:
"Take it all away!"

(End of this chapter)

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